US Elections (& Politics) :)


Getting comfortable
Sep 13, 2015
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That Magistrate, not a Judge, was appointed by Obummer
Magistrates are appointed by circuit judges to handle a variety of cases. They work directly under the circuit judges, running their courtroom just like a judge
Beat me to it Big Red. They are not political appointees.

and donated, significant amounts, to Obummer
I wouldn't call $2000 total a significant amount, and it was in 2008. You've got CCTV cameras worth more than that. You didn't mention the $500 he threw Jeb Bush's way in 2016 either. His political donations are for the most part, to republican candidates or republican leaning PAC's even though he does throw the odd dollar a democrat's way. He's donated $650 to Jerry Patterson, a republican from Texas, $1000 to Ben Bentzin, another Texas Republican, $1000 to Brian Miller, whose political affiliations I can't confirm, but given he is an elected judge in the very Republican Wakulla County and his signage is red, I think that he is probably conservative. Judge Reinhard's most recent donations to a candidate were to Brian Nelson, a Michigan Republican. He doesn't appear to have made any donations since 2018, the same year he was appointed as a magistrate, but his last couple of donations were to the very Republican leaning Texas Association of Realtors. All bar $2500 of their money went to Republican candidates. I know the current narrative from a lot of conservatives is that he is some sort of corrupt leftist shill, but I think you are attacking one of your own.

Have you read the article? He’s no choir boy. He’s dirty
I did read the article and it's a wonder the author didn't hurt himself jumping to all of those conclusions. I'm open to the idea that he is in some way corrupted, but I'm going to need you to particularise the evidence from that article that you say means he is dirty. The only actual facts that I can locate in that article is that he represented some people who used to work for Jeffery Epstein, and that a lawsuit alleged something once, which he denied. It might not be entirely obvious, but lawyers represent criminals. Those criminals often have criminal associates. That does not make them dirty.

Why, given the high profile raid that they knew would be front page news, would you pick this rather low level magistrate to issue the search order?
Besides the assumption they had a choice, it's probably because it's their job and they issue all of the warrants. Your Judge Magistrates appear very similar in function to the Registrars we have in the Courts here in Australia. The Registrar's are the one's you go see when you want a warrant. Most of the time there is a single registrar with this function at most Courts. The really big Courts might have a few. West Palm Beach has three Magistrates from what I've read. So in all likelihood he was just the poor bastard who was there when they came in. I also think it's unreasonable to suggest that a more senior Judge should have been presented with the warrant application at all, if the Magistrates normally handle all of the warrant applications. The violation of Trumps fourth amendment rights is no graver than the violation to your fourth amendment rights that would occur if Police executed a warrant on your home. If you start following a different process because of the wealth or profile of the target, surely that makes a mockery of "justice for all"

They had at the very least many dozens of higher level judges to choose from…
There is an assumption in that statement, that they had the ability to choose who they presented the warrant application to.

According to my reading on the topic they have to apply for the warrant in either the area where the warrant is to be executed, or the area where the crime took place. In this case they applied in West Palm Beach but they could have applied in DC. If we assume they could have gone judge shopping, wouldn't they make the application in the democratic stronghold of DC?

It's somewhat ironic that a little while back in Australia leftists were crying foul about the weaponisation of the Australian Federal Police (AFP) by the then conservative government after they obtained a search warrant to search the left leaning Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) offices in Sydney, and much was made of the fact that a Registrar issued the warrant, and not a judge or magistrate. You'll see in that article that the author poses a very similar question to you.

Seriously, have you read the search warrant? Famously signed off by a Martin Kane, a registrar of the Local Court in Queanbeyan (apparently every judge in NSW was unavailable),
Many similar allegations were made regarding "Judge shopping" at the time, the reality was that Police were just following a law which required them to make the application in the state of New South Wales, and they went to the Court closest to their office in the Australian Capital Territory. The warrant was challenged in Court by the ABC and they lost.

