Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Same. I’ve had it once, can’t be sure about this last time, just a few weeks ago. Out of the blue body aches, temp spiked for like 2-3 hours, then just weak and tired for about 4 days. Not what I considered a “normal” flu in my 65 years experience. :idk:

But a large number of folks I know have been multi jabbed seem to get it bad about every 6 months.

It’s real I’m convinced, man made, and it’s too early still to tell what the virus itself does to you long term. Thankfully for most it’s mild now like what I had.

But the jabbed seem to have a tougher time with it and get it much more frequently
You know every year I would get those same symptoms twice a year, normally during the winter and start of spring. Thought is was allergies, which may be some of it was but for about a week I would have a slight low grade fever, congestion, headaches, some aching, stomach issues, even bad bowel movements, sorry for sharing that :0, anyway, I have not had any of this since we moved out into the woods, imagine that with all of the pollen around us. This past Winter and this Spring, nothing. Maybe the supplement regiment we are now taking since we got COVID back in 2021 is helping? Maybe the clean air out here? The fresh food, no frozen food chain restaurants here? Don't know but neither of us have been sick like we were in the city. BUT, we are not around as many people either, so less spread?


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Sep 5, 2016
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IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Interesting, you may have already heard this.

Autism should have a genetic link .. so any distinct population I would expect to be statistically different.

Also there probably is a nurture link .. certainly children getting doped on mobile devices are going to be very different than child without who are outside working and playing.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Re-writing history .... Amazing how far they'll go to lie to the world.

No real new evidence, but a pretty "study" by a group who had already come out to defend their critter soup theory. They found Covid traces as well as animal DNA traces in the market. Yeah, but they did NOT find an animal with Covid.

Its like saying we know Bob was in NYC around the time of the murder, but we can't place Bob at the scene at the time or exact place of the murder. Pure bullshit

Scientists again link covid pandemic origin to Wuhan market animals

Because the environmental metagenomic data used in this work cannot directly link viruses to their hosts in samples that contain DNA or RNA from multiple plausible host species (including humans), our analysis cannot conclusively identify which species may have shed SARS-CoV-2 in different samples from the Huanan market. Similarly, the exact timing of when viral or host genetic material were shed in the market environment cannot be directly estimated. The samples sequenced from wildlife stalls analyzed here were sampled 11 days after several other stalls in the market, and SARS-CoV-2 sequencing read counts were low in both qPCR-positive and qPCR-negative samples from these stalls. The amount of degradation that occurred between deposition and sampling affects the relative abundances of genetic material from different species and cannot be quantified. In addition, metagenomic sequence abundances are influenced by extraction biases specific to the species, virus, and type of genetic material, and by the technical specificity and sensitivity of different computational approaches. It is also challenging to distinguish very closely related animal species or subspecies without reference sequences, particularly in samples with very low coverage of the target. Finally, the publicly available genomic and epidemiological data from the start of the COVID-19 pandemic remain incomplete, and future data from this time could shed further light on hypotheses regarding its emergence.


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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The Public Health Agency of Canada just confirmed the dire warnings of “antivaxxers” and “conspiracy theorists” In response to an order paper question from Conservative MP Cathay Wagantall, the agency released startling data acknowledging that booster recipients have a noticeably higher COVID19 death rate than the unvaccinated.

Of course, they’re cautioning people not to read into this too deeply, even though the data indicates a three- to five-fold increase in death rates among those with two or more vaccine doses compared to the unvaccinated across all data groups

While the Public Health Agency of Canada is not alarmed by the trend and wants you to consider the caveats, they ignore their own inherently skewed data definitions, which I highlight in the full report her



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Sep 5, 2016
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Another week, another Medical Establishment LIE exposed

Those Published "17,000 Hydroxychloroquine Deaths" Never Happened

The now retracted publication authors were all French or Canadian, with the primary author a pharmacist by the name of Alexiane Pradelle. According to a rudimentary internet search, Dr. Pradelle had never published before. Subsequently, listed authors were degreed as physicians, pharmacists, and/or professors of their respective disciplines. The main, corresponding author, Jean-Christophe Lega, runs the Evaluation and Modeling of Therapeutic Effects team at the University of Lyon.

Did not even one person on her editorial board of over 50 “peer-reviewers” and staff ponder the celebrated and storied history of HCQ (and its predecessors) and how incongruent this study’s findings were before choosing to publish data denigrating HCQ safety?
The correct answer to that might actually be: “no”…

The publishing editorial board all seem to be laboratory bench (non-clinical) research scientists, per their biographies. Although the board does promote itself as meeting DEI requirements of being “gender diverse,” a more important question might be is if they have the appropriate credentials and experience to review and opine on clinically complex drug safety/epidemiology subject matters in the first place.

Is just anyone now allowed to opine on specialty clinical pharmacology drug safety matters?
In certain journals/news publications, the answer to that question seems to be: “yes”…


Known around here
Sep 5, 2016
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Getting comfortable
Dec 3, 2021
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A couple sat behind me on my flight today. Looked to be in their 40’s. Both wearing masks.

Before they got in their seats they rubbed their seats down with wipes.
They both got up to use the restroom at the same time, the dude went first, he first had to rub everything down with wipes before he went in.

The retardation is still real.