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  1. T

    What display do you use ?

    I find it easy to click one button on a tv remote, and the picture will come up instantly on any of the four tv's in my house. As I am typing this to you, I clicked on the tv in my living room, and it took only a couple seconds to show this image of my cameras. Also, wired is always going to be...
  2. T

    Thoughts on this walkway location - First Camera

    I would definitely attach a camera to a temporary mount that could be moved around to test the area. Looks like there is going to be a problem with shadows and highlights in that placement. You need to see what it will look like in the day and night before committing to a final location.
  3. T

    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-PFW5849-A180-E2 - Dual Lens 180 Degree Full Color 4K (8MP Stitched) Camera

    Setting the resolution for 4096x1216 works really well for me. Also, I leave WDR "off." Having it turned "on" shows the center where the view of the two lenses meet.
  4. T

    Apple MacBook Dahua Questions

    BootCamp will work great on an older MacBook with Windows 10. You will be able to access everything with Internet Explorer. One note: SmartPSS is awful on the older MacBook. SmartPSS only runs reliably on the newer M1/M2 chip Macs.
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    Apple MacBook Dahua Questions

    On my MacMini running Sonoma 14.1.2, Safari was working great with the WEB 5.0 interface, until the most recent update from Apple. I had to switch over to Google Chrome Version 120.0.6099.109 to gain full access again. For any of my older cameras not running WEB 5.0, I have to either run...
  6. T

    parking detection ivs on IPC-4KX doesn't work

    The IPC 4K-X is a great camera. I use two of my three to detect parked cars. The first thing I noticed with your setup is that the detection area is very small and at the top of the coverage area. The 4K-X is most sensitive to the center area of the window, and with the extreme difference in...
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    IVS Tripwire -- Rules for Drawing

    Agree with everything Wittaj recommended; in addition, always envision an area as three-dimensional rather than two-dimensional when drawing a detection area or detection lines. Frequently I have noticed that detection areas people draw out and then post here outline where a body would stand...
  8. T

    Anybody else using parking assist in their garage?

    I had one of those at a previous house back in the early 2000's. Worked well and the Installation was simple; just plugged it into the outlet for the garage door opener mounted on the ceiling. Still have it in a box in my new garage, so if yours ever breaks, you can have this one.
  9. T

    h264 or h265

    Just now I just did a quick experiment with a T180 camera I have facing the street. In the static picture you can see a street sign that is 68' from the camera. In the attached video, I zoomed in on the sign in FCP. First with all settings the same except for H.264.H compression, and the second...
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    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-PFW5849-A180-E2 - Dual Lens 180 Degree Full Color 4K (8MP Stitched) Camera

    I cut up some foam mic windscreens (black and white) and attached them over the mic holes to my cameras by using Command picture-hanging strips. They work well and are easy to remove (without camera finish damage), if I need to take them off.
  11. T

    So confused on firmware for IPC-COLOR4K-X ?

    I finally got around to making a video that demonstrates the 4K-X cameras (2.8mm, 3.6mm, and 6mm). Just for the heck of it, I also included the Color 4K T180 at the end. One of the things I have found difficult when setting up cameras is guessing which camera will work best at a specific...
  12. T

    So confused on firmware for IPC-COLOR4K-X ?

    I like each or the variations of the Color 4K-X cameras, but they must be used in specific applications. The 2.8mm is the best overview camera I have used. The low light capability (with color) is unmatched. Even with the aperture at 1.0, the depth of field is very good. I've swapped it out with...
  13. T

    So confused on firmware for IPC-COLOR4K-X ?

    I have three Color 4K-X cameras running in my system: 2.8mm, 3.6mm, and 6mm. The firmware on each is: MultiLang_NP_Stream3_V2.840.15OG00D.0.R.220818.bin Working perfectly with no problems at all.
  14. T

    Advice on installing new Dahua IPC-Color4K-T180 in existing DIY system

    I can’t comment on some of your points, but for a couple I can lend the experiences I have had: #2. I never upgrade the firmware on a new camera, unless it is to correct a known problem or fix a security risk. When I got the camera a few months ago, I found (as another IPcam member has also...
  15. T

    What display do you use ?

