Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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70% Of London's COVID Hospitalisations Diagnosed AFTER Being Admitted For Other Ailments

The figure is important because a so-called ‘surge’ in London hospitalisations for COVID is being used as a justification to lobby for further lockdown restrictions on the British public.
However, as Telegraph journalist Allison Pearson reveals, much of the panic is being driven by cases being counted as COVID despite the patient being admitted for other reasons.
Astonishing fact. 70% of London’s so-called 'COVID hospitalizations' are diagnosed several days after admission for other ailments, she tweeted.
They are NOT COVID patients. A positive test 8 days after admission means the hospital basically gave the patient COVID.

According to my reliable NHS England source, admissions with Covid have actually been declining for the past week, if you look at the seven-day-rolling average. The number of patients in hospital for other ailments who test positive for Covid – but are sneakily counted as “Covid admissions” – is rising slightly but most of the increase is seen among those who have been in hospital for more than eight days. So – brace yourselves – those poor sick people have been given Covid by the very hospital where they went to get better. Save the NHS, eh?


Getting comfortable
Feb 14, 2016
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North Texas
Those DIY test kits are not 100% reliable. The results are subjected to how each individual performs the test. Although I am not surprised to hear people's Christmas plans being canceled at the last minute due to unfortunate reasons. One thing to bear in mind is this virus isn't going to simply disappear. Cases will decrease and the pandemic will be declared over. However, the virus will still linger around and most people will just forget about it as the virus becomes part of the ecosystem.

Now wait second...Military games to army developing the vaccine...Outbreak anyone?
The army started developing the vaccine two years ago when cases were in their single digits in Wuhan, China

Found this yesterday but wasn't sure if factual.



Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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Brand new UK report out today;

1. Situation update
1. The number of Omicron infections continues to grow quickly across the country. Although there is an apparent slowing of growth rates, UKHSA data suggest doubling times in most of the country are still in the region of 2 to 3 days and, importantly, test positivity rates are still rising. In London, infection rates and hospitalisations are rising fast.

2. The apparent fall in the rate of growth may be a genuine slowing related to changes in mixing patterns or behaviours (for example people reducing risk prior to the festive period or the impact of moving to Plan B in England). It could also be related to different rates of spread amongst different groups or to a reduction in the remaining number of susceptible people in some sub-groups. Changes in testing behaviours in the lead up to the Christmas weekend are also a possible factor, in which case it may not be a genuine slowing.

3. The number of people in hospital with Omicron infection continues to increase with a doubling time of around 4 to 5 days. Some of this increase is due to nosocomial transmission including in mental health hospitals. Infections have been concentrated in younger age groups to date; hospitalisation rates will increase as older age groups are infected. As infections move into older age groups, a large wave of hospital admissions should be expected.

4. Data will be unreliable over the festive period as testing and hospital admission patterns change. This will make it difficult to interpret any apparent trends over the next few days. UKHSA is working with the NHS to obtain as much data as possible including genotyping data before Christmas. The ONS infection survey will remain the best source of unbiased data in the coming weeks.

5. Multiple analyses suggest that it is likely that the intrinsic severity of Omicron is lower than that of Delta (medium confidence). There is also a decrease in the realised severity. Recent studies focus primarily on likelihood of hospitalisation although this is only one measure of severity. There remains a high degree of uncertainty as to the extent of the difference. Estimates in those infected to date range from a 15% to an 80% reduction in the risk of hospitalisation. The extent of the difference will be an important determinant of the scale of the upcoming wave of hospitalisations.

6. There is some laboratory evidence of biological differences between Omicron and Delta viruses, including in viral entry mechanisms. These might provide a plausible explanation for Omicron infection being less intrinsically severe than Delta.

7. There is some preliminary evidence emerging of changes in reported symptoms with Omicron infection (low confidence). In particular, loss of taste or smell seem to be reported less frequently.

8. Omicron infects people who have some existing protection (from vaccination and or past infection) more than Delta does, due to its immune escape properties. Re-infections are likely to be less severe than first infections. This means that realised severity (the severity observed in a population depending on background rates of immunity and other factors that modify disease severity) will be lower than for Delta. This effect is in addition to the impact of lower intrinsic severity.

9. The most important factor in determining the proportion of infected people who go on to be hospitalised in this wave will be the age profile of those infected. There is still limited evidence as to how the intrinsic and realised severity may vary across age groups. Evidence to date is primarily from younger (but unboosted) people. Realised severity will also be dependent on vaccine effectiveness against Omicron and how this differs by age and over time; evidence is still emerging on this.

