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  1. Kn10

    Mailbox Hide, Newbie Down the Rabbit Hole

    Very tidy work, great angle for LPR. Just hope a truck or kid with a baseball bat doesn't hit it.
  2. Kn10

    Pushover notifications on Android/iOS with pictures from BI 5

    I just use the Pushover email. I have BlueIris send an email with a picture when triggered. The email it sends TO is my Pushover email. Because I have the Pushover app installed on my phone, it pops up with a push notification with the photo "Blue Iris app style". No scripts, pretty fast...
  3. Kn10

    Intermittent "Smearing" on Dahua Cam

    Coming back to this as the OP of the thread. I tried making the iFrame match the frame rate I tried making the expected framerate in BI higher than the cameras output frame rate I uninstalled and reinstalled BI a few times I swapped out the camera in that position for another one I had for a...
  4. Kn10

    BI & Plate Recognizer

    Just throwing my hat into this. Yeah, those prices would be decent for a home user. Im looking at Plate Recognizer or OpenALPR, but since PR jumps so fast it puts it out of what I am willing to pay so would go OpenALPR. A price point like that would probably swing me back to PR.
  5. Kn10

    Intermittent "Smearing" on Dahua Cam

    Changed the I Frames, but need to wait for someone to come past to test. I did the locking of updating of the Intel drivers as the Wiki suggested ages ago before this issue happened. Though I'll check to see if anything changed. Thank you. It happens in both live view and recordings (I'll...
  6. Kn10

    Intermittent "Smearing" on Dahua Cam

    Hey all, Just trying to troubleshoot this issue. I get a "smearing" effect that happens every 10 seconds or so on moving objects. It does this in both the UI3 interface and the actual Blue Iris desktop app. I read through the Common Problems post but couldn't really see anything quite like this...
  7. Kn10

    Low cost ONVIF Profile T wifi IP camera?

    Raspberry Pi 4 or Zero with the camera module? Pretty common for custom builds like this.
  8. Kn10

    Andy’s Empire Tech Ali store down?
  9. Kn10

    I would like a buying advice. I need an IP camera for home with ability to upload videos to a cloud (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc).

    No idea about root or sandbox. Never tried to do anything beyond firmware tinkering. Define budget and what you want it for (wide angle overview cam, one to ID people (often cant have both) etc..). The current darling here is the IPC-HDW5442TM-AS. A 4MP fixed focal with a 1/1.8 sensor. It...
  10. Kn10

    I would like a buying advice. I need an IP camera for home with ability to upload videos to a cloud (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc).

    You can SSH into many Dahuas (probably others, its just that I have Dahuas). Don't know what changes beyond the usual firmware stuff can be made though. There are probably simpler solutions though. For example, most IP Cams have FTP ability. And there are a number of services that move/sync FTP...
  11. Kn10

    I would like a buying advice. I need an IP camera for home with ability to upload videos to a cloud (Google Drive, Dropbox, etc).

    Are you referring to having it running without a NVR or PC? If its recording to PC with something like Blue Iris, then the rest is easy.
  12. Kn10

    UniFi-Video Products End of Life...

    I looked at Unifi when I was deciding on my setup as I have other Unifi gear, but ultimately chose against it because it wasnt cost effective and it appeared to be possibly EOL sometime soon (lots of other people saw it on the wall too). Glad I didnt go with it in the end.
  13. Kn10

    new to the site

    Lots of variables. It'd be even better to see HOW they are setup. A big thing I find is being able to see WHAT HAPPENED is one thing, being able to see WHO DID IT is something else. Many home setups can see what happened but cant ID who did it. Review some of your old footage, can you make out...
  14. Kn10

    Just got 1st cam (5442). Configuration questions. Quicksync, H.265 etc

    1) I think GPU-Z can show whether QS is working. 2) Depends on your load. It really helped with people who are running mutliple 4K streams, since you dont need to display 4K when the screen for that cam visual is only 2 inches wide. I think overall, if your CPU is fine, just leave it off. 3) You...
  15. Kn10