The FBI stood with loaded guns outside President Trump’s home
And I wouldn't mind betting the Secret Service do it every single day. I hate the hyperbole used by the media in relation to statements like "Armed Police" in countries where Police carry loaded firearms as a matter of course. The distinction is only relevant in places like the UK.

This is a more balanced opinion of this judge.

But one local prosecutor described Reinhart — who has been a magistrate judge since 2018 — as “well respected” within the Palm Beach County legal community. Reinhart is married to Circuit Judge Carolyn Bell, a former federal prosecutor who was appointed to the bench by then-Gov. Rick Scott, a Republican who is now a senator.

“He’s a former prosecutor and a defense attorney and he’s also known for being meticulous,” said Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg, a Democrat was who elected state attorney but who also once worked for Republican Attorney General Pam Bondi.

“He’s not going to make a snap judgment,” Aronberg added.
I'm conservative, but being Australian I don't have a dog in this race. I feel the need to defend him because public officials should not be subject to unwarranted and unjustified attack because they do something enough people find unpopular. I understand he has now been doxxed and his family threatened. I feel that way whether it is antifa types doxxing and threatening a Police Officer who shot the person trying to kill them, or conservatives doing the same to an apparently conservative Judge who was doing his job.

My Comment" This Judge must really be feeling the heat.
Or he is being a Judge. They make orders like that all the time.
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Known around here
Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey
I'll also say that this Magistrate was appointed by a Judge who WAS appointed by Obummer. Additionally he worked as a prosecutor on the Epstein case, then resigned his position to move to private practice where he defended some of those involved in the Epstein case. Normally, this would be called a conflict of interest I believe and at the very least, shows a complete lack of morals to me.

Giving the AG basically two weeks to produce the warrant is another giveaway. Why can't it be produced today or tomorrow? It is already printed on paper for heavens sake. What is so secretive about this warrant?

Let's also examine the FBI showing up with long guns, not just side arms, at a residence already guarded by the Secret Service who are very well armed with both sidearms and long guns plus, probably, other lethal devices and means. Totally not necessary. Why would they want the security camera system shut down other than to hide what they were doing and the same applies to forcing President Trumps attorney to stay outside of the premises as well as showing the warrant at a distance of about ten feet? Can you read a document at ten feet?


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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LOL go ahead and defend him.

You cherry picked.

Yes lawyers work for guilty people all the time. That wasn’t the only point.

During his decade of representing Epstein and associated clients, Reinhart was named in a Crime Victims’ Rights Act lawsuit in 2011. He was accused of violating the Justice Department’s policy of switching sides and potentially leveraging insider information about Epstein’s case in order to curry favor, the Miami Herald alleged. He also made plans to set up his private practice when he was still serving as a federal prosecutor in South Florida, the outlet alleged in another article.

In 2011, Reinhart swore under penalty of perjury that he had nothing to do with Epstein’s investigation and had zero information on his case, but his supervisors filed a court paper contradicting the claim, the Miami Herald reported.

(RELATED: ‘Jeffrey Epstein With The Clintons?’: Lawyer Asks Alex Jones About Pedophilia. It Goes About How You’d Expect)

“While Bruce E. Reinhart was an assistant U.S. attorney, he learned confidential, non-public information about the Epstein matter … [Reinhart] ‘joined Epstein’s payroll shortly after important decisions were made limiting Epstein’s criminal liability’ and improperly represented Epstein victims in follow-on civil suits,” plaintiffs in the Jane Does #1 and #2 v. United States case alleged.

Reinhart reportedly quit working for the U.S. attorney’s office on New Years Day of 2008 and started working for Epstein on January 2, 2008, the New York Post reported. His clients included Epstein’s pilots, his scheduler and a woman called Nadia Marcinkova, who Epstein described as his “Yugoslavian sex slave,” according to the outlet.


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
DOJ source calls raid a 'spectacular backfire,' claims AG Garland didn't approve it

It seems the DOJ has decided to leak an explanation of their decision to use a search warrant in this case. Newsweek just published an exclusive report based on anonymous DOJ sources which claims the FBI had a confidential source at Mar-a-Lago, one who informed them that Trump was hiding documents and even specified where they could be found.

