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  1. J

    A distracted driver hits the rear of my vehicle.

    How's the car repair going is it all fixed
  2. J

    Amazon drivers are using our driveway to 'break in' their new vans...

    I was waiting for something to fall out of the tree on top of the van.. it's a good job he had is seatbelt on he nearly went through the windscreen,
  3. J

    IPCAM fast live feed

    thank-you i have changed the settings as you suggested.
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    IPCAM fast live feed

    thank you tony. yes i get what you mean and understand . these are just the settings i'm using for the cam it does have the correct setting for a 5mp cam . but when i look at the live view it dosen't look like a 5mp view if that makes any sense . certainly 1080p but only just.
  5. J

    IPCAM fast live feed

    Hi all i hope everyone is staying safe. Right i have a couple of questions maybe someone may be able to help with.. i have a couple of no name ipcams 1 is a 960p and 1 is a 1080p it's supposed to be 5mp but i don't think it is 5mp.the 960p one works ok no problems with it.. but the 1080p one i...
  6. J

    YouTube Streaming problems

    Hi sorry for the late reply been watching a old western jeremiah looneytunes says audio needs to be enabled and for some strange reason substream 2 also needs the same settings as main channel .. i will show some plcs copy where i have highlighted in red and don't forget to it save...
  7. J

    YouTube Streaming problems

    Ok next. what audio settings did you enter and did you enter the same audio settings in the subtream
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    Ammo Shortage

    I put a match in the end of the barrel to make it sound louder and flash especially at night. them slugs look dangerous,
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    YouTube Streaming problems

    Hi If the stream key is not changing then that won't be the problem. i would imagine not anyway. when you set up the stream did you put a forward slash / after the stream url. com/live2/.................. then the stream key,
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    Ammo Shortage

    Armed to the teeth.. they won't take me alive Ma :D
  11. J

    YouTube Streaming problems

    One other thing i see is your stream key is variable. is it changing every few days,, mine says auto generated.
  12. J

    YouTube Streaming problems

    Hi one of the things to check is the upload speed you are getting from your internet supplier.. to stream in HD you need a good steady upload speed.. and when you set up your main stream you have to set your substream the same,
  13. J

    Axis Q1798-LE Sample - 4/3 MFT Sensor - 4K - 10 MP - Sample Clip

    Hi Dirk your home town looks very nice. but at 9pm its very quite not a person in sight..very good quality camera ,
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    FedEx Driver from Britain?

    I don't see anything wrong with the way he/she is driving.;)
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    Need advice on PTZ cams

    how about this one Andy will have them in stock Review-Dahua SD42212T-HN 2mp Starlight 12x PTZ | IP Cam Talk
  16. J

    what setting to tone the white colour glare down

    As you can see from the video. the white cockatiel seems to glare in colour more than the other coloured birds. what settings would it be best to change so the white doesn't shine so much. i did try the picture settings but it does seem to change all the colours any tips. apart from remove the...
  17. J

    Peregrine Falcon

    the difference between the too. is hawks have a broader wing. and are a bit slower than falcons and mainly hunt for prey in the woods.. a falcon as a slimmer pointed wing and are very fast open area hunters ,
  18. J


    I'm looking at getting a ptz .i want a dome type that's my choice. it must be at least 4 x zoom 2mp poe and ip and support a sd card. the one in the link below is i think a good choice .. or is they a better one around in the mini series...
  19. J

    A distracted driver hits the rear of my vehicle.

    british humour tony
  20. J

    A distracted driver hits the rear of my vehicle.

    I'm glad your ok .. not one of your video's i was wanting to see but at least your ok.. i seen staight away your both driving on the wrong side of the road..:)
  21. J

    Recommendations for IP camera to record and live stream my bird feeder (4k, 25fps+ and less than $200)

    I took this video to show you one of the advantages of a ptz. birds dont feed all day long in most cases. so when you are looking at the feeder they may not be any birds on the feeder . but they may be active closer by as you can see in the video.. one other thing to be aware of i do have other...
  22. J

    having a rest

    Hi sorry i don't sell cameras or have any for sale. ps i know this is a fairly good camera. but in truth if i was looking for a good camera i would buy a dahua ptz i do have a dahua 12 x zoom and it's great. you can get a great 20 x zoom or 25 x zoom the quaiity speaks for itself ,,
  23. J

    Recommendations for IP camera to record and live stream my bird feeder (4k, 25fps+ and less than $200)

    It's really ony for me and a few friends who asked me . so they could view a few of my birds. i can only stream in 720p because my internet is rubbish but streaming is free so i can't complain, 20/30 fr
  24. J

    Recommendations for IP camera to record and live stream my bird feeder (4k, 25fps+ and less than $200)

    I still think your think you would be better off going for a ptz camera. it give's you more options than a fixed or vari focal camera . you can set presets to zoom in closer or zoom out and if you decide you want more than one bird feeder you can set presets to move from one or more locations...
  25. J

    Ipcam stream or snapshot

    Hi it needs the rtmp feature to work on youtube it looks like your camera does mot have this feature,
  26. J

    Recommendations for IP camera to record and live stream my bird feeder (4k, 25fps+ and less than $200)

    Hi Personally i would go for a ptz camera if it's only for watching the feathered guy's.. i'm not sure if they make a 8mp one but this is a good choice Dahua SD42212T-HN 2MP 12x Optical Zoom PTZ .. they do the same model 25 times zoom if needed. you can set it to zoom in or back out on diffrent...
  27. J

    Beehive Webcam

    Hi sounds like a good idea.. you say webcam do you really mean a cctv camera. not webcamera. if you give a bit more info about your requirments like the distance from the bee's. how high it will be will it be fixed to a wall or undernath a soffit of some discriptsion. do you want to view...
  28. J

    Hunter Heron protects territory.

    I think i know what he is looking for and it's not fish,,
  29. J

    Sparks fly! Dangerous driver.

    Thats me getting away from them snakes lol..never a patrol car around when you need one,
  30. J

    dahua hdbw4431r-zs Replacement Dome from Other Brand/Same Form Factor

    1s they a big diffrence between the IPC-HDBW2431R-ZS and the IPC-HDBW2431RP-ZS model i can't find a data sheet for the RP model,