Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
What a difference a year makes...
View attachment 99617
These leftist are full blown hypocrites. This is no different than the Russian Collusion, or Kavanaugh, or the Trump phone call. They have severe mental issues.


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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Back on page 412, I looked at a report out of Wash State, my findings were specifically looking at the Delta variant;

One week ago, about 23% breakthrough
. Cumulative cases to date of Delta Variant in WA State = 3685. Total Delta Variant breakthrough cases = 848.

The report updates weekly;

New figures around 26% for the latest report. Cumulative cases to date of Delta Variant in WA State = 5326. Total Delta Variant breakthrough cases = 1394.

PDF Report at link


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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Standard Disclaimer: Not Against Vaccines.

Lots of good information in this current UK report;

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England Technical briefing 20 6 August 2021

I have attached a few snips from the reports, if you take a minute and look it is interesting.

PDF link to full report



Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
Just looking at the summary, they talk about genotyping for determining the variant. I still have to wonder how the numbers are generated here for variants. Somehow, I don't think every sample, or even a large number of samples are being genotyped.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Am I the only to see a potential relationship between the loss of efficacy of the vaccines, the "appearance" of the "D" variant and the increase in the infection rate? Just speculation, but I wonder if the alleged "D" variant cases, and there is no convenient test for the "D" variant in the first place, isn't a convenient scape goat/red herring in an attempt to coerce more people to get the vaccine?
Yep me too...


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Standard Disclaimer: Not Against Vaccines.

Lots of good information in this current UK report;

SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England Technical briefing 20 6 August 2021

I have attached a few snips from the reports, if you take a minute and look it is interesting.

PDF link to full report
Interesting data. Thank you for posting it. By the way I am in the 50+ group.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Can anyone direct me to any Medical and/or Religious exemption papers that could be used for employers trying to force their employees to take this shot? I seem to remember seeing a link in a post by @VorlonFrog in the US Elections Thread, might been in Defending the Republic post, I just can't seem to find it.



Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
The reaction to the Obama super spreader from the left :rolleyes:
One of their own felt compelled to apologize for being truthful. :facepalm:
In fact, they demanded it of her :lmao:


All she was freakin' doing was posting a video that she was having a fun time at a party, and maybe a little 'Look at me I'm special"

But really this just proves that for leftist elites... Freedom, for the lowly serf class (how they view the rest of us, Republican's or democrat), is the problem.


Pa-freakin'-thetic :puke:
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Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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Story up at the New York Daily News;

One-third of Americans were infected with COVID by December 2020: new study

Nearly one-third of the entire U.S. population had been infected with COVID by the end of 2020 — a much higher rate of infection than previously known, a startling new study has found.
The study, which was conducted by researchers at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health and published in the journal Nature on Thursday, reveals that 103 million Americans, or 31% of the population, had been infected by December 2020 — and that the rate of infection in New York City at the time was even higher at 44%.

“The vast majority of infectious were not accounted for by the number of confirmed cases,” said Jeffrey Shaman, one of the report’s researchers and a professor of environmental health sciences at the Mailman School. “It is these undocumented cases, which are often mild or asymptomatic infectious, that allow the virus to spread quickly through the broader population.”

The study aimed to account for a lack of testing early in the pandemic and the fact that people with no or few symptoms were less likely to get tested.
Its findings, when paired with COVID test results from the end of December 2020, reveal a stark divide.

While the study estimates that 31% of the overall U.S. population had been infected by December, the Centers for Disease Control put out statistics that same month showing only 12.3% of COVID tests taken at the time were positive.

The peer-reviewed research found that by the end of 2020, infection rates were particularly high in several regions and in big cities, with 48% of people in Chicago infected, 52% of Los Angeles and 42% of Miami.

In parts of the Midwest like Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa, more than 60% of the population had been infected, the study found.
“While the landscape has changed with the availability of vaccines and the spread of new variants, it is important to recognize just how dangerous the pandemic was in its first year,” said Sen Pei, one of the researchers and an assistant professor at Mailman.


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
From top to bottom, from side to side, we've been sold a line of BS from the very start of this. Not, directly, by Trump but by the swamp creatures in their thirst for power. When will the citizens of this country wake up to reality?

We can't stop the CCP Virus.
We will all get the CCP Virus if we haven't already had it either asymptomatically or dismissed it as the "flu".
The vaccine is not a "cure".
The vaccine doesn't even meet basic criteria set by the CDC/NIH for an effective vaccine despite the Pfizer vaccine being "approved".
The efficacy of the vaccine drops too rapidly.
The vaccine is less effective with any variant from the original, base, virus.
Masks are next to useless per the CDC and mask manufacturers. At least one of them can be considered true experts on the subject.
Plexiglass shields don't work and may enhance transmission of the virus.
Lockdowns make it worse by forcing the infected to stay in close contact with the uninfected.
Social distancing doesn't work unless the distance is measured in 100's of feet in any enclosed space including outdoor "tents".
Outdoor transmission of the virus is so low as to be negligible.
If the infection rate is as high as new studies seem to indicate, the death rate from the virus has been over stated by a factor of at least two.
A year and a half into this and just recently one medication has been mentioned as a therapeutic.
If you want to be safe you need a biohazard suit complete with a sterilized source of breathing air.

