Search results

  1. Razer

    Hi. I have some questions on a 50 camera build..

    I handle many systems with more cameras than what you are asking about, but never tried blue iris at all. I jumped straight to the expensive commercial products, and while the software cost a lot then I can run on small inexpensive hardware so for me it was worth it. I cannot help at all with...
  2. Razer

    What kind of video recording system do really large buildings use?

    I'm sitting here with 130+ cameras on Milestone, no issues and a single server. Adding 30 more soon. All Axis cameras here too but I just inherited this system so we will see what I can do to move forward with better options in the future. I'm back trying to catch up as I am moving to a new...
  3. Razer

    Dahua - which camera do I need?

    Hello again all, it has been a while since I was here last. I am finding myself back in the camera arena suddenly with a project that I need to assist with. I have extensive experience (over 1,000 installed) with Hikvision but have not messed with cameras at all for the last year or so, now...
  4. Razer

    Recommendations for wireless install

    Very, very easy to do what you want. Get a pair of Ubiquiti radios like these: Ubiquiti Nanostation NSM5, 5GHz, 802.11a/n Hi-power 20 dBm Minimum, 2x2 MIMO AirMax TDMA PoE Station: Computers & Accessories Connect one to your switch in the house, on the other end connect to a new...
  5. Razer

    Fisheye cameras?

    I have a couple of the DS-2CD6362F-I cameras, and I have used a couple Vivotek, a few ACTi and one Axis 360 camera like these. The Hikvision is my favorite by far but in general stay away from these cameras. The use case is very small and I agree outdoors would be useless. In the areas I use...
  6. Razer

    Need a part - TTL triggered 12v relay and timer for siren

    Just an update so people can know what I ended up going with. I am sitting up alarms at 60 separate locations, the alarm is triggered off a standard door contact switch going to an alarm input on my NVR. I then have a schedule set up for this alarm to trigger an alarm output every single time...
  7. Razer

    Motion Sensor Types?

    I have a lot of Optex PIR sensors in use. The ones I use range in price from $40 to stinking $815 a pop. Oddly I am no longer buying the $800 version as it falses too much and is generally unreliable. Had a lot of failures on those SIP-100 models. Now, the HX series I have used a lot and I...
  8. Razer

    External alarm I/O module

    I use Exacq as my NVR software and they make a USB connected IO module, but I assume it will only work with Exacq unfortunately. Has 8 inputs, 8 ttl outputs and one relay and just plugs in via USB. Surely there are other devices like this out there? I've not seen one but surely something else...
  9. Razer

    Need a part - TTL triggered 12v relay and timer for siren

    Hello all, been searching but thought this might save time if someone already knew the correct solution. I need to trigger a siren and light with my TTL alarm outputs. I have a power outlet type of device I can trigger with my TTL alarm outputs no problem but the downside is if a door is...
  10. Razer

    A homeowner turns the tables on three armed men who broke into her home last Friday

    Re: A homeowner turns the tables on three armed men who broke into her home last Frid I will say that in my case cameras have actually been a pretty major deterrent. Where I work we have 100 properties, several years back we had a few cameras at some properties. Properties with little...
  11. Razer

    Motion sensor

    Yeah, in all seriousness I would walk away from that client. They have unrealistic expectations and will likely not be happy with any solution you install if that's what he honestly wants. 2.8mm cam in each room he wants covered would be best, and those should be wired. Otherwise I'd point...
  12. Razer

    Bridge Cam

    I tried several things to record video, for meetings and general outdoor use. Recording for use in promo videos and the like also. In the end I just had way too many issues with the bridge cams I used. (Sony and Canon) I tried a smaller go pro and that was no good for me so in the end I...
  13. Razer

    Arecont Vision

    Yes, been around a while but I am less than impressed with their stuff myself. I attended a conference a few months back where they were giving a class on the product and they were worried about Hik you could tell. They were bashing the "cheap" cams and vendors who install it were moaning...
  14. Razer

    Hikvision DS-2CD3335-I 4:3 Aspect Ratio?

