Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
Mandates ARE NOT LAWS. And where my medical treatment is concerned, I am the Supreme Judge who makes the decisions.
True, but the control freak libs levied a lot of punishment onto those who didn't bow down to the mandates. For a lot of people it was bow down to the libs or lose your job, get kicked out of school, and various other punishments.
Dec 6, 2014
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South Dakota
True, but the control freak libs levied a lot of punishment onto those who didn't bow down to the mandates. For a lot of people it was bow down to the libs or lose your job, get kicked out of school, and various other punishments.
Yes-- They LITERALLY inflicted personal and financial HARM on people.

And they are going to do it again...



Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Known around here
Oct 2, 2020
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To Defeat New Variant, Experts Recommend Doing All The Things That Didn't Work The First Time

U.S. - To defeat the massive, scary, definitely world-ending wave of COVID being driven by the delta variant of the deadly, frightening disease you should remain afraid of for the rest of your life, experts are recommending we try all the things that didn't work the first time.

From wearing masks and social distancing to locking everyone down and destroying the economy, experts are all suggesting that we just try the same things we did last time that didn't work at all.

"We are going to lock down, wear masks, and social distance, all of which didn't work, but hey. It's worth trying again," said Dr. Anthony Fauci in a television interview this morning. "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. That's what they taught us in science school. Look at my lab coat. It's white. Do you like it? It has pockets."

The television anchor then assured Dr. Fauci that his pockets were very nice.

"Thanks. I also have the heartbeat thingy. I like to breathe on it to warm it up. Makes me look official and doctory and whatnot."

At publishing time, experts had clarified that while we're going to be doing the same things that didn't work over and over again, we're going to be doing them harder this time.



Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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You people in Florida have a great governor, a great surgeon-general, and some great sheriffs , as a Texan I am proud of your state.



Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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A Startling Compilation: 'Neither Safe Nor Effective'
A Startling Compilation: 'Neither Safe Nor Effective' | ZeroHedge

A section of Dr. Colleen Huber’s introduction to her very important book, “Neither Safe Nor Effective 2nd Edition: The Evidence Against the COVID Vaccines,” is worth quoting before looking at the book as a whole:

“Dr. Peter McCullough, an American cardiologist, called the COVID vaccines, ‘the worst pharmaceutical development idea in the history of mankind.’”

“It often comes as a surprise to people that mRNA-type medical interventions and coronavirus vaccines had plenty of red flags through their history prior to December 2020. The ingredients used were already known to be toxic: Cationic lipids injure the nervous system, lungs and liver, as well as cell membranes throughout the body. Polyethylene glycol was never used for injections, due to safety concerns. mRNA had already been shown to change DNA. Previous attempts at coronavirus vaccines had all failed and killed the test animals. So inflicting the world’s population with a new, mostly untested vaccine for which its components already had so many safety warnings was the most widespread reckless experiment in human history.

...... Dr. Huber has a chapter giving a review of the immune system, and another explains why vaccines for respiratory diseases cannot work. There is also a chapter demonstrating with graphs that the more vaccines (boosters) a person receives, the more damage that can occur.

Offering suggestions for healing the vaccine injured, Dr. Huber adds the disclaimer that she cannot guarantee any of her advice will even partially heal the injured but some of it may prove effective in some cases. She mentions Vitamin D with its long and very successful history against viral infections, as well as agmatine, phosphatidyl serine, and nattokinase.

She also advises looking to Africa for solutions. Africa has been a beacon of light against an otherwise bleak global map. The continent has the distinction of having very little incidence and deaths from COVID when compared to the rest of the populated world. Africa also had an extraordinarily low vaccination rate. Instead, of vaccines, ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine have been widely used throughout equatorial Africa for about a half century as they happen to be very useful against endemic parasites.