Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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How many times am I going to stress that the healthcare system is not for the patient - its for the f*ckin $$$$$$

They are controlling your lives. The fast food industry has a very strong bond with big pharma and agricultural giants like Monsanto.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Ok so, this kinda puts the nail in the coffin on the massive ineffectiveness of the Jabs and criminally negligent government response to the WuFlu….
Send this to the next person who wants to argue otherwise.

Lancet Commission Report: 6 Reasons COVID Response "A Massive Global Failure"

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David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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The government has earned my distrust and the handling of the covid pandemic is just another example. I didn’t get the jab and my bride did. We both got covid last month. She got it first and tested positive. I didn’t bother testing and assumed I had it since she was positive. Not much worse than the common cold for us. I didn’t feel disadvantaged at all by not being vaccinated.

I find myself chuckling when I get asked “You have your flu shot yet?” by a healthcare provider. Nope. Then you going to get one? Nope.

They used to pressure me now they seem to accept it.

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I am with you Brother...


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Ok so, this kinda puts the nail in the coffin on the massive ineffectiveness of the Jabs and criminally negligent government response to the WuFlu….
Send this to the next person who wants to argue otherwise.

Lancet Commission Report: 6 Reasons COVID Response "A Massive Global Failure"

View attachment 142497

hmmm ..

when comparing the infected with simple subtraction ( 0.88 - 0.04 = 0.84% )

actually you do a ratio when comparing the data .. and substract from 1 ..

SO the math would be:

1 - ( 0.04 / 0.88 ) = 1 - 0.04545 .. = 95+ % vs unvaccinated ..

SO yes the vaccines help .. the question of course is the vaccine mandates and related pandemic response was based on falsehoods that vaccinations would stop transmission and the related censorship of discussions on that topic and the risks ( which imho are related to the spike protein getting into the blood stream .. perhaps needles hitting blood vessels and spike proteins going to the heart .. )

Clearly younger people have less of a risk to covid-19, so I do not understand why you want to force younger people to be vaccinated when it does not stop the transmission ..



Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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The government has earned my distrust and the handling of the covid pandemic is just another example. I didn’t get the jab and my bride did. We both got covid last month. She got it first and tested positive. I didn’t bother testing and assumed I had it since she was positive. Not much worse than the common cold for us. I didn’t feel disadvantaged at all by not being vaccinated.

I find myself chuckling when I get asked “You have your flu shot yet?” by a healthcare provider. Nope. Then you going to get one? Nope.

They used to pressure me now they seem to accept it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Everyone’s immune system is different and is going to react differently

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Everyone’s immune system is different and is going to react differently
This is why it should be up to each Individual and Not the Gov' would of been different had the Clot Shot stopped the spread, it did best it helped some people when they got Covid. Again, that would be up to the Individual to make that decision...Personally, I try to take as little Meds as I can. Vitamins are a different story, I have a sizable regiment of those :)

Sorry had to rant :)

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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hmmm ..

when comparing the infected with simple subtraction ( 0.88 - 0.04 = 0.84% )

actually you do a ratio when comparing the data .. and substract from 1 ..

SO the math would be:

1 - ( 0.04 / 0.88 ) = 1 - 0.04545 .. = 95+ % vs unvaccinated ..

SO yes the vaccines help .. the question of course is the vaccine mandates and related pandemic response was based on falsehoods that vaccinations would stop transmission and the related censorship of discussions on that topic and the risks ( which imho are related to the spike protein getting into the blood stream .. perhaps needles hitting blood vessels and spike proteins going to the heart .. )

Clearly younger people have less of a risk to covid-19, so I do not understand why you want to force younger people to be vaccinated when it does not stop the transmission ..

View attachment 142505
I am not good with numbers, only personal experiences. Unless I am reading this wrong, this sounds about right.
Out of all the Vaxxed people I know, only 2 state they did not get Covid, yet those two have not even gotten tested for antigens. Everyone Vaxxed I know has got Covid and some not just once, but two times, I would say about a quarter have. Those I know Unvaxxed also got Covid. Age ranges from 5 years old to 70s. Our youth only tested because someone else they were around got Covid (also I believe a school requirement), they all had zero symptoms.