10. Anecdotal evidence from clinicians suggests reduced severity of illness for those with Omicron infection attending hospital, albeit these are mostly younger patients (low confidence). Thresholds for hospital admission tend to change as hospitals get busier and so the case mix in hospitals may change over the course of the wave. The most dependable data on severity in hospital will be the number of patients requiring oxygen. Currently the number of people requiring oxygen is fairly stable.

11. There remain several sources of uncertainty about the scale of the anticipated wave of hospitalisations, aside from uncertainty about severity. These include the impact of behaviour change (for example mixing patterns and use of testing), especially over the festive period, waning of immunity, and the generation time of Omicron. There is considerable uncertainty as to how mixing patterns might change during and after the festive period. Continued availability of lateral flow tests will be important to enable people to reduce risk of transmission.

12. Generation time is a particularly important factor; if it were to be shorter for Omicron than for Delta and therefore part of the reason for the rapid growth, the anticipated wave would be smaller, and interventions would have greater effect. There is currently no evidence on whether Delta and Omicron have different generation times. Generation time will also depend in part on behaviours.

13. The peak in admissions is highly uncertain but, even with a reduction in severity, may be comparable to or higher than previous peaks in the absence of significant behaviour change or further interventions. Occupancy will depend on admissions and will also scale with length of stay (which may be reduced but there are no firm data yet).

14. The timing of the wave of hospitalisations will depend primarily on the timing of the wave of infections in older age groups. It is not possible to predict when this will be, particularly given changes to mixing patterns over the festive period, but such a wave should be expected soon given infections are increasing rapidly in all age groups and regions, and earlier in London



Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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The lab leak theory is absolutely true. COVID was a follow up to the SARS Outbreak of 2002-2004. They were actively researching on this ever since those early years. SARS was a teaser. Now the time came to put an end (or perhaps a new beginning) to all of this.

Found this yesterday but wasn't sure if factual.



Getting comfortable
Oct 18, 2021
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Straight Outta Mayberry
Those DIY test kits are not 100% reliable. The results are subjected to how each individual performs the test. Although I am not surprised to hear people's Christmas plans being canceled at the last minute due to unfortunate reasons. One thing to bear in mind is this virus isn't going to simply disappear. Cases will decrease and the pandemic will be declared over. However, the virus will still linger around and most people will just forget about it as the virus becomes part of the ecosystem.

Now wait second...Military games to army developing the vaccine...Outbreak anyone?
The army started developing the vaccine two years ago when cases were in their single digits in Wuhan, China

So much for the Gain Of Function theory......


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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Pandemic of the unvaccinated Christmas Eve Edition will not be posted so we may bring you the following special :rofl:

Biden Seems Confused

CNN Openly Questions President's Cognitive Health After Yet Another Slip Up

A CNN correspondent noted how Joe Biden appeared “confused” throughout an entire interview as he repeatedly mistook COVID home tests for anti-viral pills.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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So I found out yesterday I have Covid. I noticed a soar throat coming on Tuesday night, took a cold tablet. Next morning had fever, from Wednesday till Friday I had 102 as my highest temp. but averaged 101, this morning, Saturday I have no Fever. Those 3 days I had aches and pains, muscle spasms and nerve spikes, headaches, a little drainage so a slight cough, kept my appetite (had shrimp fettuccine for 2 of those days) :) I did not even think Covid, just figured it was my normal winter cold I get every year, I get one in the Summer too. What was different is the fever, I usually stay 100 or below. We were checking my saturated oxygen and noticed mine went to 93 then the next day it was at 89. This is when I knew it was not my normal cold. Flu? Covid? So we went in Friday and had both checked, they said positive for Covid, they did not give me the results of the Flu test. I tried to get them to check my wife since I was positive, they said we had to have an appointment. I am going to report them for this after Christmas, I am very mad at them for that. So Christmas was a bust since my wife was going to go to our family for Christmas Eve but could not without knowing. She has no symptoms other than a cough, drainage, again something common for her and I around this time of the year. In trying to figure out where got this I found out my brother is sick too, same symptoms as me, but he has been tested twice and no Covid, also tested once for Flu, no Flu, he was told only a viral infection. His started the same day as mine. We both worked together Sunday with about 2 dozen others doing an Inventory. Other than that I have not been around many people.

