US Elections (& Politics) :)


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Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
DNC reschedules Harris dinner over lack of ticket sales Vice president's polling numbers even worse than Biden's

What happens if they throw a party and nobody comes? If the key draw is the vice president of the United States, it’s pretty embarrassing.

It is no surprise that enthusiasm surrounding the Biden administration has been abysmal, to say the least, and that appears to be an issue across the board. In fact, a healthy disdain for our country’s direction may be the only genuinely bipartisan ideology we Americans can share with one another.

Biden’s VP cackling Kamala is less popular than the POTUS. During her party’s 2020 primary season, she received less than 1% of the vote.

Harris has been even more unpopular of late.

Harris’s polling numbers are worse than President Joe Biden’s. Only 28 percent approve of Harris, while 62 percent disapprove. In contrast, Biden’s approval rating is 33 percent with 56 percent disapproving.

The 28% who approve of the Border Czar and the 33% who approve of Biden need professional mental help.

DNC Reschedules Harris Dinner Over Lack of Ticket Sales - The Lid (


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
WH Press Secretary Confirms Biden Is Still Committed to Ending Fossil Fuels As Gas Prices Soar

As gas prices soar across the country, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insists that President Joe Biden is committed to transitioning away from fossil fuels.

Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked why Biden is not trying to get domestic companies to drill for more oil in the U.S.

Jean-Pierre noted that the country is still seeing its “highest levels of domestic production,” but part of the higher prices is a result of decreased refinery capacity in the country.

Still, Doocy asked, “Why not drill more here in the U.S., though?”

“We don’t need to do that. What we need them to do is, with the oil that’s out there, we need them to refine that oil so that the capacity can go up, and then prices would go down,” Jean-Pierre responded.

Doocy also asked on Thursday, “I know the President once said that he was going to end fossil fuels. Is that now off the table?”

“No, we are going to continue to move forward with our clean-energy proposal, our climate change proposal,” the press secretary responded.

WH Press Secretary Confirms Biden Is Still Committed to Ending Fossil Fuels As Gas Prices Soar (
Aug 3, 2015
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June 17, 2022
Good News Friday

Dear Patriots,

It's Friday! That means we have some GOOD NEWS at the end of yet another crazy week!
Take some time to get outside, even though it is hot in a lot of places. The sun is good for your immune system and for your mental outlook.

Sidney Powell on Brannon Howse Live
Catch up on what Sidney is doing and what she thinks about recent developments. This interview was on Thursday night.
Click HERE to watch.

1- This special election win on Tuesday in Texas is part of an overall trend that is good for people who want real representation!

Mayra Flores flipped an 84% Hispanic seat that Biden won by 13 points in 2020. Hillary Clinton won the district by 33 points in 2016.

The Texas Tribune

Republicans flip U.S. House seat in South Texas, historically a Democratic stronghold

QUOTE: Republican Mayra Flores prevailed Tuesday in a special election for an open congressional seat in South Texas, marking a major breakthrough for Republicans eager to blaze new inroads in the historically blue region.

She beat Dan Sanchez, the leading Democrat, outright in the closely watched race and will be the first Mexican-born congresswoman. She will get to serve only until January, but Republicans heralded her win as a shot of momentum in their new South Texas offensive.

With all precincts reporting Tuesday night, Flores had 50.98% of the vote and Sanchez had 43.33%.

"For over 100 years, we have been taken for granted," she said at her election night party in San Benito. "I will show you what real representation looks like. I will represent all people."

Sanchez conceded in a statement that pointed the finger at national Democrats for not doing enough to defend the seat. They had argued the race was not worth the investment.

2- This is the education playbook every Governor should be following.

The Federalist

DeSantis Campaign Launches Blueprint For Pro-Parent School Board Candidates

QUOTE: The re-election campaign for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is launching an education initiative that provides a blueprint for school board candidates that prioritizes parental rights and the educational needs of students.

