US Elections (& Politics) :)


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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F&$K, the CIA warned Americans to avoid the airport at all cost

  • 3 American Solders have been wounded
  • 11 People dead
  • 15-17 People injured
  • Firing & Sniper firing continues
  • ISIS Role suspected
  • Developing News


Last edited:
Aug 8, 2018
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Spring, Texas
My thought since it takes a lot of training to master flight, I wonder how many they will destroy trying.
There are reports of Afgan military personnel now serving with the Taliban. I am sure that they will find some of those people to fly them. Also, Pakistan, Russia, and China will give them pilots and I am sure that the Taliban will allow those nations to examine/take some of these to be studied to get insights as to how they perform.
Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
There are reports of Afgan military personnel now serving with the Taliban. I am sure that they will find some of those people to fly them. Also, Pakistan, Russia, and China will give them pilots and I am sure that the Taliban will allow those nations to examine/take some of these to be studied to get insights as to how they perform.
You are correct Sir. Fortunately, as a military group using sophisticated weapons, they can do (look at the stinger vs the Soviets) but REPAIRING THEM AND MAINTAINING THEM, Ha, freaking, HA!
I personally love seeing them with M4's, M240's, so on and so fourth. Why? Because they are use to AK's and Soviet made equipment that can take a licking and keep on killing. Sure, there will be a few that know what to do with our equipment, but not many. It is just so freak'n bad over there right really is. :(
Pictures are worth a million words...


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
Four Marines killed, three more wounded and probably dozens of civilians killed or wounded. And where is our "Commander in Chief"? Hiding in the White House and probably waiting for Marine One to take him to Delaware. I'm with you @SJGUSMC21 it's time for Court Martial for dereliction of duty and Impeachment for total incompetence. If something like this had happened when President Trump was in the White House ,there would be a lot of smoking ruins all over Kabul and the rest of Afghanistan already.

Those deaths and injuries were completely avoidable and my heart aches for all of them. It's a very dark day.


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
This was so predictable and has been since the day we got there. The Afghan forces melting away is a result of their basic culture, basically tribal and not National allegiance, and the removal of our support which gave them a common cause to work with. Heck, we pulled support for their Air Force back in June or July and things started to fall apart then if anyone in "command" on our side bothered to pay attention. Trying to run an evac from a civilian airport in the middle of a city is insanity. I'm not saying that there wouldn't have been problems if we had worked out of Bagram, but at least it was a defensible installation, which was actually built by the Russians when they were there.


Getting comfortable
Feb 14, 2016
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North Texas
How long will it take for the American public to wake up?
A lot of people that claimed to follow politics simply go back to not paying attention because they think " they got this and will make good decisions " Blind following..

I seen these people come out of the wood work when it was Trump vs whoever.. They dont even research bills regarding money for taxes they have to vote on.. Armchair politicians..


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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This was so predictable and has been since the day we got there. The Afghan forces melting away is a result of their basic culture, basically tribal and not National allegiance, and the removal of our support which gave them a common cause to work with. Heck, we pulled support for their Air Force back in June or July and things started to fall apart then if anyone in "command" on our side bothered to pay attention. Trying to run an evac from a civilian airport in the middle of a city is insanity. I'm not saying that there wouldn't have been problems if we had worked out of Bagram, but at least it was a defensible installation, which was actually built by the Russians when they were there.
Judging by our success in Japan and Germany after Pearl Harbor, I am 99% believing a lot can be accomplished "IF you are willing and able to resource the effort". ( winning the peace )

Unfortunately there are a number of challenges to "winning the peace", and some which are very politically unacceptable.

Vietnam USA imho could have won it, if they were willing and played the game to win ..

I believe we could have won in Afghanistan .. however, we were unwilling to do what it takes to make that happen, for one reason or another.