Recent content by bbakels

  1. B

    UP 1 camera when triggered not working anymore

    Dear all, Since the latest updates and the adition of the layout editor, i am not able to reconfigure my camera group to up 1 camera when triggered. It is up1 camera when selecting a camera but thats it. can anybody point me to the right direction. solo selected cam is on auto-cycle is on...
  2. B

    Dahua VTO2111D-WP Information and Hacking

    Somebody knows howto change the iframe interval and decoding options i dont have these in the new sip firmware
  3. B

    Fenderman, great addition however it looks like they are boubd to the use of achedules however i dont ise schedules but force the profiles via mqtt. is there a way to use this periodic actions without using schedules? bart
  4. B

    Since I installed Blue Iris entire PC is hanging/freezing 2 times a day.

    I have same issues with a nic7i7 nominal load 20-30% 10 dahua 10 fps and sub streams setup. i had these issues randomly but since substreams almost once a day. Yes i know its stil not stable. Added extra cooling block + fan it just freezes nothing in evntcenter and on the 4664 driver as adviced
  5. B

    Dahua VTO 2202F-P slarm output?

    mine has, but its not configurable in the webinterface, also i dont see a way to change the keyfrasme btw. My MQTT server is being triggered with the DAHUA to MQTT docker on my synology.
  6. B

    Dahua VTO 2202F-P slarm output?

    Hi, i recieved my new doorbel to replace my doorbird, all that i want is working, including doorbell activation to MQTT and the app however i prefer no to use an indoor panel, which i also dont need since i display my blueiris cams on tablets. the cam has a alarm output but i cant get it to...
  7. B

    UI3 IE recomendations

    Thanks for tour response, i switched a year ago to ui3 since it was much better performing for my solutions. I will try to check tomorrow again which options i have in the application itself i was now just testing with IE. Next to that i just reverted back to the latest stable since i saw some...
  8. B

    UI3 IE recomendations

    Hmm, i come to the conclusion that jpeg is the only option when using IE, was this always the case? bart
  9. B

    UI3 IE recomendations

    Hi, yes i know IE is not recommended but i use my homeautomation .net application( homeseer hatouch) to display my cams which i suspect using the ie libraries to display websites. it was working fine but since a few weeks i got out of memory messages. checked virusscanner exclusions etc and...
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    HI, I am thinking of replacing my doorbird with the DAHUA VTO2202F-P, But i also need the possibility to have a connection to my homeautomation. I was thinking if its possible to get the doorbellpress event in Blueiris via ONVIF? Can somebody confirm this? Thanks in advance. Bart ,
  11. B

    5.2.8 - May 20, 2020 - Direct-to-disc BVR recording will now include metadata for video overlays

    hi, i am not sure if i understand, but if i am playing back alerts or recordings i am seeing the overlays, however i use the macros for displaying info. However when i play back recordings i see the current macro values in the overlays, and not the values as they were on that moment. is there a...
  12. B

    5.2.3 - March 26, 2020

    I know, i never use IE, but problem i use a custom application for Homeautomation, which uses the IE activeX/NET dependencies...
  13. B

    5.2.3 - March 26, 2020

    Did not found it there, it only contains the latest update, but i found one on my other system which is 5.1, which resolves my issues for now.
  14. B

    5.2.3 - March 26, 2020

    I tried that, but i came to the conclusion i installed the weong biupdatehelper (for v4) so i dont have that update file . STUPID Can you provide that? Or ahould i reinstall using the full package for now? Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk