Search results

  1. bp2008

    DS-2TD4237-10/V2 (Thermal Hybrid PTZ)

    LOL wow. I had looked for a reset button in there, but didn't find it! Nope. I didn't know what kind of fans would be compatible and I would not want to inadvertently reduce the airflow or static pressure in a way that could allow the inverter to overheat. I did try magnet mounting four...
  2. bp2008

    ipcamtalk store support ? need help with Blue Iris Key

    I wish I had the power to do anything, but that is really all @Mike's domain. I've sent him a private message but there's not much else I can do.
  3. bp2008

    Blue Iris UI3

    Your group webcasting stream might be disabled. Near the top of Blue Iris's local console, look for the dropdown list of camera groups. Choose "All cameras" if it isn't already, and click the gear icon next to it. You need "Enable group webcast stream" to be enabled.
  4. bp2008

    Blue Iris UI3

    What Blue Iris version are you running? I don't have this problem on the latest release ( If you are on the latest BI release, please try restarting Blue Iris (if running as a service, use Task Manager > Services tab to restart Blue Iris) and reload the page in the web browser to see...
  5. bp2008

    Server/CPU recommendations for ESXi host for Blue Iris, Linux media/file/web server

    Last I checked, which was years ago, it is possible to migrate ESXi VMs to Proxmox but it requires a bit of command line work. My notes mention using ovftool on the ESXi machine to export disk images in ovf format, and qm importovf on the proxmox machine to import them, but the process may be...
  6. bp2008

    Server/CPU recommendations for ESXi host for Blue Iris, Linux media/file/web server

    More info on cheap(ish) AMD server boards:
  7. bp2008

    Server/CPU recommendations for ESXi host for Blue Iris, Linux media/file/web server

    PiKVM is an option for remote management of nearly any PC. That is probably your safest option. Also I wouldn't recommend keeping your eggs in the Vmware basket since... VMware vSphere ESXi free edition is dead | Hacker News I've been using Proxmox at work for several years now and it has...
  8. bp2008

    Internet to my detatched shop

    A while back I wrote a short wiki page on fiber optics, intended to get people started on the learning curve. Fiber Optic Networking Primer If you don't mind buying a brand you've never heard of before, there are a number of Chinese networking brands now that have been getting generally...
  9. bp2008

    HUGE RUMOR: Unifi Protect will support ONVIF cameras (like from HIK/Dahua)

    That is good news for consumers, and might have pushed me pretty hard toward using their platform if it had happened like 12 years ago before I got into Blue Iris. Is unifi protect still something you can download and run for free on your own linux box? I wonder how much of the experience will...
  10. bp2008

    50,000 Foot Questions

    Nothing has a standard fixed bit rate. With any decent camera, you get to assign the bit rate yourself for every stream, so it is truly a matter of preference and you can try to balance the quality with your storage concerns and be more conservative on less important cameras. They don't all...
  11. bp2008

    5.9.6 - August 23, 2024 - Client encoding sharing

    Heh, getting the GET and SET operations mixed up. Good one.
  12. bp2008

    5.9.6 - August 23, 2024 - Client encoding sharing

    If you are comparing with Task Manager's "Details" tab, that tab is often quite a bit lower than other CPU usage measurements. BI seems to be pretty close to what I get in the "Processes" tab. Still a little bit low though. BI reports 10% while Processes reports 11.3 - 11.6%. One would think...
  13. bp2008

    Blue Iris UI3

    I wasn't aware that thumbnail updates are a thing, but I guess it makes sense that AI processing could result in thumbnail changes. Clicking on the "Clips" tab should refresh just the clip list, although I am not completely certain it won't just load all the thumbnails from the browser cache.
  14. bp2008

    Still using BI3. Can I import configs to BI5

    I would recommend configuring from scratch. So much has changed from then to now that you'd have to look through all the settings anyway to make sure nothing you care about got broken or lost. I think it would be better to start with the current Blue Iris 5 default values and go from there...
  15. bp2008

    Dahua day/night switch utility - DahuaSunriseSunset

    You need to see the process still running in task manager even after you closed the user interface.
  16. bp2008

    Dahua day/night switch utility - DahuaSunriseSunset

    The sync pending thing is probably OneDrive or a similar cloud storage app. Unrelated to this. Did you install and start the service? Those are the top 2 buttons in the user interface.
  17. bp2008

    UI3 HTML5 startup message

    This means the browser is preventing UI3 from playing a video automatically (autoplay prevention). It could be the browser natively doing this, or it could be an extension that is installed.
  18. bp2008

    Good deal Annke 180 degree dual 1/1.8 for $220?