    This is the transmitter that I use with four receivers. I had to try a few before finally finding this one that works perfectly. LINK...
  16. T

    What display do you use ?

    I connect the HDMI output from my NVR to an extender, and then I plug that into a 5-port gigabit switch, and then I have receivers for four tv's in various rooms of the house. Works great. A wireless keyboard with trackpad connects to my NVR, so I can control the NVR from any room in the house.
  17. T

    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-HDW5849H-ASE-LED / IPC-Color4K-T - 2.8mm Turret

    Maybe I missed it, but what are your noise reduction settings? Set too high will lead to softening of the image.
  18. T

    Difference between B5442E-ZE and t5442t-ZE

    As Wittaj mentioned above, I found the bullet to have much better IR illumination. The bullet is rated at 50 meters, whereas the turret is 40 meters. Optics seem about the same. No appreciable difference. The big difference is the mounting options. I prefer bullet mounts, but at some locations...
  19. T

    Access camera footage on Mac

    I am using a MacMini with a M1 chip, and it is working fine with SmartPSS. Can you post a screenshot of what is happening? This is what it looks like on my Mac after clicking <Device CFG> .
  20. T

    IPC-Color4K-T and IPC-Color4K-T180 230227 Firmware

    The 4K-X uses the same firmware that you used on your IPC-T5442TM. Firmware for the 4K-T is different.
  21. T

    new camera doesnt detect sd card

    Did you do a factory reset of the camera?
  22. T

    IPC-Color4K-T and IPC-Color4K-T180 230227 Firmware

    That shouldn't be happening. I have almost the same situation with one of my 4K-T cameras on my driveway, so may I suggest something? On your "Picture" settings, set everything (brightness, contrast, saturation, sharpness, gamma) at their default setting of "50." Then go to your "Exposure"...
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    IPC-Color4K-T and IPC-Color4K-T180 230227 Firmware

    Try manual exposure instead of AUTO.
  24. T

    Is an upgrade worth it?

    Both the fixed and varifocal will work well, but I have found the fixed to be more robust at night. If you have a dark environment and must rely on the built in IR, it's the fixed for the win. An advantage of the varifocal is that it will reach beyond the fixed, so if you need greater than the...
  25. T

    Access camera footage on Mac

    Uh oh, you are going to have problems running anything that won't crash. I agree, Macs are the best, but with some things I still have to use a PC with Internet Explorer, which is why my older MacBook Pro is running BootCamp so it can have Windows 10 installed on it. A couple of my cameras...
  26. T

    Access camera footage on Mac

    Yep, SmartPSS is the best option for us Mac users. Hopefully you are using a newer Mac because the Intel version is really slow and buggy. M1 version works great.
  27. T

    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-PFW5849-A180-E2 - Dual Lens 180 Degree Full Color 4K (8MP Stitched) Camera

    Yes, I think that is good advice. I'll do that tomorrow when it is easy for me to take the camera down. Thanks for the suggestion.
  28. T

    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-PFW5849-A180-E2 - Dual Lens 180 Degree Full Color 4K (8MP Stitched) Camera

    That's interesting. I purchased my camera a couple weeks ago, and it came installed with: 3.120.0000000.19.R Build Date: 2023-03-01 Hmmm, I wonder if it is a firmware glitch that is causing the problems. Besides trying Internet Explorer, I also just now downloaded Pale Moon, and the same...
  29. T

    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-PFW5849-A180-E2 - Dual Lens 180 Degree Full Color 4K (8MP Stitched) Camera

    Thanks for the info. I'll keep trying. The strange thing is that I cannot get the motion detection area to display on two different PCs (desktop and laptop) with both using Windows 10 and running Internet Explorer. Shows up fine using Google Chrome on a Mac, but the settings don't transfer to...
  30. T

    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-PFW5849-A180-E2 - Dual Lens 180 Degree Full Color 4K (8MP Stitched) Camera

    Question for you... You mentioned that you can get SMD to work in the middle of the camera. Are you able to draw in the area of motion detection? I have tried everything, but I can't get it to work. Since IVS seems to be useless, I wanted to see if "motion" is an option for this camera.