Blue Iris playback issues


Nov 5, 2017
Before upgrading to BI 5 my setup was flawless. I have been using this software for 3 years and am experiencing an issue i can't seem to track down the cause of.

My playback of recorded alerts takes sometimes up to two min to start then only plays a few seconds. The playback bar is moving but the video overlay counter is not. After some time it may start playback or may not.

* I have my db on a local 6tb drive:
I have tried moving it to my ssd as well as my primary C:

* New, Alerts & Stored are also on this 6tb drive

* I have all cameras recording contentiously + Alerts

* Direct to disk is enabled on all camera's (10)

* CPU 15% 2,4G RAM

Please keep in mind this was all working perfectly before the upgrade. I have reinstalled windows as well as BI trying to track down the issue. Thank you for your time, I am interested in any suggestions or if Fenderman would like to remote into my server for diag.


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When you say continuesly + alerts do you mean you set the record tab to cont + triggered? If so set to cont only. It will still mark the triggers.
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Reactions: Comsec14 and bp2008
I have the same processor on an ASUS MB w/32 GB RAM (2x8GB). My DB, OS, and BI are on an M.2 256GB drive. The Alerts folder is on a 500GB SSD. All 18 cams (mix of 2MP and 4MP) record continuously, direct to disk, divided up on three 10TB WD Purple drives.

I have not had any issues as you describe. But I am on BI which is the latest STABLE version.
Yes sir, I'm stumped. It worked flawlessly with this exact setup for three years. I bought a new 6tb drive just in case my old one was on its way out with no change to playback. If I try to play anything back it sits there for an eternity acting like it's playing but the video is not advancing with the playbar.
Try reverting to
Thank you Fenderman, Worked like a charm. Would you mind elaborating as to why? Thank again

From the Help File:

"Triggered + continuous. Records video in an interval manner where playback gaps are
retained—playback will appear to pause between recorded segments. All frames are
recorded when the camera is the triggered state, however."