Pandemic threat? Anyone else concerned?

David L

IPCT Contributor
Aug 2, 2019
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Great video that VorlonFrog shared here: US Elections 2020+ (& Politics) :)

As of when this video was taken, 12,000 American deaths related to these vaccines.

Here are many other videos I encourage Anyone to watch. Only problem I found is I can't skip through the videos...Maybe it is the browser I am using? Don't know.



IPCT Contributor
Jan 17, 2017
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Delta Variant Death Rate Among Vaccinated Over 5 Times HIGHER Than the Unvaccinated in England

A new report with detailed data from Public Health England provides some startling numbers.

For the period of February 1 through August 2 there were COVID Delta variant cases for 47,000 people who had received 2 vaccine doses, and for 151,054 people who were unvaccinated.

In the first group of vaccinated people there were a total of 402 deaths, and in the second much larger group of unvaccinated people there were 253 deaths. To get the death rate you divide the number of deaths by the total number of infection cases.

That gives a death rate of .86 percent among the vaccinated and .17 percent among the unvaccinated. That is an amazing difference. The death rate among vaccinated was just over five times greater than that for the unvaccinated.

In other words, unvaccinated people who got infected were enormously safer from death. How can we explain this huge difference in terms of medical science? It should also be noted that it was determined that the measured viral load in both groups was the same.

So, why are vaccinated people dying more frequently than the unvaccinated. Here are some plausible explanations.

First, there is something very dangerous and unsafe in the COVID vaccines associated with spike proteins that are causing people to die at a higher rate. For example, as discussed elsewhere, all current vaccines have been associated with serious blood problems, notably both large and microscopic blood clots. Many people have died from brain bleeds and strokes, for example.

There are also many, many other types of adverse side effects causing a host of medical problems. Two famous virologists warned against using the current vaccines because they are fundamentally unsafe and could be killing people. They loudly proclaimed that the mass vaccination program should be halted. Instead, they advocated use of treatments using generic medicines like ivermectin, as detailed in Pandemic Blunder.

Second, it is reasonable to believe that most unvaccinated people have acquired natural immunity from some prior COVID infection. And that natural immunity is far more protective than the artificial or vaccine immunity obtained from jabs. Yet the US, like many other countries, does not give credit for natural immunity on a par with vaccine immunity when it comes to COVID passports and mandates. Very few nations do the right thing by honestly following the science.

Third, vaccinated people are susceptible to breakthrough infections, which means that they are not protected against infection after they have been originally infected. Phony and dangerous COVID vaccines do not destroy the virus, nor prevent transmitting it to others.

Conclusion The new data from England involving very large numbers of people should be headline news. But the biased and dishonest big media suppress this kind of critical data. Why? Clearly, if vaccinated people die at a much higher rate than unvaccinated people, then why should people be enthusiastic about being vaccinated? They should not. This is especially true for the millions of people who have natural immunity.

Delta Variant Death Rate Among Vaccinated Over 5 Times HIGHER Than the Unvaccinated in England (
FYI - the math is wrong on this one ..

Delta Variant Death Rate Among Vaccinated Over 5 Times HIGHER Than the Unvaccinated in England

The Death Rate among those vaccinate is FAR less than those unvaccinated in England .. as well as far less in the USA and other countries ..

To get the proper death rate you need to include the percentage of people vaccinated vs those unvaccinated. To call the calculations above a proper death rate is absolutely disingenuous.


if you are having trouble with the math, Dr John Campbell covers this topic frequently


Known around here
Jul 18, 2016
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USA, Oregon
FYI - the math is wrong on this one ..
The math isn't wrong. The headline is incomplete and/or misleading depending on how one would like to spin it. The first 3 sentences make it clear that this is the death rate of those who contracted delta over the specified time period. And this sentence makes it perfectly clear:

In other words, unvaccinated people who got infected were enormously safer from death.

I do have a problem with the raw data in this and many other articles, this one using data reported from Public Health England. They report the number of "cases". I don't know the definition of that term in this context but they surely don't know how many people actually contracted covid of any greek letter variety. Then, since people aren't individually tested for delta vs. non-delta, how can the deaths be assigned to delta vs. non-delta? The time period of Feb 1 to Aug 2 is totally unrealistic for drawing any conclusions of the current situation. This same fraud has been used to inflate the unvaccinated hospital percentages in the scare campaigns going on. Maybe now somebody is using the same trickery in the opposite direction? At least this article clearly discloses the raw data before the conclusion. Most of the scare articles I see don't disclose it at all, hide it in the middle, or at the very end where most have already stopped reading.
Aug 3, 2015
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The Article that was Blocked Minutes After It Got Shared By Sidney Powell

Proof That The Pandemic Was Planned & With Purpose
Published on September 30, 2020

PDF attached

Written by Dr James Fetzer

A group of over 500 medical doctors in Germany called ‘Doctors for Information’ made a shocking statement during a national press conference: (1)

‘The Corona panic is a play. It’s a scam. A swindle. It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.’

This large group of medical experts publishes a medical newspaper on 500,000 copies every week, to inform the public about the massive misinformation in the mainstream media. They also organize mass protests in Europe, like the one on August 29, 2020 where 12 million people signed up and several millions actually showed up.

Why do these 500+ medical doctors say the pandemic is a global crime? What do they know, that we don’t?

Hundreds Of Spanish Medical Doctors Say The Pandemic Is Planned
In Spain a group of 600 medical doctors called ‘Doctors for Truth’, made a similar statement during a press conference.

‘Covid-19 is a false pandemic created for political purposes. This is a world dictatorship with a sanitary excuse. We urge doctors, the media and political authorities to stop this criminal operation, by spreading the truth.’ (2)

Germany and Spain are just two examples. Similar large groups of hundreds of medical experts exist in countries across the world.

In the USA a documentary called PLANDEMIC, which exposes COVID-19 as a criminal operation, is supported by over 27,000 medical doctors!

Why are these thousands of medical professionals worldwide saying the pandemic is a crime? What information do they have access to, that we are not getting from the mainstream media?

I invite you to look at the following facts with an open mind and then come to your own conclusions…

In 2015 a ‘System and Method for Testing for COVID-19’ was patented by Richard Rothschild, with a Dutch government organization. Did you catch that? In 2015 – four years before the disease even existed – a testing method for COVID-19 was developed. (2B)

Aug 3, 2015
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Known around here
Feb 26, 2017
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So the same way they planned 9/11, the same way they planned COVID. They knew it weeks to months in advance :facepalm:

If it's told to you by the media, you should not believe it.
If it's the FDA or the CDC, you should not believe it.
If it's shared by patriots, you should consider researching it and decide for yourself.
In this case, the URL link to is what you should read thoroughly.