Known as the "DeSantis Education Agenda: Putting Students First, Protecting Parents' Rights," the program is a statewide agenda for school board candidates and members who are committed to advancing DeSantis's priorities at the local school board level. In addition to furthering the academic success of Florida students, the push is also aimed at empowering the role of parents in their children's education, as well as preventing far-left agendas from infiltrating the state's public school systems.

In a statement provided to The Federalist, DeSantis championed the launch of the agenda, saying that "Florida has delivered the most student-focused, parent-centered education agenda in the nation" at a time when "curriculum in states around the country are being used as opportunities to indoctrinate innocent children."

"Our school board members are on the frontlines of what happens in our education system. In Florida, we value student success, parental rights, and curriculum transparency, and we need school board members who do the same," he said. "We need strong school boards who will fight for these values and put students first."

3- More parents banning together to fight for their children. We can not stop fighting to protect our children. The left is after them with a vengeance.

The Federalist Papers

Pennsylvania Parents Fed Up: Band Together in Lawsuit Sparked by Woke First Grade Teacher

QUOTE: On Wednesday, three Pennsylvania parents filed a federal lawsuit over what their children are being taught in first grade.

The suit, filed by Carmilla Tatel, Stacy Dunn and Gretchen Melton against the Mount Lebanon School District, claimed that lessons in gender dysphoria and transgender transitioning violated state law, district policy and the Constitution.

The lawsuit, which seeks an end to such lessons and requests unspecified compensatory damages, said this is not a political stunt.

"This lawsuit is not about politics. It is not anti-transgender. It is not about censorship. It is not about banning books," the suit said.

"Rather, it is about Plaintiffs' parental rights and each of their respective decisions not to want their 6- or 7-year-old child to receive first-grade classroom instruction on gender dysphoria or transgender transitioning from their first-grade teacher," the lawsuit explained.

The lawsuit claimed the role of parents to oversee the education of their children is basic to all Americans.

"Parents have a Constitutionally protected liberty interest in the care, custody and control of their children, including their education. This is one of the oldest fundamental liberty interests recognized under the Constitution," the lawsuit said.

4- Half of the states are trying to protect parents from being targeted by school boards.

The Federalist

Half Of The 50 States Have Now Ditched The NSBA For Targeting Parents

QUOTE: Nebraska joined the ranks of states cutting ties with the National School Boards Association on Saturday, making it the 25th state to boycott the organization after the NSBA sent a letter to President Biden in September 2021 urging the federal government to use domestic terrorism laws to go after parents at school board meetings. The Nebraska Association of School Boards voted to withdraw less than a month after its executive committee voted to cancel its membership, the Omaha World Herald reported.

As states like Missouri, Ohio, and Pennsylvania began to drop out of the association almost immediately, the NSBA issued an apology for the letter in October 2021, but the public backtracking hasn't stopped the mass exodus.

Nebraska politicians joined the state school board association in criticism of the NSBA letter, with Sen. Ben Sasse labeling the NSBA's collusion with the Biden Justice Department a "political hack job" and Gov. Pete Ricketts insisting that following the letter's requests would be an "absolute outrageous abuse of federal power" meant to "browbeat parents into not going to school board meetings."

5- Canada has been a very dark and freedom deprived country for months. It is good to see that some of that is lifting and people are still fighting for freedom there.

Children's Health Defense

Canada Suspends COVID Vaccine Mandates for Federal Workers, Domestic Travel

QUOTE: Canada's vaccine mandates for federal employees and domestic travelers will be suspended as of June 20, government officials announced Tuesday.

Federal employees and transportation workers in federally regulated sectors will no longer be required to be fully vaccinated as a condition of their employment. Those on unpaid administrative leave because of their vaccination status or their refusal to disclose their vaccination status will be invited to return to work.

Also on June 20, travelers within Canada will not be required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination to board a plane or train, although they will be required to wear masks.

QUOTE: Several groups are fighting Canada's vaccine mandates, including one group of hundreds of federal public servants who sued the federal government in an effort to overturn the mandates for federal workers.

