NVR5208-4KS2 dead?

There could be the possibility of something blown and replaceable right at the front end of the power circuitry. Some disc drives have transient voltage suppression (TVS) diodes right at the power input. I was once able to miraculously save a blown unbacked disc drive by just replacing the TVS diode.
Some disc drives have transient voltage suppression (TVS) diodes right at the power input. I was once able to miraculously save a blown unbacked disc drive by just replacing the TVS diode.
As do some IP cameras and NVRs, the purpose being to try to absorb transient voltages down the power input from spikes caused by nearby lightning strikes.
If the spike is too much for them to handle - they can go short circuit, as I found on a couple of 'spares and repairs' items bought at low cost on eBay, subsequently repaired and re-sold.

The way I did the fault-finding was to feed a few hundred mA into the short-circuit 12V power input and with a volt meter that had fractional millivolt resolution follow the voltage drops to locate the shorted component.
Think of it like following the depression on a trampoline when someone is standing on it to locate the person.
Then check out the part number, confirm it's a TVS, remove and the device comes to life again with the short removed.
Worth a go if you, or a techy friend, can manage it.
So, today I wanted to test the circuits and while plugged in I heard a silent clicking noise.
While testing, I suddenly heard a crack and all of a sudden we had a small fire on our hands

Unplugged the adapter and it went out but kept smoking

So, we can safely declare the nvr totally, 100% dead and I’ve notified @EMPIRETECANDY that I want to order a new one.

At least I can install the cameras while waiting for the new NVR

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So, today I wanted to test the circuits and while plugged in I heard a silent clicking noise.
While testing, I suddenly heard a crack and all of a sudden we had a small fire on our hands

Unplugged the adapter and it went out but kept smoking

So, we can safely declare the nvr totally, 100% dead and I’ve notified @EMPIRETECANDY that I want to order a new one.

At least I can install the cameras while waiting for the new NVR
Sorry to hear that.

I think I'd install the new NVR when "the 10 year-old criminal mastermind" is not around, though.....:highfive:
So, today I wanted to test the circuits and while plugged in I heard a silent clicking noise.
While testing, I suddenly heard a crack and all of a sudden we had a small fire on our hands

Unplugged the adapter and it went out but kept smoking

So, we can safely declare the nvr totally, 100% dead and I’ve notified @EMPIRETECANDY that I want to order a new one.

At least I can install the cameras while waiting for the new NVR

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before you dump it, i would take it ;)
just want to try to repair it... yeah sure not for free... depends on what you want for it :D
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I would not chide the little one as he was helping DAD!
I came home once and saw water running down the street, odd.
I pulled up and here was my little one filling the gas tank of my "hot rod" with the garden hose!
With that big smile he showed me how he had filled it all the way up. I melted. Your $250 is cheap
but your memory will be priceless.
I would not chide the little one as he was helping DAD!
I came home once and saw water running down the street, odd.
I pulled up and here was my little one filling the gas tank of my "hot rod" with the garden hose!
With that big smile he showed me how he had filled it all the way up. I melted. Your $250 is cheap
but your memory will be priceless.

Don’t get me wrong.
His curiosity and eagerness to learn- and understand how stuff works is waaaaaaaaay more important than a fried NVR.
Mishaps is a huge part of learning and I’m pretty sure he’s learned a lot from this as well

A new NVR is on its way to us and who knows, maybe junior one day can fix the old fried one

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