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  1. S

    Cannot use SMTP on my Dahua IPC-HDBW4331R-as

    Have you gone into your google account and allowed third party apps? Google blocks SMTP by default. Google or search on this forum is your friend.
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    PTZ Audio Passive Mic

    What happens if you tick the boxes for "Main Stream" and "Sub Stream"?
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    Dahua AutoTracking Demos

    @AgentMIB Cheers. Familiar with Appendix 7 and implementation. I have relied upon the British Standard EN/IEC 62305 used the rolling sphere method and have still lost too much meteorological gear due to the vicious nature of lightning at this latitude. Since fibre install, haven't lost a...
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    Dahua AutoTracking Demos

    Sorry, can't help with the calculations but being on the opposite side of the Malay Archipelago with similar environmental conditions, just wondering about lightning? Since I moved to internet over fibre, I haven't lost a thing due to direct or in direct strikes. I am interested in pole/tower...
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    Dahua Starlight Fixed Lens Turret (IPC-HDW4231EM-AS)

    Curious about how fast these and the vari-focals, change from night mode to colour mode when a sensor light is activated? Will be able to test the vari-focals later in the week. However if the response time is similar will order 4 to 6 of these for locations that I already know focal lengths...
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    Giving bad people good ideas?

    Hey, Northern Mexicans, sucks to be you.
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    Giving bad people good ideas?

    There is a distinct advantage of deploying CCTV in countries where the locals don't realise that a hat/ hoodie / or T-shirt can defeat our systems.
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    Giving bad people good ideas?

    OK Alarms and locks are tertiary security. I make no assumptions regarding security. Assume the worst, hope for the best. The biggest assumption is that I am in "whitelandia". Check my IP and you will see that I am usually in the third world and have had to go hand to hand with a burglar in...
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    Giving bad people good ideas?

    Your forum, your rules. There are/were some great people here with holistic approaches to security. Would like to see more of it.
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    Giving bad people good ideas?

    This is an enthusiast forum for low budget IPTV solutions. If IPTV is your first line of defense you are doing it wrong. In another thread someone raised a National Security agency as an example. Guess what, any secure facility has multiple lines of defense before an intruder is even a pixel...
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    Not Mine - Boost Mobile store Armed Robbery Paterson NJ

    You do know there is another option. Clean up where you live. Most people are good (not necessarily smart) and want safety for themselves and their loved ones. A society working together can do remarkable things. Just look at gun control in Australia or social justice in Canada or New Zealand...
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    Not Mine - Boost Mobile store Armed Robbery Paterson NJ

    However, consumers the world over now have airbags installed because back in the 1970s in a land of the free people had a right to not wear seatbelts and were killing themselves at record rates because they wouldn't adapt to world best practice of 3 point safety belts. Unfortunately the land of...
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    Not Mine - Boost Mobile store Armed Robbery Paterson NJ

    If you live in a place where "citizens" feel the need to carry weapons, I suggest finding somewhere nicer to live.
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    Not Mine - Boost Mobile store Armed Robbery Paterson NJ

    Why guns? The baddies got nothing and nobody was hurt. Good outcome in my books.
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    Not Mine - Boost Mobile store Armed Robbery Paterson NJ

    Like the install behind the old/dummy cam. I would normally remove old gear, without thinking twice. Maybe where aesthetics are not an issue, might give this a go. Is the camera in a passage/hall orientation?
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    Pokemon Go

    Take Google street view and refine it to a whole new level of intrusiveness. Multiple data points in order to create a self refining dataset. I pity the facility/security managers who are now a virtual gym. A terrorists dream come true.
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    Shots Fired

    Don't worry about them, they will all be too busy playing Pokemon Go. Take Google Street view and refine it to a whole new level of accuracy. Will stop crapping on here and may take this to general chit-chat.
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    Shots Fired

    Right you are! Thanks. I was too busy looking at the vehicles. Very early to have sprinklers on though, just before sunrise is most water efficient.
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    Shots Fired

    No danger whatsoever, if you set your network up correctly and I am damn certain that Nayr has this covered. Would quite happily post my public IP address on the forum knowing full well that my network will not be compromised. DDOS could make the connection wonky and cause my ISP some grief but...
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    Shots Fired

    G'day Nayr, You are as cool as ever. Would have thought the recreational pot in CO would have chilled everyone the fuck out. Glad you and yours are safe. Wondering if you have set your OpenSprinkler (Beagle IIRC) to react to acoustic triggers? Cheers
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    Need pin diagram for Dahua ipc-hfw4300s 3mp

    Re: Cut the cable from the camera ! Dahua IPC-HFW4300S 3Mpx What does the other end of the cut cable look like?
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    Panarama of the valley I live in with the HUISUN V2 PTZ

    I think the house at the 7 minute mark has the right idea. Plenty of trees and beautiful ones too. How does the rest of your security system compare?
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    Surge protection for POE

    For lack of responses (and I am very interested too) and so these reference documents are linked here: First one is for interested professionals, the second goes into the fine...
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    Audio out to speakers

    I should of mentioned that placement can be used to your advantage. People invariably look to where the sound is coming from. Get them to turn towards a camera. Probably obvious to many but worth mentioning.
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    Audio out to speakers

    Mate, you are going to need a power supply. Altronics have a really small range of Kemo amplifiers these days. There is jaycar and they may carry Kemo gear too. The power supply depends on the amplifier module you choose. I think most of the Kemo amps will work on 6-16V DC but some will be...
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    Audio out to speakers

    G'day Mate, I use Kemo amplifiers. German made, cheap as chips, environmentally sealed and come in big range of power levels. I use them to run small polymer cone speakers, think boat speakers but minus the premium you pay for anything made for boats. I don't buy from amazon but easiest link...
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    Long time ago but I captured a coyote attack video

    Tell me if none of my business but wondering if you made any coin from that video? The reason I ask is that on YouTube it states that the video is being managed by Newsflare.
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    Dahua IPC-HFW4421D-AS Audio 4MP HD WDR Network LXIR Bullet

    That is some sexy conduit. Especially the double 45 degree joint. Can't get anything equivalent in this part of the world. Does it have a trade name or is it something you can walk into any big box mart and buy?
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    New system advice, please.

    A few questions first; Do the stables have power? Do the stables have network/internet access? Will the camera's be exposed to the elements or indoors? Are the stables lit at night? Without compromising your personal security, would you be able to provide a Google Earth/Maps satellite view of...
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    How to purchase on Aliexpress or Alibabba

    Holy shit after that PM, I thought you would have this under control. However, I am magnanimous and will endeavor to point you in the right direction. If you live in the USA, I would advise to seek out milkisbad on the forum as they will be able to supply local region specific hardware. They...