Search results

  1. CmdrBond

    HikVision Camera's without NVR/DVR

    Some will also record to micro SD. But yeah, model of camera would help to answer your query though.
  2. CmdrBond

    /!\ SOLVED /!\ DS-2CD2132F-IS - No Image in Web Browser Live View /!\ SOLVED /!\

    Hi. I have 4 Hikvision DS-2CD2132F-IS cameras connected to a DS-7108N-SN/P NVR. DS-2CD2132F-IS Firmware Version V5.2.5 build 141201 Encoding Version V5.0 build 140714 DS-7108N-SN/P Firmware Version V3.0.20 build 161126 Encoding Version V5.0 build 151229 I have recently solved the issue of...
  3. CmdrBond

    HikVision NVR "Install Plugin" & "Live View Failed" - SOLVED

    So this has been bugging me for a while, as many of you will know (and some won't), HikVison's web-based user interface requires the NPAPI plugin, which is no longer supported by many browser manufacturers. There are workarounds though. 2 of these (for Windows at least) are the IE Tab...
  4. CmdrBond

    Hikvision English language with Chinese hardware

    Funnily enough, while searching for something else, I stumbled on this last night...
  5. CmdrBond

    Sata power cable for NVR - what connector is this?

    [EDIT - I missed the second page and that you'd already found something, sorry] I found this. 15p F SATA Power Cable to HikVision DVR 4p F 3.96 Connector (Type 1): Best Price in Malaysia I believe Hik use the same style, BUT it looks like there are 2 different ways of wiring it. IF it is as...
  6. CmdrBond

    HELP Hikvision DS-7108N-SN/P cinese Bricked

    You might be able to TFTP it back to 3.0.10.... It's been a while, but check this thread. I had to that once. Quick review: Hikvision DS-7108N-SN
  7. CmdrBond

    Hikvision direct GUI vs WebUI

    Maybe a spoost question, but my NVR is in a not easily accessible location. While I can connect a monitor, keyboard and mouse to it, it's difficult. However, I can easily access it via the Web interface. Are there any features that can only be access by directly plugging in a monitor etc, or...
  8. CmdrBond

    Hikvision PoE NVR and PoE Illuminators (Or 12v)

    Further to the above, I've found that the power consumption of my camera is 5W (7W with ICR on) So question 1. Is the ICR "ON" during the day, or at night? If it's on at night, how much power do the IR LEDs draw? As 5 + 9 watts is, I think ok. But 7 + 9 Watts is pushing it.
  9. CmdrBond

    Hikvision PoE NVR and PoE Illuminators (Or 12v)

    Thanks. Looks like 12v out of the camera is a no go - not really a surprise. Having looked a little closer, only the i2 (8W IR) and w2 (9W white) are 802.3af compatible. VARIO 2 PoE The rest are AT due to power consumption. But that's ok, I only need close range... Would 9 Watts be too...
  10. CmdrBond

    Hikvision PoE NVR and PoE Illuminators (Or 12v)

    High, I have a Hikvision DS-7108-SN/P PoE NVR and 4 DS-2CD2132F-IS 2.8mm domes. I've finally got round to playing with the settings regarding night vision, and am getting terrible IR bleed. Possibly due to reflection. So bad, I've actually turned off the IR on each camera. I don't really...
  11. CmdrBond

    Attempted firmware upgrade on Hikvision DS-7608NI-I2/8P gone bad.

    There are ways. I have a tiny little network bridge router thing... As soon as I find it in going to try plugging it into a spare port on the NVR to see if that can't help. However, if your NVR supports "virtual host" (mine doesn't), it will give you a pass through address to access the...
  12. CmdrBond

    Unsupported stream view

  13. CmdrBond

    Unsupported stream view

    Yeah, I saw that reply over in your other thread. In my case they are already set to H.264 This is it, the cameras are capable of 3MP (2048*1536), but of course the 7108 is only capable 1080p. So I'm assuming that although the web browser is capable of displaying the output, the NVR itself...
  14. CmdrBond

    Unsupported stream view

    I'm getting something similar. I'm guessing it might be to do with the cameras... I was playing with mine and set them to sub stream... I'll have another look, but might not be until the weekend as I'm working late.
  15. CmdrBond

    Quick review: Hikvision DS-7108N-SN

    Is it just in multiview? If it's that obstruction in the bottom left, it looks like something is physically obstructing the lens... Depending how close to the lens it is, it could be tiny!
  16. CmdrBond

    Quick review: Hikvision DS-7108N-SN

    Thanks. I used this to upgrade my 7108N-SN/P as well... Only, trying to play around with the EZVIZ I did a factory reset... DON'T DO IT!!! It resets the box to Chinese and although you can still have English in the web view, the NVR when connected via VGA/HDMI will only show Chinese, and...
  17. CmdrBond

    Attempted firmware upgrade on Hikvision DS-7608NI-I2/8P gone bad.