The raid on Mar-a-Lago was based largely on information from an FBI confidential human source, one who was able to identify what classified documents former President Trump was still hiding and even the location of those documents, two senior government officials told Newsweek.

Before we go any further, remember that the FBI apparently brought along a safe-cracker who opened Trump’s safe. Presumably that suggests they were told by their confidential source that there were documents hidden in the safe. But by all accounts there was nothing in the safe and the FBI didn’t take anything from it. Does that mean the confidential source got it wrong?

DOJ source calls raid a 'spectacular backfire,' claims AG Garland didn't approve it – HotAir

Couple of thoughts on this. Looks like everyone is trying to cover their asses on this. Also it seems to me that they did not get the documentation that they thought was there. Bwahahahahahahaha


Known around here
Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California


Getting comfortable
Sep 13, 2015
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I'll also say that tis Magistrate was appointed by a Judge who WAS appointed by Obummer
You'd also be wrong

Some tasks of the district court are given to federal magistrate judges. Magistrates are appointed by the district court by a majority vote of the judges and serve for a term of eight years if full-time and four years if part-time, but they can be reappointed after completion of their term .
LOL go ahead and defend him.
I shouldn't have to. He is a Judge, by all appearances a conservative and methodical one, lawfully appointed, with lawful authority to issue search warrants. He should not be subject to public vilification and unsubstantiated innuendo for no other reason than he did the job he was paid to do. He especially shouldn't be subject to threats to the safety of his family as is being reported. The United States has a legal system for a reason. If the warrant was not issued lawfully, then there are avenues of appeal.
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Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
People like me super hard-working business owners. Luckily, I don't have anything to worry about. But I was audited about 16 years ago, I had nothing to hide then either, but it took hours over many days of my precious time getting all the paperwork copied and dropped off, it was a nightmare. Months went by, I had to contact them to find out all was good, jerks.

I bet they have a woke HR already in place for this hiring.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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People like me super hard-working business owners. Luckily, I don't have anything to worry about. But I was audited about 16 years ago, I had nothing to hide then either, but it took hours over many days of my precious time getting all the paperwork copied and dropped off, it was a nightmare. Months went by, I had to contact them to find out all was good, jerks.

I bet they have a woke HR already in place for this hiring.
I knew someone who got audited each and every year awhile back .. they had nothing on them, but seemed to like to pull them in for fun and games ..


Known around here
Dec 1, 2019
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Southern California, USA
Wow, read this article. Really a National Security Threat? Trump a President that didn't debacle Afghanistan and didn't have Russia invading Ukraine. And Milley, the trans advocate, saying "I will fight from the inside", what, going against the Commander In Chief, because he knows better or something?



IPCT Contributor
Jul 15, 2014
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Wow, read this article. Really a National Security Threat? Trump a President that didn't debacle Afghanistan and didn't have Russia invading Ukraine. And Milley, the trans advocate, saying "I will fight from the inside", what, going against the Commander In Chief, because he knows better or something?

Imagine if Pelosi and Schumer had a son, he grew up privileged, went to Ivy League schools, never worked with his hands, never held a real job but developed an attitude that he knew all there was to know about everything......that's Milley.

He may have received his first ribbon on his uniform by hitting the toilet properly twice in a row when he took a piss. :drool:


Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Wow, read this article. Really a National Security Threat? Trump a President that didn't debacle Afghanistan and didn't have Russia invading Ukraine. And Milley, the trans advocate, saying "I will fight from the inside", what, going against the Commander In Chief, because he knows better or something?

Didn't read the article but the libbies are the real national security threat....everyday in the news bold actions/statements from Russia, China, Iran plus inflation/recession plus world dependence on oil from bad actors. The nation has never been under more threat since when?



Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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I've always said, that if you can take the money out of the equation it'll solve 95% of what everyone is fighting about. Think about the vast majority of problems we face as a country. Take out the financial incentive to money grab and all of a sudden we are fighting about very little. It's primarily all about redistribution of wealth.
