Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

Aug 3, 2015
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This is the most important detail from the Scotland data.

The lie that "it's less severe if you have the vax" is exposed for a total lie
Deaths are distributed through the population. Whether 2 boosters or 3, they die


Aug 3, 2015
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February 11, 2022
Can we trust the Dem reversal of masks and mandates? NO WAY IN HELL!

As we approach day 673 of "14 days to slow the spread," it seems the left is finally coming around to the position that most conservatives have held for the past two years. Following a few weeks of tentative support for less draconian mask mandates from mainstream media outlets and a massive Freedom Convoy of truck drivers in Canada who have simply had enough, blue states like New York, California, Virginia, and Massachusetts are beginning to ditch the mask mandates. While they should be encouraged to continue ending the mask mandates (especially in schools) along with coerced vaccinations, it would be wise to note that the inspiration is not based on some new scientific discovery that the masks don't work.

They have no intention of giving up this position permanently. CNN's Wolf Blitzer spoke with the outlet's medical analyst, Dr. Leana Wen, where she called for the end of mask mandates in order to "preserve the ability of public health authorities to reinstitute mandates in the future" the next time a new variant is discovered. Health officials have irreparably damaged their reputations and positions of public trust. Just because they backpedal now does not mean that anyone should start trusting them again. They did not suddenly become political pawns during the coronavirus situation. The mask of "apolitical scientist" was just removed, revealing what they always were: unaccountable leftist partisans. Their policies already have had an irreversible negative impact on children in schools, setting many kids back and even causing speech developmental problems in young kids. Data have always shown that children are the least at risk of contracting or spreading COVID-19. Actions by our governments and school administrators have always been politically motivated, and they cannot be let off the hook for that.

Homeschooling has jumped from 5.4 percent to 11.1 percent, and this is a very good start. Just as we should no longer put our full faith and trust in "the experts" in government departments of health, we should also remain skeptical of public schools and their motives. The pandemic gave parents a unique opportunity to see what schools are teaching their kids, and what they found was segregationist-style racial politics and extreme liberal sex and gender theory. To prevent this from happening again, there are a few steps the average person can take.

First is to hold your representatives accountable. Boot out those who supported the draconian mandates. Put pressure on even those who have already relented to continue rolling back their overreach. Second is to ask candidates running for office in 2022 and beyond tough questions about where they stand on issues like masking and coerced vaccination, and what they plan on doing about it. In terms of our unelected officials, Dr. Fauci has been particularly egregious with his misleading of the public and murky background as the leader of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, with some evidence pointing to him having a direct role in the funding of gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Daily Wire commentator Michael Knowles recently presented a method to hold Fauci accountable: the "Michael Knowles Federal Public Health Protection Pledge" — a pledge that candidates can sign that solidifies their commitment to vote to subpoena Fauci for his role in the pandemic and vote for legislation that would reduce his salary to zero.

Any candidate who balks at the idea of holding Fauci and others accountable for the damage to this country is an unserious candidate who should be ignored in favor of another who will, whether by a pledge like described above, or other tangible results-oriented means. Words alone are not enough. I repeat: do not forget that these people have been revealed as tyrants for the past two years. They leveraged their positions of trust to gain power and by all indications appear willing and eager to do it all again when it suits them next. The media will once again help them do it. Only "We the People" can stop it.



Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA
We need to change the title of this thread to something else. There is no pandemic. The word "corona" has lost it's fear inducing edge and now when I hear it, I want to go grab a lime, throw my cell phone in the ocean, sit on a beach and drink a beer. This has all been exposed for what it really is. Government control of the masses utilizing fear via its left hand tool, the MSM. Nobody is buying it anymore. Governments went too far are are going to end up getting their asses kicked by their own people. Governments are desperately clinging to one single thing to keep the control going: Testing. That bolsters their numbers. If people would quit getting tested right this very second, their control would stop like someone cutting off a light switch. If the world tested for IQ like they have for a common cold virus, we would have a massive epidemic of fucking retards, running the world and walking about freely in it, with no adult supervision.


Getting comfortable
Dec 3, 2021
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I had to get gas this morning. I watched a lady pull in to get gas alongside me. She was alone, wearing a muzzle in her car, she got out of her car and put on goggles and latex gloves. I also noticed she had two muzzles on.

Im at the pump on opposite of her. Once she started pumping I started to cough . She immediately stopped pumping, took her gloves off before she got in her car and went to another pump.....


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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This is the most important detail from the Scotland data.

The lie that "it's less severe if you have the vax" is exposed for a total lie
Deaths are distributed through the population. Whether 2 boosters or 3, they die


View attachment 118507
You mean the same as Australia, Denmark, UK…. Etc?
Aug 3, 2015
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Team Doom Reversing Covid Restrictions Shows it Was Never About Science, Only Your Compliance

“The Science,” we have been told since March 2020, is the rigorous set of guidelines that must be “followed” with unquestioning obedience in order to reduce the spread, flatten the curve, return to normal, get our freedom back, end the lockdowns, or any other arbitrary carrot placed on the stick (yes they literally said this) that is wielded by the tyrant class.

If you don’t follow said “The Science” you are a science denying buffoon who wants grandma to die, doesn’t care about the children, are an alt-right Trump humper, a white supremacist, extremist, and most likely a domestic terrorist.

“Don’t wear a mask!” “Wear a mask!” “Wear two masks!” Wear three masks!” “Cloth masks don’t work!” “Only N95s will protect you!”

“If you’re vaccinated you can’t get covid.” “Vaccines are 100% effective at stopping covid.” “Vaccines are 96% effective.”

“Vaccines are 70% effective.” “Vaccines no longer effective after six months.” “Boosters are our only way out of covid.” “It is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

“The Science,” as our readers know has been a shifting goal post since day one and has had almost nothing to do with actual science at all. When the pro-mandate psychopaths changed an arbitrary dictate, we are told that the virus has changed, not “The Science.” Now, however, they are reversing course.



Getting comfortable
Sep 1, 2020
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Having served time in Detroit for 25 years, I remember the importance of the Ambassador bridge. The truckers tactics are working and I hope Trudeau comes to his senses and makes the correct decision.

My heart goes out to all our Canadien brothers and sisters who have to deal with such an inept “leader.”

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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Pandemic of the unvaccinated, Minnesota Edition;

More than half of the Minnesotans who tested positive for COVID-19 in December were vaccinated, the latest evidence that waning vaccine protection and the highly-contagious omicron variant have altered the fight against the pandemic.

Roughly a third of those who were hospitalized for COVID-19 or died during that month also were vaccinated. The Minnesota Department of Heath breakthrough case data does not indicate if people had received boosters shots.

“We know omicron was a big part of it,” Daniel Huff, assistant commissioner at the Minnesota Department of Health, said of the growth in breakthrough infections. “We know omicron was immune-evasive, much more so than delta. Even those who were vaccinated, even though they had protection against infection, it was less protection than they had against delta infection.”

Nevertheless, health officials say vaccines, particularly the mRNA versions from Moderna and Pfizer, along with a booster dose remain the best way to protect against severe illness and to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

But health officials acknowledge that expectations about the protection vaccines provide continues to evolve. Vaccination was never a promise of total protection, but now, as the coronavirus has evolved through different variants, health officials acknowledge there’s an increased risk the vaccinated can still contract and spread COVID-19.