    I believe the WDR settings, &c. are only available on the cameras own pages. See the sticky "Hitting cameras web pages with a laptop in an NVR with POE" at the top of the "NVR's, DVR's & Computers" parent forum, for ways to access the cameras directly (assuming you can't setup a virtual host).
  18. CmdrBond

    DS-7108N-SN/P V3.0.10, Build 141201 - should I upgrade?

    Ok. I've taken the plunge and updated the firmware on the NVR to 3.0.20. This is where I got the firmware from: Quick review: Hikvision DS-7108N-SN The reason for the upgrade was to try and be able to see if it supported Hik-Connect or Virtual Host, seeing as HiDDNS support has been...
  19. CmdrBond

    DS-7108N-SN/P V3.0.10, Build 141201 - should I upgrade?

    HV's own Press Bulletin... September 22, 2015 - Upcoming Changes Due to Chrome Browser Update in September 2015 Your right, they're different... Label has much Chinese on it and the following: 03 2015 DS-2CD2132F-IS 2.8mm 12V 5W MAX / PoE (802.3af) 510286476 GYKZGI V2.5.8_141231 62 Q/BFW...
  20. CmdrBond

    DS-7108N-SN/P V3.0.10, Build 141201 - should I upgrade?

    OK, no responses so far.. maybe I didn't provide enough information... I've finally got everything connected up and working, although not in the final install locations. Unfortunately my firmware appears to require NPAPI, which is no longer supported by Chrome. However, newer firmware...
  21. CmdrBond

    DS-7108N-SN/P V3.0.10, Build 141201 - should I upgrade?

    DS-7108N-SN/P V3.0.10, Build 141201 V5.0, Build 141127 I have the above NVR, should I upgrade the firmware? I'm aware there are much newer versions available, but I'm mindful that the product code is not for the international version, and I don't want to end up bricking it. I haven't...
  22. CmdrBond

    Hikvision DS-7116NI-SN/P SATA Power Cable missing

    I purchased off of eBay over a year ago, but am only just getting round to seeing it all up. Good news is that I had misplaced the cables, they were buried in the bottom of another box #Doh
  23. CmdrBond

    Hikvision DS-7116NI-SN/P SATA Power Cable missing

    Did you ever get this sorted. I've either lost the cables, or they weren't in my box, for my 7108
  24. CmdrBond

    Missing screws from Hikvision mount.

    Anyone know what size screws are used to attach the cameras to the Hikvision DS-1272ZJ-110B wall mounts with junction box. Only I'm missing a couple.
  25. CmdrBond

    PoE lighting - compatible with Hikvision NVR?

    My apologies - I was focusing on the NVR. I get it now.
  26. CmdrBond

    PoE lighting - compatible with Hikvision NVR?

    I'm not being lazy. The light's are quite clear they require Mode B. I cannot find anything in any documentation I have or have found online that says more than the DS-7108N-SN/P is compliant with 802.3af, and that standard supports both Mode A and Mode B, but not all devices that support that...
  27. CmdrBond

    PoE lighting - compatible with Hikvision NVR?

    I'm so sorry to be wasting your time with such mundane questions. Obviously checking the specifications never occurred to me! #sarcasm I've done my best to find out, and all I can come up with is that the lights require 48v Mode B poe, and the NVR states POE Interface: | 8 independent 10 /100...
  28. CmdrBond

    PoE lighting - compatible with Hikvision NVR?

    So it won't work solely of the power of the PoE switch in the NVR then?
  29. CmdrBond

    PoE lighting - compatible with Hikvision NVR?

    I've just found these Wifi Texas PoE 8w LED floodlights. Would they be compatible with the PoE switched built into the Hikvision NVR's They're a good price (1/10th of all other PoE illuminators I've seen) and have a pass through for the camera so don't take up a port or need an additional cable.
  30. CmdrBond

    Hikvision NVR and Cams, record to NVR *and* SD?

    Thanks, I'll look at that. Now just to work out if I can get them to record independently of the NVR. I need to know before I shell out on some high endurance SD cards as I'll be installing the cameras in difficult to access locations.