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  1. MrSurly

    Package Thieves !! Three adjacent Neighbors Hit

    I haven't found a way to create ,bvr files that way. I can export, but the single output file type is .mp4.
  2. MrSurly

    Package Thieves !! Three adjacent Neighbors Hit

    Can anyone tell me a way to segment an existing .bvr file into smaller .bvr files? Also, what is the best Windows app or program for viewing MP4s? Hoping for something that will support scrubbing and zooming the video
  3. MrSurly

    Package Thieves !! Three adjacent Neighbors Hit

    tap tap... is this thing on? any one?
  4. MrSurly

    Package Thieves !! Three adjacent Neighbors Hit

    Does this help? I would LOVE for someone to explain why it's making 15 minute and 45 minute clips and also other random lengths. Again, no settings have changed during this, set for one--hour cuts as shown above. BTW, I have vids all the way back to September on this drive. Crazy, Am I right?
  5. MrSurly

    Package Thieves !! Three adjacent Neighbors Hit

    It has been mentioned (here and in the other thread) that my 'combine and cut' setting needs to be set properly. Can anyone address the issue that I'm experiencing as posted in post #18? All of my cams are set up as shown.
  6. MrSurly

    Package Thieves !! Three adjacent Neighbors Hit

    Not shown is that they went to 503 first and then later to 506 & 507. ALL THREE houses had packages visible on their front stoops. Their M.O. is NOT the usual porch pirate run-grab-go; Their approach is completely different, They try to blend by NOT rushing and no even notices them. They KNOCK...
  7. MrSurly

    Package Thieves !! Three adjacent Neighbors Hit

    Valid point. Likely will do this. This is the way this cam has been set for over a year: Despite this, THIS happens: That one file is 4:17PM Thurs to 3:20PM Friday. 150 Gigs, 23 hrs. Please tell me what settings I have wrong. See above: set continuous, no triggers, 1hr What I'm doing...
  8. MrSurly

    Package Thieves !! Three adjacent Neighbors Hit

    What MP4 viewer provides the best viewing tools for zoom and scrub?
  9. MrSurly

    Package Thieves !! Three adjacent Neighbors Hit

    This is something I was trying to learn about in that other thread... Is there a way to select a segment of the original .bvr and copy it AS A ,bvr??? The reason for the question is that the original .bvr for this particular day's capture is 23hours and 150Gigs. Adjacent files from the same cam...
  10. MrSurly

    Package Thieves !! Three adjacent Neighbors Hit

    It was highlighted by this event that with all my cameras, all over the house, since the perps didn't actually visit MY house..., all of my cams were useless, exCEPT for the Mailbox cam.
  11. MrSurly

    Package Thieves !! Three adjacent Neighbors Hit

    A screen grab on one of the plate pics.
  12. MrSurly

    Package Thieves !! Three adjacent Neighbors Hit

    And NO ONE has a camera or doorbell! Of course, you can't see the detail in these (OK, I can't) when viewing the .bvr in BI it is all MUCH more clear. I haven't sorted out how to capture the zoomed videos... Vid 1 approach Vid 4 Plate Vid 5 Thefts Police involved (well, at least informed)...
  13. MrSurly

    I Forgot HOW! I could use some HELP exporting Clips for the Police

    Posting from this event in Captures.
  14. MrSurly

    Stolen Motorcycle

    What service did you use for the plate lookup?
  15. MrSurly

    I Forgot HOW! I could use some HELP exporting Clips for the Police

    Yes I'm aware that I don't want them. Again, the settings are NOT being changed and the same camera is generating both small files and then on random days, generating huge files. No changes. Another issue is that in addition to small hi-res clips of the license plate, etc, I really need to have...
  16. MrSurly

    I Forgot HOW! I could use some HELP exporting Clips for the Police

    Since some of the files are so large, simply copying a file to another location is slow and wasteful. How can a file currently sitting in BI New be PROTECTED from overwrite without having to move it? Can it be 'remarked out" or renamed... or similar to make it armored against the FiFo process...
  17. MrSurly

    I Forgot HOW! I could use some HELP exporting Clips for the Police

    I don' t disagree with the premise. I was able to export a couple of two-second clips. Now trying an 8 sec and.....waiting. A separate question: In my BI New storage (two big drives) for reasons unknown,. SOME of the dates occur six or more times (a bunch of 2~3 hour files) but occassionally...
  18. MrSurly

    I Forgot HOW! I could use some HELP exporting Clips for the Police

    I do need some live target practice..... But I need a LOT of BI time, sheesh! Paying up DID apparently re-enable my export. Noted. Now I styill need to improve this. Once I make the mp4s and then use the world's most basic (MS) viewer, I cant zoom it easily. The exporting question becomes...
  19. MrSurly

    I Forgot HOW! I could use some HELP exporting Clips for the Police

    Purchased; awaiting emailed code
  20. MrSurly

    I Forgot HOW! I could use some HELP exporting Clips for the Police

    Yes, usually it is set to use sub and I have un-checked. Is it likel;y that export is throttled/prevented with my expiration ?? I don't mind paying but I don't recall the tiered support thing. As I'm probably unlikely to pursue factory support, I'm unclear on which selection to buy. Got it...
  21. MrSurly

    I Forgot HOW! I could use some HELP exporting Clips for the Police

    Apparently I'm expired... I wonder if that triggers this issue. Anyway I need to re-up. You guys tell me... is there a real advantage to the 60 buck plan vs the cheaper?
  22. MrSurly

    I Forgot HOW! I could use some HELP exporting Clips for the Police

    Nothing set to triggered. Set to mainstream always and use sub for monitoring. At least it used to be.
  23. MrSurly

    I Forgot HOW! I could use some HELP exporting Clips for the Police

    BTW: The dirtbags hit houses on both sides and across the street because all three had fresh packages on their stoops. They looked mine over but seeing no boxes, passed me by. I seriously doubt my cams deterred them as they never seemed to notice the silly number of the silly things. Seven cams...
  24. MrSurly

    I Forgot HOW! I could use some HELP exporting Clips for the Police

    I'm so way behind, here. BI hits me just like Photoshop if I haven't used it in months. OK, UI3 is what... the HTML-based UI? I actually dont think I've ever used it, but teach me! I select the clip I need either dragging the crop boxes OR using the context drop-down then right-click select...
  25. MrSurly

    I Forgot HOW! I could use some HELP exporting Clips for the Police

    Hey, guys. I have been away for a long while; Out of the country, off of the forum and the BI system along with my mailbox cams have all been running unattended and seemingly working fine. I haven't had to do anything with them other than to check their status . A few days ago we had an event...
  26. MrSurly

    Car Accident

    You have a cam in the belfry?
  27. MrSurly

    A Couple Of Truck Captures

    Did OP collect pics or evidence of the rubber stripe on the road?
  28. MrSurly

    Anyone seen this error before? "FORCE quitting CGadSocket thread"

    Again, not definitive, but my experience with this came back to BI not being able to write maybe even for just a moment, due to either my glitching drive OR a glitching connection. AFTER replacing the new drive with a working new drive, the problem ALMOST disappeared. Then i moved my purple...