2nd vadalism in 3 months. Tire slashing

May 1, 2019
Reno, NV
Well now. Having cameras are a good thing to show the day, time, person of interest, and how it all went down. But...it's a recording so you only find out after the fact.
I am glad I repositioned my cameras to 6' height off the ground from where they were before from the last tire slashing event in Sept (12' and 20'). I filed a police report. However, tire slashing crimes are one of the flaws of parking vehicles outside. Silent, high $$$ to replace, not much you can do to prevent.
After last event, I keep my dodge promaster work truck in the 2 car garage which was actually my wood working shop. Now, I have to find out how to stick both vehicles in there. Guess wood working machinery will have to be stored in an off-site storage facility for temp purposes.
Oddly, this camera did not even register a motion alert.
I have a DSC 1832 alarm system and have purchased 3 outdoor Bosch PIR's. I was hoping to have more time to install/config these PIR's as wanting to get other projects completed before dead of winter.
I did order 4 bluetooth tire pressure monitoring caps that will send an alert to smartphone when loss of tire pressure. But I suspect short ranged bluetooth signals (I believe these TPMs are used on utility trailer/5th wheel tires).
So I have options to have this not happen again. Maybe the police will do something since this is the 2nd tire slashing event from the same person of 16 tires.
But I am happy with the below image, even with the hoody & mask...I can tell by the walking, crouching, body structure, gait of who it is.

Absolutely crazy!! WTF is her problem - mental health challenges?

Nice capture BTW but sorry about the $$ lost and time wasted to have repaired - not counting also the stress of having to worry about your personal possessions so much. Those tires on the Dodge look like they have so much tread on them too.
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Those tires on the Dodge are just 3 months old because previous tires were slashed as well.
mental health challenges...yes. I suspect bi-polar with a dash of assberger syndrome and a hint of meth use.
Are you going to confront the witch? Sorry for your loss, but sounds like it may even happen again.
I'll let the police handle the confrontation. She is the type who abuses the law to her benefit. If I approached her or confronted her, she would claim harrasment or some anti-man thing
Is that the best shot you have with a hand covering the face? Post a full shot of the bitch. If you use Nextdoor, post it there as well.
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Is that the best shot you have with a hand covering the face? Post a full shot of the bitch.
not much a camera can do when someone wears a hoodie and mask. She never looks directly at the camera. So that is the best shot
@Holbs Sorry to see that happen again. I think a dog, a Rottie or Boerboel, would take care of things. Nothing beats 130 pounds, or more, of teeth coming at them short of 158 grains of lead.

As an aside, I sprang for the Eyezon Envisalink and installed it on my Honeywell 21iP. The installation was easy and the programming was a little more involved than it is for a DSC system, but it works like a champ. Very happy with the performance at such a low price.
You need a loudspeaker out there with a voice telling her to get the fuck off your property. This can be triggered by AI or a sensor as discussed in your last thread. Total cost will be less than 1 tire.
unforturanately, my neighbor also uses the same area for parking his Ford (you can see it through my cab window). So a speaker is out. However, this pushes to the forefront of installing those outdoor PIR's on newly installed light post on one side of driveway and installing 2nd post on other side of driveway, relocating the 5 pallets of retaining wall blocks, parking in front of garage door where I have a 5442 center and 6' left/right 5231's and lighting... and then figuring out the DSC / Blue Iris / Home Assistant alert events for audible alerts and smartphone image alerts. You can see the cables still at the lamp post I have to use (1 for LPR, 1 for a 5442 at 6' height facing to the right, 1 for a PIR). Other side of driveway, you can barely see besides the bush where I ran conduit with 1 wire for future camera and 1 PIR but not post. Will be a busy bee the next couple weeks.
front driveway.jpg
right driveway.jpgleft driveway.jpg
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I'd tell your neighbor to find other parking until you get this resolved. You are going to end up paying for his tires too.

You need a way to announce when motion is detected after whatever time you deem necessary. That can be inside but you really need it outside to prevent the damage. It doesn't do you any good to have a speaker inside to alert you to motion while the tires are being slashed. The damage is done by then. You need something that scares her into thinking you are watching her as she comes on your property.
I'd tell your neighbor to find other parking until you get this resolved. You are going to end up paying for his tires too.

You need a way to announce when motion is detected after whatever time you deem necessary. That can be inside but you really need it outside to prevent the damage. It doesn't do you any good to have a speaker inside to alert you to motion while the tires are being slashed. The damage is done by then. You need something that scares her into thinking you are watching her as she comes on your property.
Unfortunately, that 2 lane parking property is 1/2 mine and 1/2 their's. Already other vehicles in their driveway (3 folks like in the house). So I'm stuck in that regard.
So is the mad bitch only targeting your vehicles and leaving the neighbours untouched?

She needs her temperature taking with a rusty wire brush.
one of those unfortunates that blames everyone else in the world for whatever circumstance she finds herself in, instead of herself. Welfare Queen, comes to mind.
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update turned out to be not slashed tires but tire stem loosening. Never knew that was possible. Headed over to auto store to snag a stem tool. Reseated all 4, filled with air and did the water & soap trick to see if any punctures. None. Has held air for the last 2 hours. Drove around the block a couple times. So think I'm good to go in that regard. But still, they very easily could of been slashed.
Better it was "operator error", but still keep your guard, and cameras, up! If she did it once....
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