The group, which alleges the mandates violate Canadians' constitutional rights, is seeking about $15 million in punitive and other damages, according to Kalman Samuels, a Montreal-based law firm representing the plaintiffs.

6- Two independent studies from Italy have shown that all the treatments we are currently denied in the USA to treat Covid-CCP at an early stage, are in fact working. Get all the details at Dr. Malone's Substack.

Dr. Robert Malone

Early COVID Treatment works – yet more examples

QUOTE: There are many paradoxes in the COVID-19 data from the western nations concerning disease and death attributed to SARS-CoV-2 infection. One of the most problematic is the result of widespread systemic reporting bias, in which disease and deaths WITH evidence of infection are grossly over-reported as disease and deaths FROM infection by SARS-CoV-2.

The truth is that we may never be able to resolve this, to get to the bottom of what really went on, due to perverse political and financial incentives to over-report COVID-19 deaths (while also minimizing toxicity of the vaccines). But there is no question that if you are admitted to a western hospital with a COVID-19 diagnosis, your risk of death during that hospitalization has been amazingly high.

QUOTE: There is no question in my mind that early COVID-19 treatment saves lives, and many different repurposed drug treatment protocols for treating this disease have become popular despite withering criticism and gaslighting from FDA, NIH, corporate media and hospitalist physicians.

For example treatment protocols, see those developed by FLCCC, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, Drs. George Fareed and Brian Tyson , and the European doctors who practice under the banner of In just one example, while in the USA Ivermectin has been vilified by both FDA and the press, worldwide adoption of Ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19 disease is now at 45%!

While many of these alternative early treatment and hospital treatment protocols rely on drug combinations which typically include Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin (the combo championed by Dr. Didier Raoult) or Ivermectin, there are many other drugs and combinations which have shown substantial efficacy in both outpatient and inpatient treatment environments.

QUOTE: In conclusion, irrespective of the excess death and disease associated with the mandated genetic vaccines, there is no doubt in my mind that the concerted and coordinated propaganda and information control efforts of the United States Government Department of Health and Human Services, acting in alignment and as sponsors of Big Tech and Corporate Media censorship, have cost large amounts of unnecessary death and disease due to both iatrogenic causes during hospitalization as well as by suppression of life saving early treatment protocols. The data supporting this conclusion increase almost daily. The unresolved issue remains. Will anyone be held accountable for this avoidable tragedy?

7- When the Associated Press states that an event featuring Michelle Obama was "sparsely attended" you can bet that there were just a handful of people there.
Let's just say, it was less than a ...Trump rally.


Michelle Obama's Get Out the Vote Event in L.A. 'Sparsely Attended' Despite Selena Gomez Appearance

QUOTE: While Obama's organization has been working to increase election participation since 2018 when she founded the group, the Associated Press noted that the summit held in an L.A. soccer stadium was "sparsely attended."

Obama started the group intending to stop the mythic "voter suppression" that liberals claim is endemic in American elections. But there is little evidence that blacks have been prevented from voting. In fact, according to the Pew Research Center, except for a small dip in 2016, black participation has grown in nearly every election since the Obama years through to 2019.

Still, since its founding, the When We All Vote group has been the toast of the Hollywood set and has numbered countless actors, directors, writers, and other denizens of Hollywood as members, co-chairs, and supporters.

8- Democrat women do not seem to be able to gather a crowd.

The Gateway Pundit

DNC Forced to Move Kamala Harris Fundraiser to Fall because "They Couldn't Sell Enough Tickets"

QUOTE: Democrats recently postponed a Kamala Harris fundraiser and moved it to the fall.
They couldn't sell enough tickets. The DNC's Woman's Leadership Forum fundraiser on May 25 and 26 with Vice President Kamala Harris was rescheduled for lack of ticket sales. Ticket prices ranged from $250 to $50,000, according to the report.

You are not alone. We know it is hard to bear watching your country slide off into the abyss. We know you feel that you can't help. But you can.

