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  1. T

    How to add camera to BI that is not in the drop down list

    Hi all ! Is there a change in BI 5 vs BI 4 in the autodetecting of cameras ? Obvious a new version, I know... I have some simple Vstarcam and Dlink 932 which is not autodetected in ver 5 but is detected fine in ver4, both video and sound. Copied settings in 4 and pasted in 5 and its working...
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    Blue Iris 5 - Stunnel & HTTPS Issues

    Hi all ! Now I got my Iphone upp and running again, Android phone was not affected so everything is good now. As voelker250 wrote before. The only thing I needed to do was editing the Stunnel.conf file and add a line sslVersion = TLSv1.2 No change in .pem file. No zerossl that need to...
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    Connecting two microphones to one camera.

    The camera might have one mono input. But in BlueIris two audio channels per cam was the idea. Use two mics on one mono channel will just mix the two inputs to one with varius results, mostly bad. And its not possible to mute one/ select the other after the recording been made. Just test it...
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    Connecting two microphones to one camera.

    I suggested stereo sound to Ken about a year ago, not "stereo" but two sound inputs per camera. The idea is that you could use built-in mic and use anouther cameras sound stream and use left/right if the sound source is nearer the other camera that might point in another direction. That way...
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    Hikvision PIR with Blue Iris

    How ? Pls describe ! TheSwede
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    Hi Farnk ! I have a couple of these TPlink1500. They are loud, more loud than my bigger Cisco. But they are nice ! Gig, both web and cli and with the two Sfp ports you get 2 more nonpoe ports for uplink. They comes with 19’ brackets. And they are Poe+ not so many CAMs use Poe+ except big PTZs...
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    SD29204T-GN latest Firmware ?

    Super ! Thank You ! Newer FW even after end of sale Brgds TheSwede
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    SD29204T-GN latest Firmware ?

    Hi Andy ! I wonder what the latest firmware for SD29204T-GN is ? Serched but not any newer than 2017-06. Do You have ? Tnx TheSwede (Happy customer!)
  9. T

    Do you turn off camera time overlay?

    Good morning! Guess it should be port 123. IF you have a Synology nas running it can be a ntp server. Or blue Iris PC. Better to have a local ntp and limit camera access outside the lan, to dissconnect all chinese p2p. Brgds
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    IR pass thru Fabric

    Check this out... I guess it will interest You. I have the same wish as you, to just pass 850 ond not the red "spinoff". Hope i'l have some time to test it out weekend. IR Illuminator without visible glow Brgds TheSwede
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    IR Illuminator without visible glow

    Ha ! Lovely !!!! The facts show that it was working.
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    IR Illuminator without visible glow

    Nice to hear the story about it anyway, have a nice weeend ! Brgds TheSwede
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    IR Illuminator without visible glow

    Interesting !, from the time before the LEDs. There is pictures on Wikipedia on the emitters.
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    IR Illuminator without visible glow

    It's not a IR cut filter, they are clear. 850nm bandPASSfilter, it will filter out anything else but pass the 850. Then it depends on how selective it is, how steep the curves is around 850nm It looks as a black plastic square, pointed at the sun it's black. I will test it during the weekend...
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    IR Illuminator without visible glow

    I have bought bandpassfilters on EBay from England that filters out just the IR part (850) so no red glow and powerful emission. Have’nt tested them yet.
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    IR Illuminator without visible glow

    Also, sometimes it's a good idea to have visible IR just to show that there is surveilance cams pointing at You. Or might be ..... Brgds S
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    IR Illuminator without visible glow

    I have 940nm and it's good, IF you have a good cam (Dahua Starlight). Not even a slight glimse of visible red, but as handipalm said it's not as powerful as 850nm. I had a good Dlink cam before and it did'nt se any 940-IR at all. Be aware that they don't reach very long so select 90 degrees for...
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    IR light - 5 model comparison

    Nice comparision, thanks for that. 940nm ! I just tested a 940nm IR light I bought earlier on a Dahua 5231 Starlight, Nice ! On other cameras the 940 was low light compared to 850 but the 5231 is more sensitive to 940 so it is good enough. I bought a FELT 9W 940nm IR illuminator 60degree who...
  19. T

    Camera custom http commands, or a better way of doing it?

    Tnx for reply ! I got everthing working, mainly by aotoinsert. What I mean is, if I go for custom HTTP when some command don't work then I need to go throu all the wanted commands. Mostly its IR on off I want to control manually. It is a lot of settings, ptz up dn focus brightnes sound IR and...
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    Camera custom http commands, or a better way of doing it?

    Hi all! Still amazed about this V E R Y nice program and the amount of settings ! Im wondering if there is a way to add commands that is not working as 'I want' by selecting custom HTTP instad of the selected camera by brand or search. I mean that if I select custom HTTP commands I need to...
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    Dahua Internal Microphone, any good?

    You could try what i did, buy a cheap USB microphone for about 25 $ (kareokistyle) and connect It directly to B I pc. Works fine and a differentsound compared to the small electret mic buildin the cameras. Also possible to use USB extender cord or a USBoverIP (havent testet that yet). Its also...