Search results

  1. C

    PTZ Search back function

    Hello, I have one PTZ camera that is set to change presets depending on inside/outside geofence. The camera will change on exit to preset 2 but then immediately change back to preset one, then immediately go back to preset two which is were it is suppose to be. Camera works fine when entering...
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    Geofence problems with I Phone 16

    I am having trouble with geofence not working when I leave home. I Have had BI for several years without any major problems. I have a check in the enable box under the Mobile device tab geofence. I have checked the phone number and I do get alerts. I have check the phone to see if the BI app...
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    Two cameras disappearing from BI Console mail layout

    I have a total of 7 cameras on my Blue Iris setup. I had two cameras just disappeared from the main console but they are in the web UI. I found them the second computer screen and drug them back to display one. Problem is after I click on the camera layout, and get them set up, they disappear...
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    What is the symbol between the lighten bolt and question mark at the bottom of the app mean

    What does the symbol at the bottom of the app between the lighten bolt and question mark mean. I have been getting as many as 2500 alerts to this a day on the app but I can't find any problems under the status symbol in the main console. Need suggestion on how to fix this.
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    Need help setting preset in a Cloned PTZ camera

    I have a PTZ camera looking straight at the gate on my driveway. When a vehicle approaches they are driving straight toward the camera. I would like to set the camera up so if a vehicle comes through the gate, the camera will run a routine and change the presets. I know BI has added tracking...
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    BVR Files not showing up on blue iris console

    I have two cameras that the videos are not showing up on the BI console but they do show up on my Iphone, ipad, and in the BI Web UI. I have also noticed that the videos are very long and don't appear to be cutting the videos. I checked all the settings of these two camera with ones that are...
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    Where are the active during profile button?

    The active during profile section used to be on the camera setting under the "General" Tab. What happened to them? I cant seem to find that. I have a profile set up for "Outside". I want to set certain cameras to be in-active during this profile. How do you do that now?
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    Clone Camera and Preset

    Hello, I have a PTZ camera that is looking at the gate to my property. When a vehicle passes through the gate coming into the property, the camera is triggered. I have a routine that it runs in which the camera changes presets to basically follow the vehicle down the driveway to the house...
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    POE Question

    I just replaced a camera and 300' feet of ethernet wire due to a lightening strike. I replaced the old camera with a Amcrest IP4M-T1044E. I replaced the wire with a shielded Cat6 underground wire. The ethernet cable tested fine after install. Checked it with a ethernet wire tester, however...
  10. C

    PTZ Camera not responding to preset when another camera is activated.

    I have a amcrest PTZ camera that is not responding to presets when other cameras have detected motion. The PTZ is set to turn toward which ever camera has detected motion but it has suddenly stopped. When you go to camera properties, select alert, and run a test, nothing happens. I can...
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    Amcrest IP8m-T2499E Pin out Question

    I have a Amcrest IP8M-T2499E camera. It is powered by POE on a underground rated ethernet wire. I had a lighten strike that took out the switch that was powering the camera. After testing the ethernet cable I have found out that the Green/White wire is open and the camera will not work. My...
  12. C

    Video's playing backwards on blue iris app on Iphone 14

    I have four blue iris systems that I monitor on my iPhone 14. When I check and review the video's, they play backwards. The blue iris web as well as my ipad all operate correctly. Is there some kind of setting on the phone that would correct this?
  13. C

    Problem with PTZ settings in BI

    I have several outside cameras that are stationary. I have one that is a PTZ camera. I have each camera programmed to send a command to the PTZ camera when they are triggered. When a trigger occurs, the PTZ will change presets and look in the general area of the activated camera. I can run a...
  14. C

    Blue Iris not finding camera main or sub stream in network config

    Hello, I have a Amcrest PTZ camera that I can't get the settings pulled down to Blue Iris. Sub stream is enabled in the camera settings but I can not change resolution to anything higher than 2560X1440. The preset are set in the camera setting and they work fine. The video of the camera is...
  15. C

    VLANS over point to point bridge

    I have a PTP bridge set up between my house and pump house. In the pump house is a ubiquiti managed switch. It has two POE cameras and a AP connected to it. I tagged ports 2 and 3 with VLAN 40 which is my camera network. Dash board shows those ports tagged in the Camera network but the...
  16. C

