Search results for query: openvpn configuration

  1. C

    Is my port open or not?

    Let's give the things a name first: if your cam resides on IP address Typing that IP address ( would not work from the internet, nor 4G, nor satellite. Never ever. Period. So that port is "always" blocked. When you are hooked up to your LAN (through...
  2. Mike


    This could not be any better of a welcome message!
  3. SouthernYankee


    Reolink is non standard crap. If you want a big headache please use reolink. They use cloud, they lack configuration, the are not good at night, they are overpriced...... :welcome: My standard welcome to the forum message. Please read the cliff notes and other items in the wiki. The wiki is...
  4. mat200

    OpenVPN & Conflict with NordVPN

    Hi Alan NordVPN is a different client, typically designed to go OUT of your home via a VPN. You want to configure a OpenVPN client to go into your home LAN where the OpenVPN server is running.
  5. A

    OpenVPN & Conflict with NordVPN

    ...the OpenVPN Tunnelblick client on my OS gives me the following errors: Warning: This VPN may not connect in the future. The OpenVPN configuration file for 'client' contains these OpenVPN options: • 'ns-cert-type' was deprecated in OpenVPN 2.4 and removed in OpenVPN 2.5 • 'comp-lzo' was...
  6. mat200

    Chinese camera activated cloud storage, now I can't use my uSD card

    Hi @BiigRich fyi - ASUS routers iirc include OpenVPN on them... perhaps that would be a good option.
  7. BiigRich

    Chinese camera activated cloud storage, now I can't use my uSD card

    mat200, J Sigmo, & Southern Yankee, I guess I've been out of the field for too long. I downloaded OpenVPN installed it and immediately got lost. So, for the time being, I have uninstalled it. I looked at the sample server and client config files and they were over my head for now. I will...
  8. T

    Quick OpenVPN question for those with an ASUS router

    My OpenVPN Connect is up and running, but I had the following question on one of the configuration settings... In advanced settings, "Direct clients to redirect Internet traffic" Yes or No? If I select no, will my internet traffic and access to my IP cameras still be safe and secure...
  9. xmfan

    OpenVPN on Ubiquiti USG gateway

    ...confirmation @saltfish I will start that configuration. From my reading, found that, Ubiquiti “accepted” the suggestion of openVPN configuration, to be added natively to their USG GUI over two years ago but have not implemented it as of yet. Very happy to see I have another (easier) option...
  10. xmfan

    OpenVPN on Ubiquiti USG gateway

    Greeting all, anyone here using OpenVPN on ubiquiti USG gateway? If so, I'd be interested getting some details towards that configuration. Specifically, did you run into any challenges when configuring that? I've researched and found some links on the net. I chose the USG gateway over...
  11. C

    Network clarifications first camera

    Couple of things you might try: - disconnect your cam, put your pc behind your tomato, put IP in it (as like it would have been your cam). Try to surf on it. Does it work? Then your iptable isn't working anyhow. If it is getting blocked, you should already see something in your...
  12. Sybertiger

    IPCT DDNS with Asus Routers - PROBLEM

    The .ovpn configuration file was imported into OpenVPN exactly as it was exported by the ASUS router.
  13. Sybertiger

    IPCT DDNS with Asus Routers - PROBLEM

    ...IP". I tried both since I was having a problem..but which one is it supposed to be? The only other setup I did was to Export OpenVPN configuration file under the VPN Server tab of the VPN menu settings. With OpenVPN Connect installed on my Android phone I selected the connection type as...
  14. Rednick69

    VPN coupled with Stunnel Clarification

    1. Possibly sniffed on the LAN, but not the WAN. 2. I cant speak from experience or knowledge but it seems to be an acceptable way here. I recommend VPN rather than this. 3. If by "others" you mean me or the fine folks at, no. Even with a VPN you have to have 1 port open into...
  15. awsum140

    Bi app or solution

    Quick and easy may be hard to achieve if you have no experience with router configuration. The "easiest" way is to use a VPN on your router, VPN app on your phone and load the credential file from your routers VPN onto the phone. The easiest VPN to use is OpenVPN and it's free. Once you have...
  16. SouthernYankee

    Lost and confused

    Need more detail on your exact configuration. 1) router brand and model ? 2) does the router have openvpn installed and operational ? 3) do you have the openvpn client installed on your Iphone ? From the iphone at home use your wifi network how do you connect to BI ? With openvpn connected via...
  17. Dauv

    BI-OpenVPN questions

    My internet facing router is stealth according to ShieldsUp which I have used for over a decade now. The only ports that are forwarded, is 8081 so that the BI webserver can access the web, and a port for VPN. I am using OpenVPN server on a DD-WRT (flashed) router. ALL cameras are blocked from...
  18. fenderman

    Help troubleshoot slow WAN connection to BI

    Disable DDOS protection on the asus and test.
  19. Frankenscript

    Help troubleshoot slow WAN connection to BI

    Hi folks, BI is up and running beautifully; has been for me since last May. Best money I ever spent. My new issue is that when I'm out and about away from my LAN, using my cellular connection on my phone or any other device, getting the camera images to fill in or play is relatively slow...