So is one of our test wrong or just a coincidence???

Made 2 years but it finally got me :)


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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Perhaps your brother got it from somewhere and you got it from him. Very sorry to hear this. I hope a speedy recovery for you. You're going to come out of this stronger. Did they tell you what variant you contracted? This virus is not giving up until everyone gets some form of the virus. Its part of the evolutionary process and I'm not trying to speak Darwin here but these viruses are more courageous than the nation's nuclear arsenal.

Stay safe and healthy everybody

So I found out yesterday I have Covid. I noticed a soar throat coming on Tuesday night, took a cold tablet. Next morning had fever, from Wednesday till Friday I had 102 as my highest temp. but averaged 101, this morning, Saturday I have no Fever. Those 3 days I had aches and pains, muscle spasms and nerve spikes, headaches, a little drainage so a slight cough, kept my appetite (had shrimp fettuccine for 2 of those days) :) I did not even think Covid, just figured it was my normal winter cold I get every year, I get one in the Summer too. What was different is the fever, I usually stay 100 or below. We were checking my saturated oxygen and noticed mine went to 93 then the next day it was at 89. This is when I knew it was not my normal cold. Flu? Covid? So we went in Friday and had both checked, they said positive for Covid, they did not give me the results of the Flu test. I tried to get them to check my wife since I was positive, they said we had to have an appointment. I am going to report them for this after Christmas, I am very mad at them for that. So Christmas was a bust since my wife was going to go to our family for Christmas Eve but could not without knowing. She has no symptoms other than a cough, drainage, again something common for her and I around this time of the year. In trying to figure out where got this I found out my brother is sick too, same symptoms as me, but he has been tested twice and no Covid, also tested once for Flu, no Flu, he was told only a viral infection. His started the same day as mine. We both worked together Sunday with about 2 dozen others doing an Inventory. Other than that I have not been around many people.

So is one of our test wrong or just a coincidence???

Made 2 years but it finally got me :)
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Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
So I found out yesterday I have Covid. I noticed a soar throat coming on Tuesday night, took a cold tablet. Next morning had fever, from Wednesday till Friday I had 102 as my highest temp. but averaged 101, this morning, Saturday I have no Fever. Those 3 days I had aches and pains, muscle spasms and nerve spikes, headaches, a little drainage so a slight cough, kept my appetite (had shrimp fettuccine for 2 of those days) :) I did not even think Covid, just figured it was my normal winter cold I get every year, I get one in the Summer too. What was different is the fever, I usually stay 100 or below. We were checking my saturated oxygen and noticed mine went to 93 then the next day it was at 89. This is when I knew it was not my normal cold. Flu? Covid? So we went in Friday and had both checked, they said positive for Covid, they did not give me the results of the Flu test. I tried to get them to check my wife since I was positive, they said we had to have an appointment. I am going to report them for this after Christmas, I am very mad at them for that. So Christmas was a bust since my wife was going to go to our family for Christmas Eve but could not without knowing. She has no symptoms other than a cough, drainage, again something common for her and I around this time of the year. In trying to figure out where got this I found out my brother is sick too, same symptoms as me, but he has been tested twice and no Covid, also tested once for Flu, no Flu, he was told only a viral infection. His started the same day as mine. We both worked together Sunday with about 2 dozen others doing an Inventory. Other than that I have not been around many people.

So is one of our test wrong or just a coincidence???

Made 2 years but it finally got me :)
Sorry to hear this and wishing you a speedy recovery. The good thing about this is that you will now have the best anti-bodies available. Maybe you should look into the monoclonal anti-body injections as a safety measure.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
Reaction score
Perhaps your brother got it from somewhere and you got it from him. Very sorry to hear this. I hope a speedy recovery for you. You're going to come out of this stronger. Did they tell you what variant your contracted? This virus is not giving up until everyone gets some form of the virus. Its part of the evolutionary process and I'm not trying to speak Darwin here but these viruses are more courageous than the nation's nuclear arsenal.

Stay safe and healthy everybody
They did the rapid test. They said they could not to the antibody test where you get the results in 3 days, not sure why. They were very disorganized, I guess being Christmas Eve day. They did not even sign my positive test paper...We plan on going tomorrow or Monday somewhere else...Just not sure how long I will test positive since now I have no fever or symptoms. So my bout was just 3 days, I feel 90% better, still a little weak and sore but I see that improving...I figured I would eventually get it.