Search results

  1. Tinman

    Could BlueIris 6.0 be around the corner?

    With the holiday season approaching fast and version just released, I'm wondering if BI 6.0 will be showing up ? I know this is pure bullshit speculation, but the way Ken releases updates, it's bound to happen. :idk:
  2. Tinman

    US Elections (& Politics) :)

  3. Tinman

    2nd Amendment thread

    Can't wait for Joe's comment on these :lmao:
  4. Tinman

    Late night snack

    it looked like a snake, nice capture !
  5. Tinman

    Short review of Dahua NBK1000 Keyboard from EmpireTech

    Well I tried to show to the best of my ability the difference between BlueIris and SmartPSS. You are correct, the Blueirs has more lag, but is very acceptable compared to using the BI gui arrows on this camera. The SD5A425GA-HNR is different from my other Dahua PTZ cams. The stepping is TINY...
  6. Tinman

    I caught me a Looky-loo

    I recommend a gas edger like this one: Mine is well over 15 yrs. old and all I have done to it is replace blades. This is a Troy Built, but Ariens makes a similar model. Makes edging a FAST easy job. Beautiful yard you have there!
  7. Tinman

    Highest dewpoint in the country !

    Dewpoint of 76 and temperature of 95 and no wind, you don't care what the feel like temperature's brutal.
  8. Tinman

    SD4A25DB-HNY IVS Tripwire Question

    Using Edge ? I am using Edge on W11, but would think W10 be same ??
  9. Tinman

    SD4A25DB-HNY IVS Tripwire Question

    I have no issue drawing intrusion or trip wires using Edge with NO plugin. Are you right clicking after you draw the last line? You must see "drawing completed" before you can apply. I added a little video clip to explain. Use the left click on your mouse to draw, then once you are done...
  10. Tinman

    EmpireTech 8th Anniverasay Sales July.18th-23rd

    Ha...just wait a few weeks and you be needing another.
  11. Tinman

    EmpireTech 8th Anniverasay Sales July.18th-23rd

    Congrats to all the winners ! Andy promised it would be much quicker and he was right :clap:
  12. Tinman

    EmpireTech 8th Anniverasay Sales July.18th-23rd

    Andy posted the details of his summer sale back on June 30th, so everyone has had plenty of time to read how it works and get your tickets.
  13. Tinman

    Biden...he deserves his own thread......

    More dumbass news: Biden administration sues Texas governor over Rio Grande buoy barrier that’s meant to stop migrants | AP News
  14. Tinman

    Mama deer and her fawn

    Must be that time of year LOL
  15. Tinman

    EmpireTech 8th Anniverasay Sales July.18th-23rd

    Congrats ! And it will work fine in those Texas temps :D
  16. Tinman

    New IPC-Color4K-T-2.8 From Empire Tech shows Initilized out of the Box

    Looks like this is becoming a problem for Amazon, another good reason to just buy from Andy's site from now on.
  17. Tinman

    The Heat is On.

    Great morning here to go shooting :)
  18. Tinman

    Review: Dahua 8MP / 4K 25x Starlight IR PTZ - PTZ5A4K-25X / SD5A825GA-HNR

    They look identical, give Andy a PM and ask. May just be a typo ??
  19. Tinman

    EmpireTech latest New firmware, Device Guide video, Manual WEB5.0

    You are right. It's a 50/50 chance, I guess. The links I clicked on worked, but after trying several a lot of them don't work?