    Sub-stream and "Get Events" Problem with Blue Iris

    I have been having some issues with a Amcrest PTZ camera in the BI 5 Version. Camera is not pulling down settings from the Camera Gui such as the presets, the main stream, and sub stream. I have uninstalled and re-installed the camera several times. I have been able to get the presets working...
  17. C

    Unable to pull down PTZ presets in Blue Iris 5

    I am currently running the Blue Iris, version 5, with several cameras and 1 Amcrest PTZ camera. I programmed the PTZ preset using the Amcrest Web UI. All presets work perfectly with the Amcrest web UI. The problem is when I configure the camera in BI, it is not pulling down the preset for the...
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    Blue Iris schedule help

    I have three schedules set up in blue iris. 1-Home, 2-Away, and 3-Night. I have one camera that has two presets. In schedule 1 its set to preset 1. In schedule two, set to preset 2. I want it to remain on preset 1 when I am at home and got to preset 2 when I am away. Schedule 3 runs from...
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    Can't get to blue iris web ui and not seeing cameras on ophone

    I have blue iris running in two separate locations. In one location I could not get into the app on one of my tablets but I could on the other one and my phone. At the second location we cannot log into the mobile app or the web UI. I uninstalled the server from my tablet several times and...
  20. C

    Active Profile changes

    Where in the camera settings can you change active profile for each camera. I thought it was under the "General" tab for each camera. I am trying to set two cameras to be inactive during a certain profile, Off when home, On when away. Can't figure out where it moved to.
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    Strange Problem after lightening strike

    Had a bad lightening strike a week or so ago and it tripped out a battery backup/surge protector. The surge protector reset but unfortunately it took out a ethernet switch. I have replaced the POE switch and I can log into the camera (Amcrest) thru the Amcrest UI setup page. The problem is...
  22. C

    Schedule/Profile set up

    I am trying to set up blue iris so that it does not record and send out alerts during certain hours of the day. But I also want the video stream to be visible online during these times. It seems like I have seen a "continue to stream" check box somewhere but I cant find it now. Would...
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    Blue iris evaluation version

    I am currently running BI (06/28/2023). Renewed my yearly support plan back in February. Now all of a sudden I see "Blue Iris Evaluation Version" on all cameras and it says my subscription expired on 02/02/23. I see some older post about this from back in 2019. Has anyone else had...
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    Unable to access BI from IPhone

    Have not been able to access my cousins BI from my IPhone or his, in the past several days. Have Amcrest cameras and I have checked the P2P settings on all cameras. I can access them from the server computer by entering the IP address and logging into the cameras. I have double checked the...
  25. C

    Issue with camera preset on profile change.

    I have one camera set to change preset from 1 to 2 upon the away profile which is triggered when I am outside the geofence. The camera moves to preset 2 but will not hold. After about 5-10 seconds, it returns to preset 1 even though the schedules shows away (Outside Geofence). Any Ideas what...
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    Blue Iris, Zerotier, and Geofencing

    Hello, I just recently install Zero Tier as suggested by IPCam and it seems to be working great. I can view my cameras from outside the lan, most of the time without issue. At times though the apps appear to be turning themselves off on their on. The only real issue I am having is that...
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    Hello, I just switched over to fiber optics for internet and my ISP does not provide static IP addresses. I know BI suggest using NGROK but I currently use Zero Tier to connect to the BI server from outside the geofence. I have my IPhone geofence set up using my current location, not server...
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    Blue Iris connection problem

    I have had a blue iris system for several years using AT&T as my ISP with speeds less than 20 mps. Recently got fiber optics thru Point Broad Band, 300 Mps which is great. Only problem is they do not offer a static IP address in my area so now blue iris is not going out to the web. I had a...
  29. C

    How to remove account from IPhone

    I recently purchased a new Iphone and I used the bar code in the blue iris program to connect it up with BI. Now I have two BI accounts on my BI app on the phone. When you click on the house in the BI App on the phone, I have two of the same thing. Need to get rid of one of them. How do you...
  30. C

    Trouble with action sets on PTL camera not responding.

    Hello, I am having problems with a PTZ camera that is not responding to action sets. I have one PTZ camera that is set to back-up other cameras when they are triggered. I Have several cameras and most all are set so when they are triggered, the PTZ will turn and in the direction of the camera...