Not Mine - Boost Mobile store Armed Robbery Paterson NJ


Getting the hang of it
Sep 29, 2015

Like the install behind the old/dummy cam. I would normally remove old gear, without thinking twice. Maybe where aesthetics are not an issue, might give this a go.

Is the camera in a passage/hall orientation?
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Thats hilarious. Looks like just some random dude outside at 1:45 who caught on to what was happening inside?

Shame it seems the crooks got out the back before the cops arrived.

Looks to me like the camera is normal orientation, just running 4:3 aspect ratio.
Really shows a few things:

Good guys with guns would have helped a lot. Plenty of opportunity to dispose of the threat.

Camera placement. Nice enough to give an idea of what is happening but no way to identify someone from this view.
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Why guns?

The baddies got nothing and nobody was hurt. Good outcome in my books.
Why guns? Ask the robbers why they could not just politely ask for all the contents in the store they wished for?

Why not just bring in money and buy what you wanted and not steal what you cannot?

They will be back.

Why guns? Why rob?
Too bad there wasn't a mini dome camera at a choke point (like the door to the back or the back exit) mounted at 5'5"

Cash and accessories are the only thing in a cell phone shop that can't be tracked / disabled after a theft. I know a lot of cell phone shops have more robust security than this, like a code to open the door to the back (with duress code). Pretty slow police response for an armed robbery.
Why guns?

The baddies got nothing and nobody was hurt. Good outcome in my books.
It was luck that the store owner was not shot. No reason to take the risk. You think no one was hurt? That employee is not just going about his day after an armed robbery. Merchandise was damaged. The store lost business. We now have to pay for their incarceration. If the criminals knew that someone would fight back, this type of crap would happen less often.
yeah and having a gun can also get you killed, a former marine security guard lost his life defending a pot shop here a month or so ago.. got access the the police report a few days ago, they came in the door with guns drawn.. and with a firearm pointed at his face he instinctively put his hand on his sidearm.. and they blew his head off.

If he'd of just put his hands up and let them take his gun, he'd probably still be alive.. he already lost any chance of defending his self and made a fatal mistake..

This guy made it home alive, him carrying a firearm would not have helped this situation.. he was already at the end of a barrel before he knew what the fuck was going on.. Cellphones and Pot are not worth dying or killing for, its not the same situation as at home where my Wife and Son are entirely worth dying/killing for.
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...Good guys with guns would have helped a lot. Plenty of opportunity to dispose of the threat...

Ah yes, this is the high-noon shoot the bad guys between the eyes bullshit argument. How many gunfights has the average guy been in? Most will answer none. Those who have know the gut impulse is to wet one's pants and spray and pray...if one can resist the urge to run away. The truth is that the only way to prevent one from wetting one's pants and accidently shooting innocent people is to be combat trained and to have real bullets fired at oneself by people who want to kill you...and to experience this over and over again. If you're that person Frank, God bless and thank you for your service. If your not then fuQu for spreading the lie that all it takes is a pistol and some time at the range to successfully inject oneself into a gunfight and slay bad guys. I support of the 2nd Amendment and I've certainly got enough guns and ammo to dispatch a small zombie army when the apocalypse comes...but this argument is dangerous Hollywood fantasy bullshit for simpletons to believe.
There are MANY youtube videos where you see folks use their weapons in self defense successfully. It happens very often. Those stories are simply suppressed by the media. If you choose not to carry a firearm that your problem. Innocent folks get shot sometimes, police accidentally do it to, that does not mean you should disarm the cops.
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...It happens very often. Those stories are simply suppressed by the media...

Then we have a difference of opinion. I support gun ownership, but I don't support bullshit. Try another angle because -- IMO -- that argument stinks.
I guess it all depends on what kind of person you are. Some people will fight to defend their property or lives, some will roll over and hope for mercy. In this case it looks like the roll over tactic worked. If these guys are caught by the police, we will probably find that it isn't their first time.
I quit watching after about 20 minutes, and the police hadn't arrived yet as far as I could tell.
I will fight, but not to the death over some money or phones.. several orders of magnitude more armed robberies are committed than homicide durring armed robberies, dont be a hero when the odds are stacked so poorly in your favor and nothing in that place is worth it.

Never in my life have I pointed my gun at anyone, nor do I know anyone whom is not in LEO/Military whom has.. its an edge case I am prepared for but I am hedging that the odds are in my favor.

Then we have a difference of opinion. I support gun ownership, but I don't support bullshit. Try another angle because -- IMO -- that argument stinks.

Fenderman is right, citizens who have CCW's have used their weapons countless times to successfully defend themselves against attackers. CCW permit holders who have used their firearm to defend themselves don't always have to shoot their attacker. Sometimes the presence of the firearm is enough for the attacker to surrender or run away. you might have a different opinion, however, facts overrule opinions.

I'm not saying carrying a firearm will guarantee you a victory against an attacker, however, it gives you the means to protect your life if necessary.
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Reactions: fenderman might have a different opinion, however, facts overrule opinions...

I smell bullshit again: your statement of "facts" are -- in fact -- simply an unsupported attribution. Unless you can provide us with conclusive studies which prove your contention...your statement is nothing more than your opinion. And, while your opinion may be correct, saying that it is true does not make it true. Posting YouTube videos does not make it true. Finding other people to join in saying it is true doesn't make it true. You may not like this, but your statement is simply your opinion...much as my statement is my opinion. Presenting it as truth hurts rather then buttresses your opinion, because at that point your statement is transformed from your opinion into bullshit.
I smell bullshit again: your statement of "facts" are -- in fact -- simply an unsupported attribution. Unless you can provide us with conclusive studies which prove your contention...your statement is nothing more than your opinion. And, while your opinion may be correct, saying that it is true does not make it true. Posting YouTube videos does not make it true. Finding other people to join in saying it is true doesn't make it true. You may not like this, but your statement is simply your opinion...much as my statement is my opinion. Presenting it as truth hurts rather then buttresses your opinion, because at that point your statement is transformed from your opinion into bullshit.

* Nationwide: one-half million self-defense uses. Every year, as many as one-half million citizens defend themselves with a firearm away from home. [9] * Concealed carry laws are dropping crime rates across the country. A comprehensive national study determined in 1996 that violent crime fell after states made it legal to carry concealed firearms.

If I had more time I could probably find you more statistics.

Can you provide any statistics that show the opposite?
What? No Daily Caller attributions?
I only have a few YouTube videos rofl.gif
I smell bullshit again: your statement of "facts" are -- in fact -- simply an unsupported attribution. Unless you can provide us with conclusive studies which prove your contention...your statement is nothing more than your opinion. And, while your opinion may be correct, saying that it is true does not make it true. Posting YouTube videos does not make it true. Finding other people to join in saying it is true doesn't make it true. You may not like this, but your statement is simply your opinion...much as my statement is my opinion. Presenting it as truth hurts rather then buttresses your opinion, because at that point your statement is transformed from your opinion into bullshit.
There is no point of citing stats because you will not believe them and question their validity....Ill err on the side of the second amendment....Why dont you point us to a stat that says its NOT true. Honestly I could give a rats ass about stats...The only statistic I care about is myself and my family.