Protect your children and grandchildren as best you can from the left agenda.

Protect and improve your health.

Keep praying that God will guide us through this battle.

Hold Fast,

Defending The Republic

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This email was sent by Defending The Republic, located at 2911 Turtle Creek - Suite 300; Dallas, Texas 75219 (United States).


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Biden Attacks Oil Industry Even as He Demands More Production-"We're changing people's lives!"

“I don’t want to hear any more of these lies about reckless spending,” President Joe Biden shouted out in remarks that he delivered to AFL-CIO union members in Philadelphia on June 14th. “We’re changing people’s lives.”

President Biden sure has changed Americans’ lives since he took office. Americans are far worse off today on his watch.

As Republican Senator John Kennedy from Louisiana put it, “Forty-year-high inflation, [baby] formula shortages, and $5 gas are changing lives.”

President Biden promoted his green energy proposals during his AFL-CIO conference remarks. He claimed, for example, that a “tax credit for modernizing the homes…would help finally make America truly energy independent.”

America was already energy independent when former President Donald Trump left office. President Biden’s war on the fossil fuel industry changed all that, helping to bring about record high gasoline prices at the pump. And prices were rising way before Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine.

President Biden’s own fossil fuel energy killing policies have forced him to go hat in hand to the Saudi regime’s dictators and beg them to produce more oil.

After doing everything he could to follow through on his campaign promise that “we're going to end fossil fuels,” President Biden is now blaming the domestic oil industry for not producing enough oil at home."

Biden Attacks Oil Industry Even as He Demands More Production | FrontpageMag


Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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By the way, someone here "corrected" me about gaslighting.

Isn't that were a bunch of fu err messed-up people, have a contest
with "gas" a cigarette lighter and learn about the "smokin' crotch syndrome"?

Either way something smells up there in Washington DC.

Michael Diehl

Getting the hang of it
May 30, 2019
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If there were a "Middle of the road" party, I'd join. Not that many years ago even Congress was fairly moderate
Having enough issues with the Government wanting excessive recurring payments ...
True but but its always been true no matter what the time or Government....just trying to rule out Hypocrisy (which as History proves again and again lives largest in Politics and Religion).
Aug 3, 2015
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It will tie everything together for a Nuremberg 2 Trial conducted by Russia.


"I have been so focused on the present, I have been neglecting the past. I cannot believe it took me this long to piece this final connection together…

Given what we know now about the biological network in Ukraine facilitated by the DNC, it makes A LOT more sense as to why the Dems in Congress absolutely lost their minds when Trump made a phone call to Ukraine…

It’s just now dawning on me that reason the House impeached Trump over Ukraine… was to cover up Trump finding out about DNC biological activity in Ukraine, by deterring any further contact.

As soon as Trump started snooping around in Ukraine and talking about Hunter, the Dems, the media, social media, big tech, launched an all-out assault to impeach Trump over a phone call. Meanwhile the Dems, big corporations, and non-government foundations, all had direct relations with the Ukrainian government to make BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS, to then unleash on the planet, to steal elections and implement globalism under the guise of public health, combined with the largest propaganda/brainwashing campaign in history. Quite the double standard there…

If Trump was impeached for a nothing burger phone call to Ukraine, what can we expect from Joe Biden for committing crimes against humanity, killing millions, and facilitating a biological weapons network in Ukraine?

Notice how much the enemy squirms when anyone gets close to talking about their biological network? They impeached Trump for inquiring about Ukraine. Media/Big Tech censored the Hunter Laptop story and spread disinformation that the emails of dirty Metabiota dealings weren’t real. They censored me and anyone else who talked about the biolabs and spread disinformation claiming there were no US funded biolabs un Ukraine. They heavily censored any talk of C19 origin talk and labeled anything other than the narrative as “covid disinformation” to prevent sheep from finding out that C19 came from a lab funded by the US.

They expend so much ammunition to keep this secret, because they know the consequences if it gets out.