    Anonymous snapshot on EmpireTech (Dahua) IPC-HDW2231R-ZS 2MP Starlight

    There are plenty of apps for tablets that allow you to stream from RSTP. Why not just use an app?
  16. Kn10

    pin-hole camera to video who is installing a jumper in my electric box

    Nah, Im sure any cheapy on eBay/Amazon/AliExpress will be fine.
  17. Kn10

    pin-hole camera to video who is installing a jumper in my electric box

    Another option is just a little Trail/Spy cam that records to an SD card. No networking across 50m, Blue Irus etc.. Just put it there, let it record and recover it.
  18. Kn10

    IPC-HDW2231R-ZS 2MP Starlight - Poor quality at night?

    Another test option. Temporarily swap the car sides and see what happens.
  19. Kn10

    What Settings Would You Change To Improve This Footage? (Dahua 5442)

    Thanks guys. Was only setup to watch my perimeter rather than the road (which is why its pointing mostly down), but was just hoping I might get a quick win with a setting change.
  20. Kn10

    What Settings Would You Change To Improve This Footage? (Dahua 5442)

    Commo-Dump.mp4 (download for the full 4MP version) Someone dumped some clothes outside this camera. I know I wouldn't get license plates unless the cam was setup for it, but I would like to have been able to ID the model of the car. What camera settings would you change to improve the image...
  21. Kn10

    IPC-T5442TM-AS: 4MP Dahua, Smart IR firmware update? Other suggestions?

    I had this issue with my 5442. Updated to more recent firmware that supposedly fixed it. Didnt work. Then I found this, which DID work: smart IR issue explained He basically said don't lock your exposure/gain. Let the auto stuff do its auto stuff.
  22. Kn10


    GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! Nah, looks like a small bug close to the lens. They look big because they are super close to the IR and super lit up.
  23. Kn10

    IPC-HDW5442T-ZE New cam from Dahua :)

    @EMPIRETECANDY The decoration ring is the leftmost part right? (Ring -> Cone -> Camera) IS it plastic? Hard to tell in the picture.
  24. Kn10

    Neighbor asked for Footage

    I’ve had lots of success with Photorec in the past getting data of SDCards. It’s free and works well. Your card may have failed being slammed with continuous recording. There are SDCards designed for continuous recording (primarily to go in things like dashcams). Then there are your regular...
  25. Kn10

    Question on creating my IP Camera network

    1. Yep, little Dell Optiplex's gets you lots of power for little money, with low power usage. 2. Yep, looks fine. Dont need full gigabit in all ports so this 10/100 works fine. 3. Yep, popular cam here for LPR. Good idea to use a varifocal for choosing other locations. Yep, you can run all your...
  26. Kn10

    I screwed up my main screen layout

    Top left, to the right of the Blue Iris logo, there is a button that looks like the YouTube Logo. Press that as you might have turned off the Clips window.
  27. Kn10

    embedding UI3 parts in a web page?

    Just a thought, but plenty of people stream cams to Youtube. Instead of going the UI3 route, why not make the cameras stream accessible to the internet, and then give Youtube the stream URL? (eg. rtsp:/yourip/blah/blah ) And then embed that Youtube livestream URL into a webpage?
  28. Kn10

    Backup to the Cloud?

    Havent thought about doing it for a single camera, but you could set your Blue Iris Alerts folder to be a Onedrive folder. I think its under Settings > Clips and Archiving > Alerts That way you only upload clips when there is action, like someone breaking into your house moments before they...
  29. Kn10

    Must...... Have..... More.....

    Upskirt shots are illegal in most countries :P
  30. Kn10

    New install suggestions for low light area

    Make sure you walk through the area without IR to test. There is a decent chance that whoever walks through it will be ghosted to oblivion and totally unidentifiable. Good nighttime stills is one thing, good nighttime motion is another. I suspect you wont be able to get away with no IR for...