Thoughts on this walkway location - First Camera


Jul 6, 2023
Tampa, FL
Got a used PC, Blue Iris, POE switch, bulk cable, etc. Planning for about 4-5 cameras have an idea on location but want to do one first before I move on. I bought a T54IR-ZE-S3 and a waterproof junction mount with the plan to hang it from the ceiling of my front door but now thinking I should put on wall to bring it closer to eye level. Thoughts? The light is never used unless someone is at the door at night and we're answering it for whatever reason. #1/2 were my original plan since it might be cleaner install. #3 was an option on the wall to get lower without being in the way. #4 is where I could get it lower but possibly be in the way/more of an eye sore. How would you handle this walkway?

Do you want a picture of some one's head or face? I have a cam face high at the front door.
I want some one that close identified! Think of home security as layers, not just points.

Position #1 with an extension pole (like a ceiling fan extension) hanging down at the window.
If a bad guy is that close to the door are you going to look out the window, thus exposing
one's self?
Good luck and welcome!
Got a used PC, Blue Iris, POE switch, bulk cable, etc. Planning for about 4-5 cameras have an idea on location but want to do one first before I move on. I bought a T54IR-ZE-S3 and a waterproof junction mount with the plan to hang it from the ceiling of my front door but now thinking I should put on wall to bring it closer to eye level. Thoughts? The light is never used unless someone is at the door at night and we're answering it for whatever reason. #1/2 were my original plan since it might be cleaner install. #3 was an option on the wall to get lower without being in the way. #4 is where I could get it lower but possibly be in the way/more of an eye sore. How would you handle this walkway?

View attachment 190311

Hi @Beef_Vegan

I like 2 cameras by the front door, or a dual lens "boobie" camera ..

1 camera at face level by the door to catch those coming up to the front door,
1 camera watching the package drop area ..
Yeah i really need to test a few locations. I didn’t consider the pole mount option but it may help in this situation.

I like the idea of 2 cameras. I was considering doing the reolink doorbell cam the doorbell sub talks about a lot. Would probably need to raise the doorbell though. Either that or maybe one on the right facing towards the door to catch them leaving.
I recommend lots of cameras with "lead repellent" as back-up :rofl:.
Get a 100-150 foot cable with a POE switch and a cheap camera tri-pod.
Now you can run a camera all over the place. But, getting the cable outside
might be FUN.
@garycrist kind of like the tripod idea. Just using a long 2x6 right now and running a 100' premade flat cable out to it under the door until I find a spot.

@bp2008 Yeah plant was a thought I had, too. Also, have bushes on other side now (pic is from when we bought house) but those are smaller. Tested position 1 and it's okish but prob can do better. Going to try more of position 4 next; got it mounted about 7' high on a 2x6 to try tonight. Will probably measure out something to do position 1 for a pole mount. Closer to face level doesn't look as intrusive as I expected.

Here's what position 1 looked like in evening light.
Pos 1 Evening.png

Also caught my first intruder with IR light off when I was messing with settings:

Got a used PC, Blue Iris, POE switch, bulk cable, etc. Planning for about 4-5 cameras have an idea on location but want to do one first before I move on. I bought a T54IR-ZE-S3 and a waterproof junction mount with the plan to hang it from the ceiling of my front door but now thinking I should put on wall to bring it closer to eye level. Thoughts? The light is never used unless someone is at the door at night and we're answering it for whatever reason. #1/2 were my original plan since it might be cleaner install. #3 was an option on the wall to get lower without being in the way. #4 is where I could get it lower but possibly be in the way/more of an eye sore. How would you handle this walkway?

View attachment 190311

Test the following :

1 - Blue face level .. want a straight on facial ID image capture .. normally I see the best results on the door opening side .. as you have a window there, may want to try the wall on the left also.

2 - Light blue for watching the package drop areas .. ideally place on the opposite wall of the other camera to get a bit of a cross view ..

again test it out before drilling holes ..

you could maybe push a cat5 cable out thru the Doorbell wiring hole? and then attach camera just above doorbell to the STucco and use some plastic wire moulding to finish off the look of the cabling.
you could maybe push a cat5 cable out thru the Doorbell wiring hole? and then attach camera just above doorbell to the STucco and use some plastic wire moulding to finish off the look of the cabling.
View attachment 190430
Considered that, too. I might not need to reuse the hole though. When I peeped through the stucco behind doorbell, there's just an airgap between it and the block; no insulation. :facepalm: So might be pretty easy either way.
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This is about 5'8 high. Seems to capture faces well even if looking down. I like this but will need to make a decision on if it hanging a couple inches into doorframe will bother us or not. Doesn't feel too intrusive when walking in and out; doesn't feel like I'll knock into it. Going to try other side at this height but have a feeling the plant may make it not as nice. Depending on how the other locations go, this might be pretty good pairing with original spot. I might also try having the ceiling overwatch camera and then move a camera at this height over the mulch on same wall just to capture faces. But where it's at right now can see a face if they're peeping through window.

I have three cams at my front porch. You can see details HERE. I did a similar three cam install at my parents' house. You can see the details HERE.
I have three cams at my front porch. You can see details HERE. I did a similar three cam install at my parents' house. You can see the details HERE.
These are good reads. Thank you. I think ultimately, it'll be 3 cameras by nature because I plan to put a couple near garage which will naturally catch someone walking up to these 2 anyways. But your installs are clean. Thanks!
FYI - the front door is typically the only place I like to put a 2.8mm mini-dome wedge camera up .. as your door is in a cubby I would try to test both a 2.8mm and 3.6mm ( which gives about a 90 degree FOV typically ), if you have a nice varifocal you could play around with the FOV to give you an idea of the results ( one reason why we like to recommend a varifocal is to give you this flexibility during testing to play with FOVs )
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I have a Dahua Boobie camera at my front door. Height is 68" AGL. Attached is an example of a head shot.


  • FrontDoorCam1.jpg
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I have three cams at my front porch. You can see details HERE. I did a similar three cam install at my parents' house. You can see the details HERE.
Where did you get the wedge cam? I see the newer one but it's 4MP with a 1/2.8" sensor where the one you have is 2MP with 1/2.8" sensor.
Edit: Wait nevermind I think it was discontinued.

FYI - the front door is typically the only place I like to put a 2.8mm mini-dome wedge camera up .. as your door is in a cubby I would try to test both a 2.8mm and 3.6mm ( which gives about a 90 degree FOV typically ), if you have a nice varifocal you could play around with the FOV to give you an idea of the results ( one reason why we like to recommend a varifocal is to give you this flexibility during testing to play with FOVs )
Here's a dumb question. The 1 camera I have now is vari focal but how do I imitate 2.8mm vs 3.6mm? Just zoom the camera from the camera's login?
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Here's a dumb question. The 1 camera I have now is vari focal but how do I imitate 2.8mm vs 3.6mm? Just zoom the camera from the camera's login?
Yea, you will just adjust the slider. Unfortunately the value provided by the calculator is not a 1:1. So what it says is a 3.6mm is not the same as a fixed 3.6mm. I did do some testing and found a number that is close, if you want to check my thread below.

I found 4.5mm (440 on the slider) is close to a fixed 3.6mm.

I have a Dahua Boobie camera at my front door. Height is 68" AGL. Attached is an example of a head shot.
So with that boobie cam. I'm reading a few threads here on it now. It's basically just 2 cams in 1 run off the same POE line? Let's say I installed it near my doorbell which is perpendicular to my door. Could I say, aim 1 down the walk way to see approach and the other towards the doormat area to see what the person is doing? Or even aim it down for package drop?
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