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    UP 1 camera when triggered not working anymore

    Dear all, Since the latest updates and the adition of the layout editor, i am not able to reconfigure my camera group to up 1 camera when triggered. It is up1 camera when selecting a camera but thats it. can anybody point me to the right direction. solo selected cam is on auto-cycle is on...
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    Dahua VTO2111D-WP Information and Hacking

    Somebody knows howto change the iframe interval and decoding options i dont have these in the new sip firmware
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    Fenderman, great addition however it looks like they are boubd to the use of achedules however i dont ise schedules but force the profiles via mqtt. is there a way to use this periodic actions without using schedules? bart
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    Since I installed Blue Iris entire PC is hanging/freezing 2 times a day.

    I have same issues with a nic7i7 nominal load 20-30% 10 dahua 10 fps and sub streams setup. i had these issues randomly but since substreams almost once a day. Yes i know its stil not stable. Added extra cooling block + fan it just freezes nothing in evntcenter and on the 4664 driver as adviced
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    Dahua VTO 2202F-P slarm output?

    mine has, but its not configurable in the webinterface, also i dont see a way to change the keyfrasme btw. My MQTT server is being triggered with the DAHUA to MQTT docker on my synology.
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    Dahua VTO 2202F-P slarm output?

    Hi, i recieved my new doorbel to replace my doorbird, all that i want is working, including doorbell activation to MQTT and the app however i prefer no to use an indoor panel, which i also dont need since i display my blueiris cams on tablets. the cam has a alarm output but i cant get it to...
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    UI3 IE recomendations

    Thanks for tour response, i switched a year ago to ui3 since it was much better performing for my solutions. I will try to check tomorrow again which options i have in the application itself i was now just testing with IE. Next to that i just reverted back to the latest stable since i saw some...
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    UI3 IE recomendations

    Hmm, i come to the conclusion that jpeg is the only option when using IE, was this always the case? bart
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    UI3 IE recomendations

    Hi, yes i know IE is not recommended but i use my homeautomation .net application( homeseer hatouch) to display my cams which i suspect using the ie libraries to display websites. it was working fine but since a few weeks i got out of memory messages. checked virusscanner exclusions etc and...
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    HI, I am thinking of replacing my doorbird with the DAHUA VTO2202F-P, But i also need the possibility to have a connection to my homeautomation. I was thinking if its possible to get the doorbellpress event in Blueiris via ONVIF? Can somebody confirm this? Thanks in advance. Bart ,
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    5.2.8 - May 20, 2020 - Direct-to-disc BVR recording will now include metadata for video overlays

    hi, i am not sure if i understand, but if i am playing back alerts or recordings i am seeing the overlays, however i use the macros for displaying info. However when i play back recordings i see the current macro values in the overlays, and not the values as they were on that moment. is there a...
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    5.2.3 - March 26, 2020

    I know, i never use IE, but problem i use a custom application for Homeautomation, which uses the IE activeX/NET dependencies...
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    5.2.3 - March 26, 2020

    Did not found it there, it only contains the latest update, but i found one on my other system which is 5.1, which resolves my issues for now.
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    5.2.3 - March 26, 2020

    I tried that, but i came to the conclusion i installed the weong biupdatehelper (for v4) so i dont have that update file . STUPID Can you provide that? Or ahould i reinstall using the full package for now? Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk
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    5.2.3 - March 26, 2020

    hi, Since this update i have an issue with the UI3 interface, on some of my machines it throws this error; tried resetting the profile overrides, but this does not help.
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    5.2.2 - March 20, 2020 Intel hardware H.265 decodingand H.264 encoding

    Do we need/can update our intel video drivers since im still using the trusted old driver?
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    BI4 not recording when running as service

    Run the service with the correct credentials in the windows services configuration Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk
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    BI5 Alert On triggers after Breaktime?

    disregard this post, Its realted to the homeseer 3 plugin i am using which is not working with BI5 yet. however it seems the alert queu is waiting on the alert to be ran before triggering another alert.
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    BI5 Alert On triggers after Breaktime?

    Hi, I have an issue with blueiris 5, since a certain BI update. I have alerts on all my cams, however I see these alert ON triggers are now triggered AFTER the set Breaktime in the Trigger tab? Is this by design? I would like to still have my breaktime on e.g. 20 secs, for the...
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    BI-5 Remote Management? Anyone using it?

    can somebody shed some light on the license needed for the remoteview client? is a LT license sufficient or should it be another full BI license, and what are the costs?
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    Beginner: Connect DoorBird into Blue Iris

    Hi i just found the issue with the doorbird rtsp stream not working. Disable hardware acceleration decoding for this camera! Regards Barr Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk
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    Beginner: Connect DoorBird into Blue Iris

    Hi i have a similar issue The mjeg profile works fine in blueirs but when switching to rtsp it doesnt work. However i can open the rtsp url via vlc on the same machine without issues... Use a ds102s Any help would be appreciated Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk
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    Blue iris suddenly used 80% memory since last update.

    Mine issues are resolved by use of the 21 version intel driver Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk
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    Is Intel Hardware Acceleration always on at the CPU level?

    Install the intel graphic driver with release number starting with 21 instead of the latest ones Verzonden vanaf mijn iPhone met Tapatalk
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    blue iris suddenly a memory hog and at 100% cpu usage

    Dear Q So, as you where responding to my question in the other thread.....? Please dont be an ass and make this personal, i am not at home right now so could not check it, but i was trying to help people with simmilar issues... by use of the info i now have at hand. Verzonden vanaf mijn...
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    blue iris suddenly a memory hog and at 100% cpu usage

    As stated its the version 21 intel graphics driver which is mentioned here a lot, And i am on the latest BI release Cpu stable now and my framerates that would go to nearly 1fps where related to the windows 10 energie settings, so make sure ur display will not be switched of by windows Bart...
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    blue iris suddenly a memory hog and at 100% cpu usage

    Eureka... i think this did the trick, for the older graphic driver at least(21) cpu was already dine but the deopping framerates seemed to be realted to the windows energysettungs, i disabled to turn of the screen after x minutes and until now i didnt see framerates dropping. Bart Verzonden...
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    blue iris suddenly a memory hog and at 100% cpu usage

    Both reinstalled bi and driver which got me normal cpu with the old driver but the franerates going down and up. Even in my recordings, however i just disabled the tirn of monitor in power settings to never. But i am using a headless machine Maybe this helps, i will report back Verzonden...
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    Blue iris suddenly used 80% memory since last update.

    The strange thing with the 21 version is that they drop and come back but i also see it in my recordings. This does not happen with HA disabled, however i did a clean install of the 21 driver and removed eveything from the 23 version, maybe that helps. Running now 30 min.... keep ya posted...