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- May 6, 2018
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Yup. Just rebooted the server and the custom list is empty again. I'll try your delayed start or I can also just disable custom models for now so at least I have something working in the mean time.It sounds like your system is behaving similar to how mine does. You will likely have continued issues after rebooting unless you make a change to the window services startup for BI. Be default, both BI and CPAI services are set to start automatically. BI has to be changed to "Delayed startup" to allow more time for CPAI to be fully up and running first.
This settings is found by clicking the start button, typing "services", opening the services app, find blue iris on the list, pick delayed startup from the dropdown box, and save. Now when you restart the PC everything should behave as expected.
Edit: Just tried the "Delayed Start" trick but it didn't work for me. Still no custom models available in BI.
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