US Elections (& Politics) :)

I'm curious to know on what grounds the NY case against Trump would be thrown out based on the SCOTUS immunity ruling regarding "official acts". I don't recall NY's claims of criminal acts by Trump were "official acts" of POTUS. In fact, they were prior to Trump being POTUS. Maybe someone here can shed some light.

Watch the whole video to understand what a liar he's been now for AT LEAST 36 years, not to mention the plagiarism. He's been lying for so long they just roll off his tongue naturally. If his mouth is moving, he's lying.

Joe Biden's lies are legendary. He's still the same dishonest plagiarist he was 36 years ago.

Ever since Richard Nixon, the "Press" has "Press"ed and "Pull"ed our legs (Three Stooges Pun) by
lie after lie after lie to cover those worthless Demoncrats. They have had a grudge since the trouncing
they received in Chicago in 1968!

As a side note, Remember the Maine. To hell with Spain. Thank you William Randolph Hearst.
How many our boys did YOU kill in another Demo war?
Ever since Richard Nixon, the "Press" has "Press"ed and "Pull"ed our legs (Three Stooges Pun) by
lie after lie after lie to cover those worthless Demoncrats. They have had a grudge since the trouncing
they received in Chicago in 1968!

As a side note, Remember the Maine. To hell with Spain. Thank you William Randolph Hearst.
How many our boys did YOU kill in another Demo war?

Yellow journalism at its finest
I have to wonder what is in the water in Delaware to keep voting this clown into office time after time again.
Same thing that's in the left coast water. Its informal name is Stupidity Potion.
Just saw a term I have never heard of before:


“This decision today has continued the court’s attack in recent years on a wide range of long established legal principles in our nation – from gutting voting rights and civil rights to taking away a woman’s right to choose, to today’s decision that undermines the rule of law of this nation,” he said.

No, dumbass...and as usual you and your party are the ones spreading "DIS-information".​
By "gutting voting rights" do you mean requiring a photo ID, not allowing you to vote twice or not wanting dead people to vote?​
By "taking away a woman’s right to choose" you mean putting the rules and handling of abortion back in the hands of the states instead of governance by the Feds?​