Why couldn't the US Military put self-destructs button in their weapons? 
Even Looney Tunes can fly better than the Taliban

Even Looney Tunes can fly better than the Taliban
Why couldn't the US Military put self-destructs button in their weapons?
Even Looney Tunes can fly better than the Taliban
There are reports of Afgan military personnel now serving with the Taliban. I am sure that they will find some of those people to fly them. Also, Pakistan, Russia, and China will give them pilots and I am sure that the Taliban will allow those nations to examine/take some of these to be studied to get insights as to how they perform.My thought since it takes a lot of training to master flight, I wonder how many they will destroy trying.
There are reports of Afgan military personnel now serving with the Taliban. I am sure that they will find some of those people to fly them. Also, Pakistan, Russia, and China will give them pilots and I am sure that the Taliban will allow those nations to examine/take some of these to be studied to get insights as to how they perform.
How long will it take for the American public to wake up?
A lot of people that claimed to follow politics simply go back to not paying attention because they think " they got this and will make good decisions " Blind following..How long will it take for the American public to wake up?
This was so predictable and has been since the day we got there. The Afghan forces melting away is a result of their basic culture, basically tribal and not National allegiance, and the removal of our support which gave them a common cause to work with. Heck, we pulled support for their Air Force back in June or July and things started to fall apart then if anyone in "command" on our side bothered to pay attention. Trying to run an evac from a civilian airport in the middle of a city is insanity. I'm not saying that there wouldn't have been problems if we had worked out of Bagram, but at least it was a defensible installation, which was actually built by the Russians when they were there.