Israel attacked by Hamas...

Remember this...there will never, ever, be any good solution nor will there ever be any peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I have always stand by this creed since the day I saw the Backstabber grinning and shaking hands with Rabin back in the 90s. I never trusted that man nor anyone with Muslim heritage who will sign any peace treaty with Israel. Muslims hate Jews just like the ayatollahs of Iran hates Americans and Jews. Period. Their allah is not the same as The God of Abraham, Moses, Isaac and David. Nope. With that said, how can there be peace when the other is hell-bent to annihilate the other??? Water and oil do not mix. Don't fool yourselves -- there will be no peace in the Middle East.

“He (Ishmael) will be a wild donkey of a man; His hand will be against every man [continually fighting] And every man’s hand against him; And he will dwell in defiance of all his brothers.” Genesis 16:12 AMP

While they are saying, “Peace and safety [all is well and secure!]” then [in a moment unforeseen] destruction will come upon them suddenly like labor pains on a woman with child, and they will absolutely not escape [for there will be no way to escape the judgment of the Lord]. 1 Thessalonians 5:3 AMP
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This is a great speach but I don't believe him. For instance, he waited with Rafih operation a long time.
The goals he set to this war were clearly not achiveable (eliminating Hamas and returning all of the hostages).
The reaction to 7th October was delayed.
Many people think he should have resigned due to 7th October catastrophy.

TL;DR: He speaks well and sounds as if he has a good plan, but acutally we don't see progress in Gaza or Lebanon.
This is a great speach but I don't believe him. For instance, he waited with Rafih operation a long time.
The goals he set to this war were clearly not achiveable (eliminating Hamas and returning all of the hostages).
The reaction to 7th October was delayed.
Many people think he should have resigned due to 7th October catastrophy.

TL;DR: He speaks well and sounds as if he has a good plan, but acutally we don't see progress in Gaza or Lebanon.
Understood. We all know there will never be peace. Even if Hamas is eliminated there will be a new enemy group formed. It is a Lose/Lose situation...but I am rooting for the Good Guys...
With these cowards if you play by the rules you will always lose. But if you don’t, you are the coward/terrorist. This is why negotiation should be off the table.

I say ‘sock it to them.’
700 Tunnels in Rafah found. These people are like ants...

No way someone will convince me that the Palestinians did not know of these tunnels.
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Hmmmm, I don't recall or remember them issuing warrants for the arrests of Hamas Terrorists? TELL THEM TO EAT SHIT AND DIE, BIBI!


A warning to any nation that wishes to attack Israel…you’re not just up against an army, but you’re dealing with the one and only true living God.

“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” — Genesis 12:3
Hmmmm, I don't recall or remember them issuing warrants for the arrests of Hamas Terrorists? TELL THEM TO EAT SHIT AND DIE, BIBI!

View attachment 194913

Like it's going to happen.

This absolutely has nothing to do with "war crimes" but everything to do to weaken Israel as a nation and give it up to its domestic and external enemies.

I see Barry and Schumer's hand on this. But it's nothing to worry about because God is watching.
Can't say I am completely shocked by this. I mean, they do have a history of sorts.....