At the end of 2020, before the Shot, we had a family member die while in the hospital. I have shared this a few times, don't have much info other than he was doing fine, getting over it, scheduled to go back to work that Monday, then we found out Tuesday he was taken to the hospital. I know he fought it for a few weeks prior, not sure what changed. I think he was in for about a week and a half. No one could go see him back then so no one knows what treatment was given to him while in.

This next statement is more of a question and a statement, does anyone know of anyone who passed from Covid outside of a hospital? Seems like most everyone who died passed in a hospital.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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I am not good with numbers, only personal experiences. Unless I am reading this wrong, this sounds about right.
Out of all the Vaxxed people I know, only 2 state they did not get Covid, yet those two have not even gotten tested for antigens. Everyone Vaxxed I know has got Covid and some not just once, but two times, I would say about a quarter have. Those I know Unvaxxed also got Covid. Age ranges from 5 years old to 70s. Our youth only tested because someone else they were around got Covid (also I believe a school requirement), they all had zero symptoms.

At the end of 2020, before the Shot, we had a family member die while in the hospital. I have shared this a few times, don't have much info other than he was doing fine, getting over it, scheduled to go back to work that Monday, then we found out Tuesday he was taken to the hospital. I know he fought it for a few weeks prior, not sure what changed. I think he was in for about a week and a half. No one could go see him back then so no one knows what treatment was given to him while in.

This next statement is more of a question and a statement, does anyone know of anyone who passed from Covid outside of a hospital? Seems like most everyone who died passed in a hospital.
Yes .. I've got numerous family members who have died .. and I know many who got Covid outside of hospitals and at hospitals ..

Most of family members I know got covid outside of hospitals ..

Most family members recovered .. a few did not in the early part of the pandemic ..

know one person who got a bad reaction from a vaccine .. and could not participate in society due to vaccine passport requirements .. which really imho are bad idea ..


Known around here
Sep 17, 2021
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Tennessee USA


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Dec 28, 2019
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New Jersey


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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hmmm ..

when comparing the infected with simple subtraction ( 0.88 - 0.04 = 0.84% )

actually you do a ratio when comparing the data .. and substract from 1 ..

SO the math would be:

1 - ( 0.04 / 0.88 ) = 1 - 0.04545 .. = 95+ % vs unvaccinated ..

SO yes the vaccines help .. the question of course is the vaccine mandates and related pandemic response was based on falsehoods that vaccinations would stop transmission and the related censorship of discussions on that topic and the risks ( which imho are related to the spike protein getting into the blood stream .. perhaps needles hitting blood vessels and spike proteins going to the heart .. )

Clearly younger people have less of a risk to covid-19, so I do not understand why you want to force younger people to be vaccinated when it does not stop the transmission ..

View attachment 142505

Help Who? What?

We know without debate that it absolutely does not stop transmission.
We know by UK, Canada and other data that far more jabbed people end up hospitalized and dead since the jabbed reached 50%+ levels. (call it may/June '21? before that nobody was jabbed so data prior to summer of '21 is effectively ALL "unjabbed")
WTF is "protecton rate" then?

The jabs absolutely were not 95%+ effective at "PREVENTING" Covid 19.
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Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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"Severe Adverse Effects": Doctors Warn Pfizer's Paxlovid Can Interact With Common Medications

Paxlovid - Pfizer's Covid medication notably taken by Joe Biden, Jill Biden and Dr. Anthony Fauci - before all three had "rare" (and then not-so rare) cases of "rebound Covid" - can have dangerous interactions with some of the most common medications for cardiovascular disease, including various statins and heart failure therapies, according to a Wednesday paper published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology.

In it, researchers found that the combination of nirmatrelvir and ritonavir, two antivirals which comprise Pfizer’s Paxlovid, can interact with a number of commonly prescribed cardiovascular medications. According to the paper, Ritonavir, which was approved to treat HIV in 1996, impacts the CYP450 pathway that’s involved in metabolizing a number of medications—as well as the P-glycoprotein drug efflux pump, the Epoch Times reports.

