US Elections (& Politics) :)

Aug 3, 2015
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Its all you're going to hear on MSM for the next 24 hours.
Dementia Bidet and the old slut Pelosi are desperate as they see themselves losing control.

More lies will be told in the next 24 hours than you can imagine. It will only serve to appease dumbfuck liberal "progressive" Democrats who have nothing else to cheer about given how piss poor their pathetic party has performed, again.
Bolded the key point here. Their grasp on America was tenuous at best, and it's holding by a thread right now. That thread is ready to snap, and THEY KNOW IT.
The reality of the majority is firmly upon them.


Getting comfortable
Dec 12, 2020
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OMG I hate this HOE. To even put this event in the same category as Pearl Harbor....I TRULY CANNOT SAY WHAT I FEEL RIGHT NOW.
View attachment 114700
Are you friggin kidding me? What a POS. That alone shows not only disrespect for those who gave their lives but also proves there is no respect for the military overall and no idea what sacrifices are made to secure a nation. Royally pisses me off when I see her or the old doucher give their little salute as they board aircraft.
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Yep, every one of them had two arms. A left arm and a right arm. Now if you want to see guns go to a BLM rally/riot.
I saw film of the DC Police leading people into the building.
I saw them shoot an unarmed female vet.
The whole thing was a set up and most of the "instigating protesters" were antifa or other agent provocateurs.
Trump was an idiot for telling people to come to the Capital. And for trusting Pence & the Supreme Court. DC is just one big nest of compromised, power-hungry Bolsheviks and/or pawns of the globalist elites.
The whole mess is disgusting.
Sadly, I think Trump was compromised by the last year of his term.
And the voting is so rigged, I doubt if we'll ever recover.

Paul Hacker

Getting comfortable
Feb 6, 2018
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This cartoon as true, and sad, as it is, is why I love America. Could you imagine a Chinese citizen doing a cartoon like this of Xi Jinping, and it being publicly viewable to the Chinese public?
They would disappear 5 minutes later and never be seen again. Voting for the wrong person has consequences and we are experiencing those consequences now. Will America wake up?

Paul Hacker

Getting comfortable
Feb 6, 2018
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I'd bet you $1000 that author Richard Luscombe believed with all his heart that Trump colluded with Russia, that there was not a Hunter Biden laptop, that the first vaccine shot stopped the Wuhan Flu dead in its tracks. I could go on and on, but you get the point.
He probably did, just like the followers of Jim Jones until they reached Guyana.

Paul Hacker

Getting comfortable
Feb 6, 2018
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White House Wants To Cause Class Warfare Between Vaccinated And Unvaccinated

In an exclusive interview with the media, Rep. Kat Cammack (R-FL) said the White House wants to create class warfare amongst vaccinated and unvaccinated Americans in order to generate turmoil and maintain power, but it’s “not going to work.”

“I don’t think that that’s an American thing. I don’t think everyday Americans are seeing two sets of people,” she told Breitbart News last week at Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest in Phoenix, Arizona.

“I don’t think we see a vaccinated and an unvaccinated population amongst us, but I think that the leadership out of the White House is certainly trying to divide us,” the congresswoman went on to add.

“And I think that that’s part of their plan, when you divide, you are able to cause chaos and strife, and that leads to control.”

“And that’s what this whole administration is about: dependency and control,” Cammack said. “The want us to start pointing fingers and placing blame.”

What divides us, is when a political party (mainly Liberals) push mandates, regulations or laws that go against the Constitution and/or restrict our freedoms and then say it’s for the greater good or it‘s for the kids.

Paul Hacker

Getting comfortable
Feb 6, 2018
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They are deliberately attempting to provoke destructive behavior from our side.
What they are too ignorant to understand is, we know those actions are reserved for the final battle, if need be.

You are dead-on right.
They are willfully ignorant to suit their own purposes.
They WANT us to argue and revolt against their mindless inversion of reality.
Then they would BLAME us for doing so.

Recognize their tactics, and don't play their game.
To do so is to admit defeat.
I agree with you, but I’m getting tired of always being in defense mode.

Paul Hacker

Getting comfortable
Feb 6, 2018
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I saw film of the DC Police leading people into the building.
I saw them shoot an unarmed female vet.
The whole thing was a set up and most of the "instigating protesters" were antifa or other agent provocateurs.
Trump was an idiot for telling people to come to the Capital. And for trusting Pence & the Supreme Court. DC is just one big nest of compromised, power-hungry Bolsheviks and/or pawns of the globalist elites.
The whole mess is disgusting.
Sadly, I think Trump was compromised by the last year of his term.
And the voting is so rigged, I doubt if we'll ever recover.
When Trump requested National Guard presence, but was refused by the “Capital police ?”, he should have realized something was up. But, maybe it played out this way for a reason, to shed light on more swamp creatures in and outside the Capitol Bldg.