It's all just a big power grab using fear to insure compliance.
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Getting comfortable
Apr 26, 2014
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From to to bottom, from side to side, we've been sold a line of BS from the very start of this. Not, directly, by Trump but by the swamp creatures in their thirst for power. When will the citizens of this country wake up to reality?

Lockdowns make it worse by forcing the infected to stay in close contact with the uninfected.

It's all just a big power grab using fear to insure compliance.
When I was released from the hospital after my transplant, I was told I was very immunosuppressed due to the anit-rejection meds. Scary words. So I asked my doctors about going out in public, especially being weak at that time from the transplant. Their response was I should go to Wally world, the supermarket, and anywhere else. Because not doing so would put me in a bubble, not exposing me to other bacteria and viruses, making it more likely I would get sick. They encouraged me to get out in the dead of winter and go to public places to get exposed! Lock downs be damned!!


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections

Conclusions: This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.

Not peer reviewed.

Full link
Aug 3, 2015
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Can anyone direct me to any Medical and/or Religious exemption papers that could be used for employers trying to force their employees to take this shot? I seem to remember seeing a link in a post by @VorlonFrog in the US Elections Thread, might been in Defending the Republic post, I just can't seem to find it.

PM will be sent this afternoon, post completion of my work day. :)

PM has been sent. 3:58 PM EDT

From a May 23rd e-mail from DefendingTheRepublic:

Dear Patriots,

Are you being bullied, harassed or mandated by an employer or a university to get a vaccine for Covid-CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Virus?

We will be presenting tips on how to deal with this situation. While we understand this is a controversial issue, we believe strongly that NO ONE should be forced, against their will, to be vaccinated. There should be no repercussions from refusing the vaccine for a virus that has a 99% cure rate.

Here are a few points. We especially wish to point out that the vaccine makers have been totally released from any liability if there is a negative side effect or death from the vaccine. BUT, note that if your employer or your university is forcing this on you, THEY have the potential of being held liable. It might be worth telling them about that!

Here are things to consider before you make an decision:
1) There are NO licensed COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S.
2) Emergency Use Authorized (EUA) only - don't believe "approval" means "licensed."
3) Your Option to Refuse is based on Federal law over EUAs.
4) Your Right to Informed Consent based on Federal law over EUAs.
5) There are NO long term studies of side effects.
6) Side effects unknown because there are no PRIOR approved mRNA vaccines in the U.S.
7) Short term evidence of severe side effects and death.

8) If you have had Covid-CCP you have immunity.
9) All vaccine makers have been totally released from ALL liability for any side effects or death.
10) There is liability potential on employers who mandate the vaccine if there are side effects or death.

Here are links to pdf forms to print out and give to your employer or to a university where your children may be attending. It makes sure that they are on record as providing the answers to questions surrounding the vaccine and potential after effects.


These forms come from, Catherine Austin Fitts website and were compiled by Corey Lynn

Look for more information about this and the forced wearing of masks. If you are dealing with these issues and would like to talk to a member of Team Kraken, send an email here and we will review it.

For more information, please go the Defending The Republic website:

1-The official "experts' claim this reaction is rare, and it may be. But that does not matter when it is you or someone you love hospitalized with heart issues due to the Covid vaccine! Remember, if you have had the Covid-CCP Virus you have immunity and most likely do not need to be vaccinated. In fact, there is scientific evidence that your own immunity is better than the vaccine.

These heart issues are short term side effects. There is absolutely NO infomation anywhere on the long term effects.

18 Cases of Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccination Reported in Connecticut
QUOTE: A single state has recorded 18 cases of myocarditis in people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. All of the cases in Connecticut required hospitalization.
Acting Health Commissioner Dr. Deirdre Gifford told reporters during a virtual press briefing on Monday that the cases have been "rare" and "mild."
But she added later when asked how many of the patients were hospitalized, "All of the cases that were reported to us were individuals that were hospitalized, the vast majority for a couple of days."


2- On Monday, Sidney and Team Kraken filed a Motion to Dismiss

On Monday, May 24, 2021, Sidney Powell, Sidney Powell, P.C. and Defending the Republic, Inc. filed a joint Reply Memorandum in Support of their Motion to Dismiss Dominion's Case against them in DC.

This filing reiterates to the Court that there is no jurisdiction over any of these defendants, that venue is improper, and that the case should be dismissed for failure to state a defamation or deceptive practices claim. Dominion cannot prove the essential elements of its claims as a matter of law. Actual malice is a legal impossibility here.

As Sidney Powell said:
"Today's filing is yet another opportunity to demonstrate to the DC Court why there is no jurisdiction over me, my law firm, or Defending the Republic, Inc, and why Dominion fails to state any claim against any of the defendants. This case is meritless and should be dismissed in its entirety. We had and have evidence supporting all our statements about Dominion."

A copy of Monday's filing can be found here:


Thank you again for your support and prayers. Please share this information with those close to you.
Sidney and Team Kraken
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