"Co-administration of [Paxlovid] with medications commonly used to manage cardiovascular conditions can potentially cause significant drug-drug interactions and may lead to severe adverse effects," reads an abstract. "It is crucial to be aware of such interactions and take appropriate measures to avoid them."

The paper also notes that interactions between Paxlovid and some blood thinners can cause a higher risk of bleeding, while interactions between Paxlovid and cholesterol medications such as Statins can be toxic, CNN reports, citing the paper.

"Awareness of the presence of drug-drug interactions of Paxlovid with common cardiovascular drugs is key. System-level interventions by integrating drug-drug interactions into electronic medical records could help avoid related adverse events," said lead author Saru Ganatra, MD, who works at Lahey Hospital and Medical Center in Burlington, Massachusetts.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Here's the rest of the article and the link to the Lancet Study

The Lancet COVID-19 Commission published an article on Sept. 14, 2022 about the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. As of May 31, 2022, 6.9 million deaths from COVID-19 were reported, but the estimated excess death toll is 17.2 million, based on data from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington. The report states that “this staggering death toll is both a profound tragedy and a massive global failure at multiple levels.”

The Commission identified six major areas of failures, namely failures of prevention, failures of rationality, failures of transparency, failures to follow normal public health practice, failures of operational cooperation, and failures of international solidarity.

Due to these failures, social sustainability goals were set back a few years and 17.2 million lives were lost.

What can we learn from these failures? I’d like to share my thoughts based on the six failure reasons raised by Lancet.

First Lesson Learned: Failure of Prevention
Many countries adopted aggressive methods to stop the spread of the virus, such as social distancing, lockdowns, vaccines, etc. But none of the methods hit the nail in the head, so to speak.

A SARS-CoV-2 human challenge experiment was done among young adults by researchers in the UK. Their paper was published in the March 2022 issue of Nature.

The study involved 36 healthy volunteers aged 18–29 without history of SARS-CoV-2 infection or vaccination. They were inoculated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus intranasally. During the experiment, two were excluded from the Per-Protocol analysis because baseline antibodies were detected. The results of 34 subjects were: 16 participants were infected (confirmed with PCR tests) with mild symptoms, 3 were infected (confirmed with PCR tests) but were asymptomatic, and 15 participants remained uninfected.

The reason why the 15 participants were not infected should be the key to prevention. In my view, this key is to strengthen people’s immune systems.

Humans have an intricate immune system, a comprehensive defense network against external invading substances. The first line of defense is the physical barriers such as skin, nose hair, tears, etc. They can block most pathogens from entering the body.

The second line of defense is the epithelial interferon barrier. When a virus enters an epithelial cell, the cell automatically activates its antiviral mechanism and produces interferon. Interferon is a natural enemy of viruses and sends instructions to coordinate cells to fight the virus and prevent it from replicating.

Even if the virus enters the blood, there are the innate and adaptive immune cells to protect us. These include the macrophages, dendritic cells, and natural killer cells in the blood, all of which play an important role in antiviral immunity.

No matter what type of disease we are facing, it is important to know that the pathogens are external factors, and it is the human body itself that determines whether we fall ill or not. After we identify and correct the problems in our immune system, those external factors won’t matter much.

Therefore, strengthening our innate immune functions is the key to prevent pandemic spread.

Second Lesson Learned: Failure of Rationality
Rationality refers to the ability to make decisions based on facts. In the process of vaccine development, irrationalities included blindly pushing the vaccine among the masses without a complete evaluation of its efficacy and safety.

There are many limitations with the vaccines.

  1. Inability to prevent infection: Neutralizing antibodies are mainly produced in the human bloodstream, but not in the epithelial cells. Therefore, if the first two lines of defense were weakened, the virus could still enter the blood and cause infection. That is why the vaccine and antibody strategy is unable to prevent infection.
  2. Needs to be renewed: Vaccines need to be renewed along with the virus variation, and the current vaccine is designed based on the genetic code of the old strain in 2020.
  3. Needs time to develop: On average, it takes five to 10 years to develop a vaccine. It requires a significant amount of animal trials and human trials to ensure the vaccine’s safety and prove its efficacy. Viruses mutate quickly. The speed of vaccine development can never match that of the viral mutation. If the vaccine is injected frequently for different variants of the virus, it will generate the antibody-dependent enhancement effect (ADE effect), which makes the vaccine ineffective.
  4. Inferior to our natural immunity: Numerous studies have shown that the immunity produced by the human body against viruses after natural infection is much longer lasting and stronger than the antibodies produced by simply stimulating T cells with vaccines.
Additionally, a growing body of basic research has found that the spike protein on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is a component of the vaccine, not only binds to cell surface receptors, but also causes cardiac cell damage, vascular damage, mitochondrial damage, and induces chronic inflammatory states. It is a toxic protein.

