Some Reolink Cameras Stutter/Freeze

Cor K Dikland

Getting the hang of it
Apr 25, 2019
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Two of my 8 Reolink cameras often freeze (in BlueIris only) to the point were either the live feed or recorded video is unwatchable. The two in question are model RLC-510A and RLC-811A both work fine either via the Reolink app or other app such as VLC Media Player. The FW on all cameras is up to date.

Because the problem only occurs within BI, one immediately assumes it must be a BI setting however...... I have other cameras same model and I export them then create a new camera importing those setting. I change the IP to match that of the problem camera and sure enough, within seconds this new camera begins to act up. Makes absolutely no sense to me at all. I can disable every BI camera except one of the problem cameras,turn off all recording/motion detection/etc and it makes no difference. While this camera stutters/freezes in BI it works flawlessly in the other mentioned apps. Totally frustrated and have completely run out of ideas.


IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
Reaction score
Two of my 8 Reolink cameras often freeze (in BlueIris only) to the point were either the live feed or recorded video is unwatchable. The two in question are model RLC-510A and RLC-811A both work fine either via the Reolink app or other app such as VLC Media Player. The FW on all cameras is up to date.

Because the problem only occurs within BI, one immediately assumes it must be a BI setting however...... I have other cameras same model and I export them then create a new camera importing those setting. I change the IP to match that of the problem camera and sure enough, within seconds this new camera begins to act up. Makes absolutely no sense to me at all. I can disable every BI camera except one of the problem cameras,turn off all recording/motion detection/etc and it makes no difference. While this camera stutters/freezes in BI it works flawlessly in the other mentioned apps. Totally frustrated and have completely run out of ideas.
Hi @Cor K Dikland

Have you read up on the issues Reolink reported to have with iFrames and Blus Iris ?


IPCT Contributor
Apr 28, 2019
Reaction score
Exactly and that is part of the problem.

It is a known issue that Reolink doesn't play well with BI.

Cor K Dikland

Getting the hang of it
Apr 25, 2019
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
Exactly and that is part of the problem.

It is a known issue that Reolink doesn't play well with BI.
What is weird though that others (same model) will work fine in BI. Another thing, if I use the Sub Stream Profile and plunk it into Main each problem camera works "fine". Crappy video quality but no stutter/freeze.

My long term plan is to get rid of all my Reolink. I got and EmpireTech ‎IPC-T54IR-Z camera last year and never been happier. That said, I can't afford to replace all my Reolink with this model. Too much money and overkill. Some of these cameras are used to view bird feeders and owl nests. Others are there to keep an eye on our dogs.

Any suggestion for alternatives appreciated.
