I had upgraded the firmware of my NVR5216-4ks2 from 4.001.0000007.1 dated 210827 to 4.002.0000000.5 dated 220729. After that upgrade a feature causes a problem with my NVR (about 2 1/2 years old, latest version) and I do need to roll back. I have installed TFTP-server (several programs available...) on my Win 10 pro, a terminal emulator PuTTY, and have added a RS-232-port (USB to RS-232, alternatively I could use an internal PCIE-card with null-modem-cable). Could you perhaps let me know how in very much details, step by step, you succeeded to DOWNGRADE? The upgraded NVR - besides the single (unfortunately for me important issue) - works fine here.UPDATE: 4/20/22
Some people have reported being unable to revert back to an older firmware after installing the DH_NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.002.0000000.2.R.220120.bin firmware. I actually reverted back to several older firmware's today without any issues whatsoever. Of course I always backup/save my configuration and default the NVR back to factory defaults before attempting any updates. This method is the best way to avoid failed updates or bricking the unit.
How did you downgrade the firmware?UPDATE: 4/20/22
Some people have reported being unable to revert back to an older firmware after installing the DH_NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.002.0000000.2.R.220120.bin firmware. I actually reverted back to several older firmware's today without any issues whatsoever. Of course I always backup/save my configuration and default the NVR back to factory defaults before attempting any updates. This method is the best way to avoid failed updates or bricking the unit.
Unfortunately, we have seen manufacturers remove worse than that with a firmware update. That is why we often preach don't update unless you know it is fixing something that is broke or you know it won't break something that you have working. If the release notes are blank or just "various bug fixes" it is usually best to skip the update.
I know now![]()
Sorry for the late reply. I just saw this. I just downgraded normally from the NVR itself. Same way as if I was updating.How did you downgrade the firmware?
Sorry for the late reply. I just saw this. I just downgraded normally from the NVR itself. Same way as if I was updating.
But I have not tried downgrading from the versions you referenced. On another note, I always factory default before I do any update or downgrade.
I am on DH_NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.002.0000000.5.R.220729.bin and I cannot downgrade at all
I tried downgrading to DH_NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.002.0000000.2.R.220120.bin and to DH_NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.002.0000000.3.R.220322.bin because I have the problem that names of the cameras cannot be changed
It starts downgrading and after around 10 seconds, it says "Upgrade failed" and then the NVR reboots.
Any one got around this?
Where is the “name edit” box you are referring to located?Where did you tried to change the name of the camera? On newer version NVR now have it own naming edit boxes for every camera .
Where is the “name edit” box you are referring to located?
Where did you tried to change the name of the camera? On newer version NVR now have it own naming edit boxes for every camera .
I tried to change it on the NVR, and on the webgui of the camera (and on the webgui of the camera using internet explorer with the activeX component enabled, someone said it could make a difference).
Nothing works. I get daily confronted with all of them having the same name (IPC) , in stead of the camera names.. It is very annoying. Especially when you have 18 cameras.... :/
Any work around would really make me happy!
Sorry it not working for you. I use Chrome browser to make any changes on both the old and new Web GUI.
What happens when you apply the camera name change on NVR? error message pop up?
No errors. If I write CAM1, CAM2, CAM3 etc...on all the names and press "Apply" and then go to "Live", sometimes I see one or two that got the good name. When I refresh the page,it is all gone again and everything is reverted to IPC for all cameras.
Try Internet Explorer or Pale Moon 32-bit.
I tried Internet Explorer, but never Pale Moon. Will try that now.