Ukraine related: Was Ukraine Government Is Handing Out Guns To Citizens, What Happened to Gun Control?


Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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Wagner chief prighzon is believed to be killed in a plane crash outside moscow.

He was a dead man walking after the failed coup.
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Known around here
Jun 30, 2018
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Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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Whats interesting is that its exactly 2 months back on this date that Wagner forces shot down multiple russian aircrafts.

He was exiled to Belarus but he has been spotted in St Petersburg Russia every other week. In fact he was seen meeting African leaders in the African summit held in St Petersburg. Pro Russian airforce telegram channels where pissed at Putin for allowing Wagner to get away with murder of Russian airforce service men. Today their telegram channels simply say "2 months have passed. Remember" with a quote of video of a aircraft falling from the sky.

So if the aircraft was indeed shot by Russian air defense, like eye witness accounts of two bang bang sound and the aircraft missing a wing. The Russian government can simply say he violated the terms of the exile by boarding a plane from Moscow.


Aug 23, 2023
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Santa Monica CA
We knew this was coming .. plenty of money in Russia for the new Tzar / Cesar ..

Wow, this is really happening ..

Russia is in collapse mode now ..
You people drank far too much Hollywood fruit punch of Drama depictions purposefully indoctrinated into your brain stems with all this Russian xenophobic Putin bogyman syndrome and don't have the intellectual courage to look at that situations honestly and how the USA orchestrated all of it with NATO as the new worlds terrorists police force.. Your so busy wanking off to your own flag to even notice Ukraine LOST this war over a year ago.. Now you just dump money into it to profit the military industrial complex like the checked out flag waving sucker numpties you all are .. while your own country falls apart and they threw the EU under a buss by blowing up that pipeline... all for the obsessive psychopathy of GET RUSSIA!! All some bizarre McCarthy era throw back mental illness of red scare existential trauma you all are suffering from ..


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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You people drank far too much Hollywood fruit punch of Drama depictions purposefully indoctrinated into your brain stems with all this Russian xenophobic Putin bogyman syndrome and don't have the intellectual courage to look at that situations honestly and how the USA orchestrated all of it with NATO as the new worlds terrorists police force.. Your so busy wanking off to your own flag to even notice Ukraine LOST this war over a year ago.. Now you just dump money into it to profit the military industrial complex like the checked out flag waving sucker numpties you all are .. while your own country falls apart and they threw the EU under a buss by blowing up that pipeline... all for the obsessive psychopathy of GET RUSSIA!! All some bizarre McCarthy era throw back mental illness of red scare existential trauma you all are suffering from ..
For you @ChazLB ...




Known around here
Jul 16, 2015
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Aug 19, 2020
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San Antonio, TX
I was good with us supporting Ukraine against Putin. UNTIL Biden gave them a blank check worth BILLIONS of dollars. WTF did all of that money go? We all know that probably ONLY A FRACTION of it went towards the war effort. THAT is why I am against giving them ANYTHING any longer.

For example. If someone gave me 1 million dollars, what would I do with it? It would go to pay off my house, and the rest would go into savings for my daughters futures. NOT to blow it irresponsibly, then at the end of the day, but like 10 grand of it in my daughters accounts and say 'well done'. This is how I feel Ukraine has treated us with the money we (no, Biden) gave to them. And if I am wrong, PLEASE GIVE ME PROOF otherwise.

So until the rest of the world steps up to help Ukraine and they can show us EXACTLY where all of those BILLIONS of dollars went, they should NOT get one more cent from us, ever actually. IMO.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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I was good with us supporting Ukraine against Putin. UNTIL Biden gave them a blank check worth BILLIONS of dollars. WTF did all of that money go? We all know that probably ONLY A FRACTION of it went towards the war effort. THAT is why I am against giving them ANYTHING any longer.

For example. If someone gave me 1 million dollars, what would I do with it? It would go to pay off my house, and the rest would go into savings for my daughters futures. NOT to blow it irresponsibly, then at the end of the day, but like 10 grand of it in my daughters accounts and say 'well done'. This is how I feel Ukraine has treated us with the money we (no, Biden) gave to them. And if I am wrong, PLEASE GIVE ME PROOF otherwise.

So until the rest of the world steps up to help Ukraine and they can show us EXACTLY where all of those BILLIONS of dollars went, they should NOT get one more cent from us, ever actually. IMO.
Actually I understand the west ( USA, EU ) Ukrainian actually doing a better job on accounting on this war than say .. Iran or Afghanistan ..

Also a big part of this is actually not cash, but war material .. so Ukraine getting pricey 155mm shells from USA factories .. ( instead of say cheap China 155mm shells .. )

So that 1 Billion in war material will be going to USA companies, their shareholders ( thus pension funds ), employees, suppliers, and the appropriate USA Government overhead .. ( have to pay the accountants checking the books, ... )

imho the BEST thing would have been that the USA had a stronger President who basically told Putin "Start this war and we're gonna basically nuke you.. ". Putin needed a threat that he would believe .. after the Afghanistan screwup and Biden .. well I think Putin greenlighted this war then ..

LMT .. if you have a retirement fund .. you're getting some of that "Ukrainian Money" .. out from one pocket, into another ..



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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NATO Chief Openly Admits Russia Invaded Ukraine Because Of NATO Expansion
That is not an accurate assessment complete Bull .. look at the results .. NATO now has a 2x border with Russia .. Finland(*) and Sweden would not have joined NATO had the invasion not happened .. Putin's invasion of Ukraine changed that 100% ..

STG series had John Mearsheimer present that theory : "Blame ourselves for Russia invading" ( ask yourself, was 9/11 the fault of the USA .. i.e. Blame ourselves .. or was it not ? Ask yourself, is it the fault of the USA that Islamic fundamentalists hate USA ?? .. ah, the group of people who always want to Blame ourselves .. like blaming Whites for the riots .. Blame ourselves .. seriously .. )

STG did a good follow up on that presentation:
Why Mearsheimer is wrong about Russia and the war in Ukraine. Five arguments from Alexander Stubb.

Fundamentally, the mentality that we Blame ourselves for Putin's actions is wrong, just like Blaming ourselves that Hitler invaded all sorts of countries ..

(*) - The Finnish Defence Forces' reserve comprises approximately 900,000 Finnish citizens .. thus you now have a 900,000 NATO reserve force on the border of Russia
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Russia .. reports are very bad for Russian's forced to fight ..

KIA are Rotting in the Trenches, WIA aren't Evacuated. Rusich-Militia Writes Lengthy Complaint!
Military & History