    The FCD600 I bought directly from Annke is model I51DX according to its web interface, so yes I think the $77.98 listing at walmart is the same camera. I've also found these cams are available a bit cheaper on ebay than on annke's own website. Similar to the walmart price...
  19. bp2008

    For Those With Sky-Cams

    Could it be this? China's Effort To Launch Starlink Rival Accidentally Creates Orbital Debris Field Guessing not since that apparently happened in the afternoon that day unless I read the time wrong.
  20. bp2008

    EE home broadband

    If your router does not have OpenVPN server, Wireguard server, or IPSEC VPN server capabilities, then I'd recommend getting a raspberry pi and using PiVPN and Wireguard. PIVPN: Simplest way to setup a VPN
  21. bp2008

    EE home broadband

    I'm sorry to say, you probably have a difficult learning curve ahead of you. I'm guessing whatever remote access method you were using before requires IPv4 port forwarding. If you don't know anything about that, then it most likely was done automatically via a router feature called "UPnP"...
  22. bp2008

    Blue Iris Freezing during heavy rain

    Certainly, I believe it is pretty obvious that a large number of concurrent camera triggers are contributing to this crash. The integration with the AI tool may or may not be related; I wouldn't say that has been ruled out (or in) specifically based on available evidence. But in the end, Blue...
  23. bp2008

    Blue Iris Freezing during heavy rain

    Those crashes are either due to a hardware problem or (more likely) a software problem in Blue Iris. Unfortunately, Blue Iris is not written in a language that is good at producing useful error messages, so about all you can do is report this to the BI developer. If you look in Blue Iris's...
  24. bp2008

    !! C/D: -XX GB Hard Drive problem

    You should look at the Blue Iris Status window > Storage tab to see more information about the disk usage. This stuff is all configured in Blue Iris Settings > Storage tab. You may have allocated too much space and need to subtract about 100 GB from the allocation. It is also possible that the...
  25. bp2008

    Blue Iris UI3

    I am aware actually. Quite some time ago, Blue Iris changed the behavior, didn't bother telling me, and I didn't bother working around the break, kind of just intending to deal with it if I ever went back into that code to implement the function to delete items from the queue. I will see what...
  26. bp2008

    My BI stoped recording?!

    I wouldn't say it is backed into a corner. There are no major external integrations to coordinate with; Blue Iris is effectively the only producer and consumer of its database files and they don't need to be sent to other systems and work there, so he would not need to worry about backwards...
  27. bp2008

    My BI stoped recording?!

    As for your log file, the "FORCE quitting CGadSocket thread" messages are sometimes seen when a camera instance crashes and restarts. I'm not sure of the cause but it may be related to Intel hardware acceleration. If you have that enabled and it is causing your camera windows to restart often...
  28. bp2008

    My BI stoped recording?!

    The biggest thing you can do to help avoid the need for a database rebuild (besides replacing faulty hardware) is to not update Blue Iris as often. Make sure automatic updates are off and only update when you think you could tolerate some downtime in case the update causes problems. Many would...
  29. bp2008

    My BI stoped recording?!

    Yup, you've encountered one of Blue Iris's biggest flaws, its database. The biggest problem is it gets broken at the drop of a hat, frequently through no fault of yours or your computer's, but because of a programming error on their end, which happens alarmingly often (see this thread for a...
  30. bp2008

    Tailscale - No Internet access - but have Internet access

    What you are seeing there in the Network and Sharing center is the virtual network adapter which Tailscale software created on your computer. That virtual network adapter does not provide your computer with internet access, therefore it says "Access type: No Internet access". That network...