Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Sorry to hear this and wishing you a speedy recovery. The good thing about this is that you will now have the best anti-bodies available. Maybe you should look into the monoclonal anti-body injections as a safety measure.
Yeah. My son said his future mother-in-law was told they only give the injections within a certain time period of when someone gets Covid. Not sure if I qualify, thinking since Biden shorten every states supply of the treatment they are not wanting to waste what they have. I started my Ivermectin/Hydrox on Thursday when my oxygen was dropping, took 2 each, then yesterday took 1 each. Not sure if I will take any today, no symptoms/no fever, We have been taking Zinc, Vitamin D, C and Aspirin daily. Really believe this all helped...


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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They did the rapid test. They said they could not to the antibody test where you get the results in 3 days, not sure why. They were very disorganized, I guess being Christmas Eve day. They did not even sign my positive test paper...We plan on going tomorrow or Monday somewhere else...Just not sure how long I will test positive since now I have no fever or symptoms. So my bout was just 3 days, I feel 90% better, still a little weak and sore but I see that improving...I figured I would eventually get it.
Good thing there are 12 days of Christmas :) Not everybody owns a pulse oximeter, but fortunately you had one at the right time. The drop to 93% SpO2 was a clear indicator that something wasn't right.

If no one can find available testing kits, a digital thermometer and pulse oximeter are immensely helpful as a second resort. Don't waste any time standing in long, anxiety-driven, painful lines where you are already putting yourself in harm's way.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Good thing there are 12 days of Christmas :) Not everybody owns a pulse oximeter, but fortunately you had one at the right time. The drop to 93% SpO2 was a clear indicator that something wasn't right.

If no one can find available testing kits, a digital thermometer and pulse oximeter are immensely helpful as a second resort. Don't waste any time standing in long, anxiety-driven, painful lines where you are already putting yourself in harm's way.
Agreed. Yeah, my norm is 96 which is low, my wife is 98-99. We have the old mercury thermometer, which you can't get no more. They tested my temp at the clinic with the gun and it said I was 98, hahaha, I said I just checked my temp 30 minutes before driving there and it was 101. I was breathing fire if you know what I mean, I still had high temp. Don't know why I go to this clinic, their scale is off, their blood pressure machine don't work half the time...


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Yeah. My son said his future mother-in-law was told they only give the injections within a certain time period of when someone gets Covid. Not sure if I qualify, thinking since Biden shorten every states supply of the treatment they are not wanting to waste what they have. I started my Ivermectin/Hydrox on Thursday when my oxygen was dropping, took 2 each, then yesterday took 1 each. Not sure if I will take any today, no symptoms/no fever, We have been taking Zinc, Vitamin D, C and Aspirin daily. Really believe this all helped...
No doubt in my mind that all of that helped for a speedy recovery. I am old enough to qualify for the monoclonal anti-body if it comes to it. I am trying to stay out of the hospital at all costs.


Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
Sorry to hear that David but very glad to hear you've basically recovered. My non edumacated non medical expertise opinion is that you had the Omicron strain. Being otherwise healthy, albeit a little older, and taking the vitamin regimen undoubtedly helped a lot, too.

Merry Christmas to you, your family and everyone here, too!


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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You guys have me worrying about family gathering tonight :(

@David L - glad you’re getting better.

We went to a family gathering last night and this morning we both feel like we have a cold. Not going to bother at this point to get tested, just took some DayQuil.

Merry Christmas to all!


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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Good thing there are 12 days of Christmas :) Not everybody owns a pulse oximeter, but fortunately you had one at the right time. The drop to 93% SpO2 was a clear indicator that something wasn't right.

If no one can find available testing kits, a digital thermometer and pulse oximeter are immensely helpful as a second resort. Don't waste any time standing in long, anxiety-driven, painful lines where you are already putting yourself in harm's way.

Here is a good source for an oximeter, everyone should have one, I have the $16.95 one, works great, good vendor.



Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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Agreed. Yeah, my norm is 96 which is low, my wife is 98-99. We have the old mercury thermometer, which you can't get no more. They tested my temp at the clinic with the gun and it said I was 98, hahaha, I said I just checked my temp 30 minutes before driving there and it was 101. I was breathing fire if you know what I mean, I still had high temp. Don't know why I go to this clinic, their scale is off, their blood pressure machine don't work half the time...

Those temp guns are POS's, bought one of the better ones off of Amz, FDA approved :rolleyes: , wife was recently sick, physically shivering & shaking in a fairly warm house. Touchless forehead gun read her at 98, old mercury glass pegged her over 100 degrees.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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@David L - glad you’re getting better.

We went to a family gathering last night and this morning we both feel like we have a cold. Not going to bother at this point to get tested, just took some DayQuil.

Merry Christmas to all!
I pray you both are ok. I am 59, over weight, bum knee so exercise is minimal, I don't smoke, do mow our lawn weekly and work on our cars as with other home repairs, work part time, weekends, so kind a semi-retired now, have a 5 year grandson that I get some exercise with :) I take a hand full of pills daily, supplements, do take meds for high blood pressure and cholesterol too. I am one to get sick easily, been this way since my childhood, with my son and our grandkids I would catch whatever they brought home from daycare. Just sharing this as a picture/measure in case you do get it. Pretty sure it was not my health that got me through this, God first for me, my wife checking on me who kept bringing me fluids, meds. and the preventives that everyone here has shared in their findings of the Truth...

With this I want to Thank Everyone here, from my heart, my grandson and family still has a grandpa around to teach the ways of old...God Bless You Guys...

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Here is a good source for an oximeter, everyone should have one, I have the $16.95 one, works great, good vendor.

Thank You

I think we have on of those Concords. My levels are still low, 93-94 but guessing they will rise over next day or so.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Those temp guns are POS's, bought one of the better ones off of Amz, FDA approved :rolleyes: , wife was recently sick, physically shivering & shaking in a fairly warm house. Touchless forehead gun read her at 98, old mercury glass pegged her over 100 degrees.
Wonder what happen to the ones they use to run across your forehead?


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Just ordered one. I like to be a "Boy Scout" and be prepared, plus the more you know the better you can handle a problem.
I thank my Dad, his Doctor had him buy one since he too had lower Blood/Oxygen levels like me. We could tell when his got low he would get confused, our Brains need Oxygen. We got one a few years back, now we have his. Funny but every time we go to the Doctor they stick one of those on our fingers, just never really put much thought in it till the issues with my Dad.


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
So I found out yesterday I have Covid. I noticed a soar throat coming on Tuesday night, took a cold tablet. Next morning had fever, from Wednesday till Friday I had 102 as my highest temp. but averaged 101, this morning, Saturday I have no Fever. Those 3 days I had aches and pains, muscle spasms and nerve spikes, headaches, a little drainage so a slight cough, kept my appetite (had shrimp fettuccine for 2 of those days) :) I did not even think Covid, just figured it was my normal winter cold I get every year, I get one in the Summer too. What was different is the fever, I usually stay 100 or below. We were checking my saturated oxygen and noticed mine went to 93 then the next day it was at 89. This is when I knew it was not my normal cold. Flu? Covid? So we went in Friday and had both checked, they said positive for Covid, they did not give me the results of the Flu test. I tried to get them to check my wife since I was positive, they said we had to have an appointment. I am going to report them for this after Christmas, I am very mad at them for that. So Christmas was a bust since my wife was going to go to our family for Christmas Eve but could not without knowing. She has no symptoms other than a cough, drainage, again something common for her and I around this time of the year. In trying to figure out where got this I found out my brother is sick too, same symptoms as me, but he has been tested twice and no Covid, also tested once for Flu, no Flu, he was told only a viral infection. His started the same day as mine. We both worked together Sunday with about 2 dozen others doing an Inventory. Other than that I have not been around many people.

So is one of our test wrong or just a coincidence???

Made 2 years but it finally got me :)
A speedy recovery David. May I ask did you get a jab(s) and were/are you taking supplements, or ivermectin/hydroxy, etc.?