Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


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Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
EXCLUSIVE: Vaccinated Outbreak at CDC Conference Bigger Than Reported

The COVID-19 outbreak among vaccinated people that broke out at a conference held by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) was bigger than disclosed, according to files obtained by The Epoch Times.

After the outbreak took place in April, the CDC reported results from surveys sent to attendees.

The CDC said that 181 respondents reported testing positive for COVID-19.

But that number was actually 183, according to the newly obtained files.

The public health agency also failed to disclose that hundreds of attendees did not get tested, even some who experienced symptoms.

Some 601 attendees who responded to the survey said they did not get tested for COVID-19, the files show, including 34 who reported experiencing COVID-like symptoms, being ill, or both.

The CDC did not respond to a request for comment.

Vaccinated Person Went to Emergency Room

In a statement on the outbreak, which only affected vaccinated people, the CDC emphasized that no attendee reported being hospitalized.

“None of the 181 people who reported testing positive were hospitalized,” the agency said.

The agency did not mention that one of the vaccinated people suffered such severe symptoms that they went to the emergency room, according to the newly obtained files.

The agency had claimed that, despite the outbreak, the survey results “underline the importance of vaccination for protecting individuals against severe illness and death related to COVID-19.”

More at the link: EXCLUSIVE: Vaccinated Outbreak at CDC Conference Bigger Than Reported (


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Sep 5, 2016
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It’s seems many of the sheep take somewhere between 1.5-2.5 years for reality to settle in.

And the wolves have no incentive to help them see it.

But I’ll betcha most of them can tell you the names of the songs from Taylor Swifts concert and recite every line from Barbie.

Sheep are shallow and suffer from lack of critical thinking skills. Some wait for the courts and authorities to tell them else it can’t possibly be true.


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Dec 19, 2015
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Cypress, California
Records Reveal Fauci Made Over $300 Million From the Covid Pandemic While Americans Suffered

While the entire United States was under authoritarian mandates, top so-called Covid-19 “experts” were making hundreds of millions of dollars on the pandemic that caused lifelong hurdles for many Americans.

According to records, the former NIH Director, Dr. Francis Collins, and former NIAID Director, Dr. Anthony Fauci, made huge profits from royalty checks during the Chinese virus-fueled pandemic. At the same time, thousands of people struggled to put food on the table.

OpenTheBooks, a transparency organization, recently released over 1,500 unredacted records revealing the leaders of the country’s National Institutes of Health and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases profited off the virus that killed thousands of people.

On top of that, Fauci funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology to research the Coronavirus.

The records show Collins and Fauci got 58 royalty payments for allowing companies to use their COVID-19 vaccines, which in return was developed with funding from U.S. taxpayers by private pharmaceutical firms.

So, in other words, the Covid pandemic was one big ploy for the government to get massively wealthy.

Through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 56,000 transactions were recorded, totaling over $325 million banked by the “experts.”

“The NIH continues to refuse to voluntarily divulge the names of scientists who receive royalties and from which companies over the period of time from 2010 to 2016, 27,000 royalty payments were paid to 1800 NIH employees,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said. “We know that. Not because you told us, but because we forced you to tell us through the Freedom of Information Act.”

Between 2010 and 2021, Fauci received 37 payments from three entities, including 15 from Santa Cruz Biotechnology— which ranks fifth in royalty payments. Fauci also received 14 from Ancell Corp. and eight from Chiron Corp., which was later bought by Novartis, allowing the company to obtain significant NIH funds.

According to OpenTheBooks, names, and license numbers for each payment is absent from the records— data that the NIH initially withheld but was later forced to release by a court. This information is essential to know if there were any potential conflicts of interest.

Records also show that Fauci, the highest-paid federal worker with a 2022 salary of $480,000, failed to donate his royalties to charity as promised.

Records Reveal Fauci Made Over $300 Million From the Covid Pandemic While Americans Suffered (


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Sep 5, 2016
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COVID Victims' Families Sue EcoHealth Alliance For 'Funding, Releasing' Virus
COVID Victims' Families Sue EcoHealth Alliance For 'Funding, Releasing' Virus | ZeroHedge

According to the Aug. 2 lawsuit filed before the New York Supreme Court in Manhattan, EcoHealth and its president, Peter Daszak, knew the virus was "capable of causing a worldwide pandemic."

Not only did EcoHealth help to create a 'genetically manipulated virus,' the lawsuit claims, it worked to cover up the origins of the outbreak.

"If we had known the source or origin of this virus and had not been misled that it was from a pangolin in a wet market, and rather we knew that it was a genetically manipulated virus, and that the scientists involved were concealing that from our clients, the outcome could have been very different," victims' attorney Patricia Finn told the


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Oct 2, 2020
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Tremendous Progress in Missouri v. Biden

As I explained previously, the government appealed the district court’s preliminary injunction in Missouri v. Biden, which would prohibit the government from pressuring social media companies to censor Americans online. Two days ago, a three-judge panel in the 5th Circuit court of appeals heard oral arguments from both sides.

Alex Gutentag over at Public yesterday provided a great summary of the judge’s responses during the hearing:

Yesterday the Fifth Circuit court heard oral arguments in the Missouri v. Biden case, and the judges did not hold back. One judge suggested the government “strongarms” social media companies and that their meetings had included “veiled and not-so-veiled threats.”

Another judge described the exchange between the Biden administration and tech companies as the government saying, “Jump!” and the companies responding, “How high?”

“That’s a really nice social media company you got there. It’d be a shame if something happened to it,” the judge said, describing the government’s coercive tactics.