    If you set your 3mp camera to 2mp, it will go to 1920x1080 and will be 16:9. I personally use a ton of the 3mp cameras and greatly prefer them as I like the flexibility of having both 4:3 and 16:9 views in a single camera. That is one of my big complaints in the 4mp and higher cameras as I...
  15. Razer

    Good source to buy IP items at

    Oh no very true, but I'm just saying if you know you want a NVR, plan on having 4 cameras to start but might want 8 one day that narrows it down a ton. Then say you're thinking bullets or turret cameras, 3 to 4mp depending on the price. Then he can recommend a few NVR options, and several...
  16. Razer

    Good source to buy IP items at

    The catalog if fine, but has way more in it than you need. It would be easiest for you both if you just told him what you wanted and he can shoot you a quote. If you are not quite sure let him know what you are thinking at least and he can directly link you to a few options and prices which...
  17. Razer

    Help finishing my home IP cameras setup - LTS NVR

    I am using the 4mp bullets, and I do not use the IR on any of my cameras as my cameras usually do not even go into night mode my lighting is so good. These are mounted outdoors, and in many cases I will have say 18 3mp cameras and one or two 4mp cameras tossed in for testing. At one location I...
  18. Razer

    Help finishing my home IP cameras setup - LTS NVR

    Sounds like a good plan to me, but I would personally reconsider buying the 4mp cameras. I have had both, and have over 40 of the 4mp cameras going now but greatly prefer the 3mp cameras after testing them out thoroughly. I went back to the 3mp cameras and am much happier with the night...
  19. Razer

    Which Style Camera for Insect Infested Louisiana, usa ? Bullet, Turret, or Dome ?

    Re: Which Style Camera for Insect Infested Louisiana, usa ? Bullet, Turret, or Dome In my case I am my own customer, I am technically an installer but I only install for my own company. I am the IT/admin side usually but get out and install often enough. I also also have a crew or two that...
  20. Razer

    Which Style Camera for Insect Infested Louisiana, usa ? Bullet, Turret, or Dome ?

    Re: Which Style Camera for Insect Infested Louisiana, usa ? Bullet, Turret, or Dome Yeah, we did not have it too bad until we got people monitoring all cameras, all night. Then someone was reporting every single web every night so we knew about them. That got old quick, and I made changes...
  21. Razer

    Which Style Camera for Insect Infested Louisiana, usa ? Bullet, Turret, or Dome ?

    Re: Which Style Camera for Insect Infested Louisiana, usa ? Bullet, Turret, or Dome I have installed many cameras at my properties, and then look at the footage the next day to see what night footage is and I had spider webs the first night! Literally 7 hours after install, by like 11 PM I...
  22. Razer

    HIKVision & LTS 3 & 4mp Camera review/example

    Re: LTS 3 & 4mp Camera review/examples I'm not the one you asked for, but I can help with your question somewhat. I too am in Indiana and I have well over 1000 cameras and in many/most cases they are long runs. You can do 200 foot runs no problem if you want to, I quite literally have...
  23. Razer

    FOV or angle of view on the DS-2CD2342WD-I

    Well, it is hard to give you information as while I own tons of 2.8mm, 4mm, and 12mm cameras I do not have numbers for the specific fields of view as far as my angles achieved. I know what to expect and can eyeball what I want easily enough. The other part is for me using 3mp cameras the FOV...
  24. Razer

    Good reason to have two DVRs I guess - Not mine.

    That is what kind of made me mad about the video, there was zero need to destroy the cameras, or yank them off the ceiling. The DVR was in plain view, with the monitor showing the feeds. All that they should have needed to do was disconnect the DVR and be done with it. Unplug the cameras and...
  25. Razer

    RasPipC - Cameras on your TV made Easy.

    Well, I am not him but they do make mounts specifically for this I know. Is an example at least of a product that will work that I am aware of. I have a few Pis but not a 3 as of yet anyway though I am sure it will be coming.... :)
  26. Razer

    RasPipC - Cameras on your TV made Easy.

    Tested the demo site in Edge and it seemed to work fine, I had no issues that I could see anyway. I could drag and rearrange the names of the cameras fine but when I put them on screen they would revert back to how they originally were. So if I moved powers to 11 for example, then went to see...
  27. Razer

    help me spec PC(s) for 30+ cam system

    I never looked in depth at DW, there was something we needed it to do and it would not so it never made it to my full in house testing/battle arena lol. I cannot remember what it was, but it was nothing huge but it was a deal breaker for our needs at the time. This was 4 years ago so they...
  28. Razer

    help me spec PC(s) for 30+ cam system

    Ok, I have a few quick thoughts specifically around Exacq. I understand the software is more expensive and that has been a stumbling block for many, you will be looking at $3500 for the license for Exacq with 34 cameras. The thing to remember is that your hardware requirements are much lower...
  29. Razer

    Convert analog camera to IP

    Just so you know they exist, I use a Hikvision analog to IP adapter with different NVR software and it works like a champ. This is a box that you can connect 4 analog cameras to, then it coverts that to IP so when adding to your NVR it is just like adding an IP camera. In my case I add one IP...
  30. Razer

    Good reason to have two DVRs I guess - Not mine.

    I really want to know what these hidden cameras were, they had limited audio but the impressive part to me is that they were not found. They were specifically looking for and breaking cameras, and the one camera they break is directly below a hidden camera yet they never see it. How the heck...