Under these circumstances, it is irrational and potentially damaging to use spike protein to stimulate the body.

Moreover, the rocket-like speed of vaccine development and uncertainty of vaccine safety issues has brought stress and tension among people, which can cause excessive release of stress hormones and reduce the human body’s immune resistance to the virus further.

It is good to be proactive, but we should follow the nature of the epidemic, and treat people as fellow humans rather than “living beings.” With a pandemic response, we should first ensure that people eat, drink, and rest well, and are emotionally stable. We shouldn’t over-medicate and over-react.

The Third Lesson Learned: Failure of Transparency
The September 2021 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine published a study of Pfizer’s BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine over six months. There was one case of cardiac arrest in the placebo group, but 4 cases in those who received the vaccine. But this data was not transparently discussed in the main article, but in the supplementary appendix.

Although the numbers are too small to be statistically significant, from a pharmacovigilance perspective, this is an unusual safety signal and due diligence should be further made.

As of Sept. 23, 2022, the VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports database has recorded 1,424,789 cases of adverse events with 31,214 deaths, most of which occurred within one to seven days of vaccination. The unusual short time to death strongly indicates the causal role of vaccines in those death cases.

A Nordic study published in April 2022 showed that the mRNA vaccine was associated with an increased risk of myocarditis, with the highest risk in young men aged 16 to 24. The number of myocarditis episodes increased 4 to 7 cases per 100,000 young men within 28 days of the second Pfizer vaccination and increased 9 to 28 cases per 100,000 young men within 28 days of the second Modena vaccination.

A study published in the July 2022 issue of JAMA Internal Medicine reported that the leading cause of death in the United States during the pandemic period of March 2020 to October 2021 was heart disease.

A report published in April 2022 in Nature found a 25 percent increase in cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome among young people aged 16 to 39. This phenomenon is closely related to the mRNA vaccines but not the COVID-19 infection.

Renowned British cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who used to support the mRNA vaccine, published two articles in the Journal of Insulin Resistance calling for a halt on mRNA vaccine. What changed his mind?

As a supporter of the mRNA vaccine, Dr. Malhotra volunteered at vaccine centers and was one of the first people to receive two doses of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine. He also advised his patients and those around him to get the shot.

His father, Dr. Kailand Chand, former Vice President of the British Medical Association (BMA) and a general practitioner, suffered a cardiac arrest at home on July 26, 2021, six months after he received two doses of Pfizer mRNA vaccine.

The autopsy revealed that two of his father’s three major coronary arteries were severely obstructed, with the left anterior descending branch 90 percent obstructed and the right coronary artery 75 percent obstructed.

His father led an active lifestyle and was healthier than most men of his age. Even during the pandemic lockdown, he meditated regularly and walked an average of 10,000 to 15,000 steps a day.

Malhotra suspected that his father’s death was related to the vaccination and subsequently discovered the problem with the vaccine. He called for an end to the vaccination, but it was already too late.

The Truth About ‘95% Effectiveness’: 95 out of 100 Protected?
In terms of the vaccine’s effectiveness, news reports around the world claim that the vaccine is “95 percent effective.” Most doctors explain to the public that “if 100 people are vaccinated, then 95 will be protected from infection.”

But that is not the case at all.

According to the paper published on Dec. 10, 2020 in the New England Journal of Medicine studied the safety and efficacy of Pfizer’s BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 vaccine. Of the 18,325 unvaccinated people, there were 162 symptomatic infections. The infection rate was 0.88 percent. Among the 18,198 vaccinated people, there were 8 infections. The infection rate was 0.04 percent. Then it concluded that “the vaccine was 95% effective in preventing Covid-19.”