Attorney John Sauer, representing Louisiana, masterfully argued that the government had repeatedly violated the First Amendment. He pointed to specific evidence of coercion in the Facebook Files.

“You have a really interesting snapshot into what Facebook C-suite is saying,” Sauer explained. “They’re emailing Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg and saying things like… ‘Why were we taking out speech about the origins of covid and the lab leak theory?’” The response, Sauer said, was, “Well, we shouldn’t have done it, but we’re under pressure from the administration.”

He also cited an email from Nick Clegg, Facebook President of Global Affairs, that pointed to “bigger fish to fry with the Administration — data flows, etc.”

On Monday, Public reported that these “data flows” referred to leverage the Biden administration had over the company; Facebook needed the White House to negotiate a deal with the European Union. Only through this deal could Facebook maintain access to user data that is crucial for its $1.2 billion annual European business.

But Sauer also made it clear that coercion was not the only basis on which the court could rule against the Biden administration. Joint activity between the White House and social media platforms would also be unconstitutional.

Sauer compared what the government had done to book burning. “Imagine a scenario where senior White House staffers contact book publishers… and tell them, ‘We want to have a book burning program, and we want to help you implement this program… We want to identify for you the books that we want burned, and by the way, the books that we want burned are the books that criticize the administration and its policies.”

Daniel Tenny, the attorney for the Department of Justice, was left nitpicking and misrepresenting the record. In one instance, he denied that Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins had hatched a plan to orchestrate a “takedown” of the Great Barrington Declaration. Why? Because, Tenny said, according to their emails, they actually planned a takedown of “the premises of the Great Barrington Declaration.”

Tenny also stated that social media companies had not removed any true content. From the case’s discovery as well as the Facebook Files we know that is far from true. Facebook, against internal research and advice, did remove “often-true content” that might discourage people from getting vaccinated. Facebook’s own emails clearly suggest that the company only did this due to pressure from figures within the Biden Administration.

Tenny also claimed that when Rob Flaherty, the White House director of Digital Strategy, dropped the F-bomb in an exchange with Facebook it was not about content moderation. In fact, it was precisely about content moderation and occurred during a conversation about how Instagram was throttling Biden’s account. Ironically, the account couldn’t gain followers because Meta’s algorithm had determined that it was spreading vaccine misinformation.

Later, Sauer demolished an earthquake hypothetical that Tenny had introduced to justify state-sponsored censorship. “You can say this earthquake-related speech that’s disinformation is false, it’s wrong,” Sauer said. “The government can say it’s bad, but the government can’t say, ‘Social media platforms, you need to take it down.’ Just like a government can’t stand at the podium and say, ‘Barnes and Noble, you need to burn the bad books, burn the Communist books, whatever it is.’ They can’t say take down speech on the basis of content.”

Based on this hearing, the plaintiffs in Missouri v. Biden may have a strong chance of winning. Biden’s DOJ simply had no valid arguments to present. The evidence is clear: the administration brazenly engaged in an unlawful censorship campaign and instrumentalized private companies to do its bidding. This total disregard for fundamental civil liberties will be a stain on the Democratic Party for years to come.

Article continues
Tremendous Progress in Missouri v. Biden ⋆ Brownstone Institute


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Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Funny how all the previously rabid Covidians arent shouting from the treetops about the new jab?

And where's ol' @Frankenfuck that used to come in daily and tell us heathens that we had to get the jab or die and that it was 'safe and effective"??

Updated Covid vaccines are nearly ready as alarm grows over new variant’s rapid spread
Updated Covid vaccines are nearly ready as alarm over new variant grows

Symptoms of the new variant include a runny nose, headache, fatigue, sneezing and a sore throat.
Updated Covid vaccines are expected to become available in the US next month as alarm grows over a new variant dubbed Eris.

(They were going to label it "Seasonal Flu"...But that wasn't edgy enough.)


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Getting comfortable
Dec 3, 2021
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Funny how all the previously rabid Covidians arent shouting from the treetops about the new jab?

And where's ol' @Frankenfuck that used to come in daily and tell us heathens that we had to get the jab or die and that it was 'safe and effective"??

Updated Covid vaccines are nearly ready as alarm grows over new variant’s rapid spread
Updated Covid vaccines are nearly ready as alarm over new variant grows

Symptoms of the new variant include a runny nose, headache, fatigue, sneezing and a sore throat.
Updated Covid vaccines are expected to become available in the US next month as alarm grows over a new variant dubbed Eris.

(They were going to label it "Seasonal Flu"...But that wasn't edgy enough.)

Interesting, that is the same symptoms I am having right now with this stupid cold I get this time of year every year.

So exactly how many jabs should I have had to take to prevent me from this deadly variant I probably have? Maybe I will take a drive to the local walgreens and just ask for a whole bottle and ask if they can give me a IV.


Getting comfortable
Dec 3, 2021
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A few weeks ago we had a work party for my wifes work. A few days later she came home complaining that they were short staffed and that a couple of the ladys were off with fauchi's cold.
My immediate comment to her was who the F still actually gets tested for that????

Then a few days later she said that over half of the staff was out because they tested +. Supposedly they linked it to the work party......

I told her that she may need to find another job if she works with people who get tested. But the whole reason she quit her job and started this job was because the hospital she worked at announced they were considering a mandate, and the office she work's at now said they would close their doors before mandating the clot shot.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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It is flu season. Late summer wave pretty common.

I know a half dozen or more came down with it this past 2 weeks. One older guy in hospital, though he had severe COPD BEFORE he came down with it.

All "tested" positive.
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