US Elections (& Politics) :)


Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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When you have the CEO of the most powerful company which has its fingers dipped in every MSM outlet, defense and pharmaceutical companies endorsing Nikki Haley. Its obvious now who the establishment wants.

Trump puts to rest Nikki VP stories peddled by MSM.

Also Trump praises Vivek doesn't want Vivek to drop out any time soon.

Msm is butt hurt that they are not getting ad revenue. Vivek isn't concentrating on MSM viewers, the older age group. Trump and Vivek/MAGA, Libertarians wouldn't be supporting them if they followed only MSM. He is targeting younger voters and he persuades older group via townhall events from 8 to 11 events a day. To compare Nikki did a total of 10 events in week.
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Getting comfortable
Jul 17, 2022
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After a retired FBI person warned Vivek to take security measures, a week later a guy was arrested for threatening to kill Vivek. If you notice his townhall videos prior to and after that day. Vivek no longer removes his jacket when he is indoors. I suspected that he is wearing body armor and if you look at the video 5 posts above this post, at exactly at 28 second mark you can hear a solid thud when his hand touches his jacket.

He now also has ex-military people standing besides him and at the door, earlier it was just his campaign people.
I think he now has to permanently maintain high level security detail. He was already on Blackrock radar years back and now he is 3 letter agencies enemy no 1, even if he drops out of the 2024.
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Known around here
Sep 25, 2021
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I am not a supporter of Nikki but, the horse hocky she is receiving from the media is BULLSHIP!
Just remember the "War of Norther Aggression" one learned in school was written by the VICTORS!
This is the SAME MEDIA that has lied and lied for countless generations to sell US. "Yellow Sheet Journalism" at it's finest.
So when she did not mention the correct answer of "States Rights" over "Federalism" which will soon mean "Feudalism"
and not slavery!

LEARN HISTORY not the crap they fed you in school!


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Remember: 50% of the people you meet are truly fucking stupid, self centered, and have no critical thinking skills whatsoever.

Rasmussen is typically pretty reliable.
Biden Approval Index History - Rasmussen Reports®

Pretty predictable really. Feed (or deceive) the free-shit low life scumbag army (including countless thousands of useless Govt. workers with no conscience drinking from the taxpayer tit) and they'll vote your way:
Lets guess at what will happen in election year 2024:
  • He found backdoors to give away my money to people who have no sense of responsibility to pay their own student loan debt
  • He stole our nations strategic petroleum reserves to bring down gas prices to make himself look good
  • He's abandoning his cluster fuck losing war in Ukraine now that Israel is front and center.
  • He'll begin to whittle away at the border after having let 10,000,000 illegals, criminals and terrorists in and the MSM will play up how he's "solved the border crisis" just in time for the election
  • His most corrupt DOJ ever will continue to persecute Trump and other "dangers to our democracy"
  • Housing interest rates will likely fall due to that old supply and demand thing, yet Bidet will take credit for it
  • His DOJ will continue to crack down on the all but non-existent "right-wing extremists" to keep the boogeyman alive for Karen's everywhere
  • His Education initiatives will continue to promote "equity" at the expense of students who can't read, write, or reason after graduating. Soccer Moms will be happy!
  • He'll continue to push the absurd LGBQTRDZWP++-&$# agenda and fuck up tens of thousands more kids minds and bodies while turning a blind eye to the pedophiles who embrace it.
  • His FED will start easing rates and maybe even providing "QE" for banks to get out of their bad bets, bringing interest rates down (sorry CD/Money market fans, you know, responsible savers)
  • And with little effort he'll get the ultimate endorsement from that Queen of American Culture Taylor Swift, locking in the young female vote
  • And lastly, if they can't get formal ok on letting illegal aliens to vote, they'll use the same old deception and fraud they used the last time to insure a "victory"
*Oh, and the Republicans? They'll continue to try and look good while continuing to do absolutely nothing.

From author Donald Jeffries"
A Rigged System From Top to Bottom
George Orwell Meets Lewis Carroll
A Rigged System From Top to Bottom (<<< Recommend reading the whole article. Well done)

..... This system isn’t just rigged. It’s irreparably broken. And as Donald Trump pointed out in his most astute campaign comment, you can’t trust those who rigged it to fix it. Every time someone who was in the wrong place, at the wrong time, gets convicted after seeing his public defender for all of five minutes, we all lose. An unfair conviction, or an unjust acquittal based on legal irrelevancies like wealth, race, or politics, taints the system we all are supposed to respect. No one with any critical thinking ability whatsoever, and even a cursory knowledge of modern history, can possibly have the least bit of faith in our system. I cannot argue any longer with the anarchists. There is no reason to have even the most limited trust in any authority.

It’s entirely appropriate that the most corrupt society in the history of the world, our own glorious America 2.0, should have a system of kangaroo courts that would make Lewis Carroll, author of Alice in Wonderland, blush. We are really almost at the point of “sentence first, verdict afterwards,” which for over a century represented just a titillating example of the author’s renowned “nonsense.” When a judge openly rules that a defendant is guilty, before the trial has begun, as happened in one of Trump’s show trials, then we have literally reached that stage. And the vast majority of Americans couldn’t care less. Or “could care less,” as many of them would ungrammatically put it. After all, they aren’t on trial. If you got nothing to hide, why do you care? They simply cite one of their countless ghetto references: “I’m good.”

We have school administrations loyally backing crazed TikTok teachers who want to interrogate preschoolers about which gender they “identify” as. And courts that will undoubtedly rule against any sane parents who want to stop the madness. We have the entire business world- the vaunted private industry dear to the hears of conservatives everywhere- supporting the lunacy of “announcing pronouns.” And there isn’t a business out there, in this rigged marketplace of ours- that won’t fire someone for “misidentifying” one of these troubled souls. They’ll also fire you for “hate speech,” if the “right” people complain loudly enough. We have seen countless people “cancelled” from their jobs for their social media posts. On their own free time.

The millions of Americans who cling to some semblance of sanity, and believe in some semblance of liberty, are powerless. They have no “representatives,” in Congress, in the courts, in the business world, or in Hollywood. Every organ of the establishment is aligned against them. You might even call that a conspiracy. They don’t care if you don’t buy their products, or go to their movies. It’s not about profits, in this allegedly profit-driven land. There are far more important agendas here. The Great Replacement. The eugenicist’s wet dream of culling the herd. Of not only having all the wealth, but as Huey Long pointed out, of gleefully knowing that you don’t have it. It’s a wealth disparity thing, you wouldn’t understand.
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IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
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