However, most people overlooked the fact that 99.12 percent of the population was not infected despite being unvaccinated.

For the total population, the vaccine actually protects only 0.84 percent of the population, which is the real absolute protection rate.

So the real “absolute protection” is out of 10000 people vaccinated, only 84 people (0.84%) will be protected, but not the 95 out of 100 people will be protected, which is a relative protection.

Had we known the facts of absolute protection, would we have worried about creating a vaccine so much? We would not have such high hopes that a vaccine would resolve the pandemic. The vaccine mandate would not be so solid at the beginning.

Instead, we would be more rational to seek natural ways to boost immunities so as to prevent the virus in a more feasible and easy way.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Yes .. I've got numerous family members who have died .. and I know many who got Covid outside of hospitals and at hospitals ..

Most of family members I know got covid outside of hospitals ..

Most family members recovered .. a few did not in the early part of the pandemic ..

know one person who got a bad reaction from a vaccine .. and could not participate in society due to vaccine passport requirements .. which really imho are bad idea ..
Thanks for your share. Very sorry for your losses. My question was more those who got Covid and died, where did they die? I have not heard of one person dying at home or out of a hospital, of course I know this is not fully true, I am sure some died at home but I just have not heard/read of any.

After talking to nurses I knew, back in the early stages of Covid, then seeing videos like this, I definitely questioned hospital Covid protocols...I actually told my wife Not to call 911 if I got Covid, i did not want to die in a hospital. Thank God we had mild cases of Covid last Christmas, 2021

View attachment 2021-01-25 Senator Ron Johnson Hearing Nurses Testify InHuman Hospital Treatment IMG 8238.mp4


Getting comfortable
Sep 2, 2022
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South Dakota
Thanks for your share. Very sorry for your losses. My question was more those who got Covid and died, where did they die? I have not heard of one person dying at home or out of a hospital, of course I know this is not fully true, I am sure some died at home but I just have not heard/read of any.

After talking to nurses I knew, back in the early stages of Covid, then seeing videos like this, I definitely questioned hospital Covid protocols...I actually told my wife Not to call 911 if I got Covid, i did not want to die in a hospital. Thank God we had mild cases of Covid last Christmas, 2021

The only people I knew that got covid and died were terminally ill to begin with so any flu virus was going to take him out anyways.

The medical industry broke an international law by renaming the SARS flu virus which is on the epidemic list of pathogens that can not be declared as a pandemic of any kind. Eventually there will be a court case. Maybe they are waiting for the co-wager (Putin) to be finished with his war that was launched to interrupt the global weaponized medicine movement.

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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After rewatching the above 2 videos I just can't help think, again, that in order to continue to label something a Pandemic you have to have massive deaths, well at least to sell this to the masses in order to push a extremely profitable Vaccine. In the first video the statement from the nurse about the increased PCR numbers that produces false positives and that he believed the patients coming in during the winter of 2020-21 were possibly flu patients but were quickly whisked away and isolated and treated as Covid patients makes sense to me since we all witnessed the Flu magically go away these last few years.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Thanks for your share. Very sorry for your losses. My question was more those who got Covid and died, where did they die? I have not heard of one person dying at home or out of a hospital, of course I know this is not fully true, I am sure some died at home but I just have not heard/read of any.

After talking to nurses I knew, back in the early stages of Covid, then seeing videos like this, I definitely questioned hospital Covid protocols...I actually told my wife Not to call 911 if I got Covid, i did not want to die in a hospital. Thank God we had mild cases of Covid last Christmas, 2021

View attachment 142604

I have a few I suspect died at home from Covid .. however, since no one is getting paid for those deaths .. no one is checking for "covid" .. this is why looking for excessive expected deaths imho is critical.

Seen way too many heart attacks in friends and family now .. also a lot of cancer .. but the cancer was due to not getting regular check up imho during the pandemic

a few who died seemed healthy enough, I know one who died was severely immunocompromised due to a transplant ... sad, but I accept that compared to those who were otherwise healthy enough even if 50+
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