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  1. Buttan Butt

    DC 24V power connector for a DH-SD5A445XA-HNR

    Hi everyone! I'm preparing a power cable for a DH-SD5A445XA-HNR camera that’s currently installed in a remote location. Previously, I powered it via PoE, but that's no longer an option. I’ve confirmed that the camera requires a 24V DC power supply, but I’m unsure how to connect the power cable...
  2. Buttan Butt

    Can't find settings for VLAN on my Dahua Cameras

    Today I realized there is no setting for VLAN ID on my Dahua Cameras. I guess I will have to use an untagged port on my switch then. Also there is no dual IP stack.
  3. Buttan Butt

    It's hard trying to be pissed off right now ...

    It's hard trying to be pissed off right now, wouldn't you agree? Great surveillance Covid is in retreat Spring has arrived (Sorry for that guys down under) ETH and BTC is doing great GF is happy The mirror still shows a fair picture Red wine tastes good EDIT, reason: added photo
  4. Buttan Butt

    Various arguments in favour of and against running DeepStack on a separate host

    Hi there! I haven't really seen any discussion about the pros and cons of running DeepStack locally (same host as BI runs at) vs running it on a different host in the LAN. Currently I'm running DeepStack locally but I'm tempted to set it up on a different host as a Docker image. The reason is...
  5. Buttan Butt

    Choosing Dahua firmware from a list of firmwares with no further explanation

    Hi guys.... Sometimes you will find yourself having to choose between different things in life. That can be a challenge but even harder if you don't know what each option means. Would you like to have "lkjh" or a "kjhlkjuy" ??! Today I was just looking for a new firmware for my...
  6. Buttan Butt

    Dahua IPC-HDW5231R-Z refuses B/W mode in night profile due to partially lit up image

    Hello forum members! I have a couple of IPC-HDW5231R-Z with firmware version V2.800.0000016.0.R, Build Date: 2020-06-05 I have set them up to use Day/Night in profile management. The problem is, when I activate the usage of "Day/Night" (instead of a general or a full time profile) the Mode...
  7. Buttan Butt

    Some Dahua Camera settings don't persist after reboot

    Hi there! I post this information here in case someone else is experiencing the same problem. Who knows, with a little bit of luck maybe someone can suggest a solution. I prefer to set encoding for both the main strean AND the substream to H.265 and and I want to have the Iframe interval set to...
  8. Buttan Butt

    DeepStack fails to find any object if the triggering source is ONVIF

    Guys, I have a small problem and I just can't solve it by myself. Please tell me if you think you have any ideas how to get things working again. Blue Iris is at version Due to many changes lately I can't say at what point my problems started. Currently I'm using the Blue Iris built...
  9. Buttan Butt

    RCA HSDB2A Notification to Home Automation System

    Hello There! I just ordered a RCA HSDB2A and I'm waiting for it to arrive. I don't have an existing traditional door bell. I'm currently using a push button connected to a Z-wave device. That works great but my new Doorbell Camera will have only 2 connections that by "some magic" is used both...
  10. Buttan Butt

    Detect any kind of object using MAX Object Detector

    Hi there! I'd like to share with you that I've successfully set up a local web service API in my LAN that will detect all kind of objects in an image. It can recognizes the objects present in an image from 80 different high-level classes of objects in the COCO Dataset. You simply supply a...
  11. Buttan Butt

    I can't post due to that CAPTCHA is not working

    I wrote a long post about how I set up a local web service API that will detect all kind of objects in an image. However a pesky CAPTCHA verification comes up in my browser. (Due to that I wrote a lot of text i suppose) It's garbled and I can't complete it. In some browsers that I've tried on my...
  12. Buttan Butt

    Enable/Disable Privacy Masking using the Dahua HTTP API

    Hello there! I'm struggeling to find out if it's possible to Enable/Disable Privacy Masking by using the Dahua HTTP API. I've tried but until now, I still haven't figured out if it's possible. @nayr made a posting about Switching Dahua Day/Night Profile via IPC HTTP API that has been really...
  13. Buttan Butt

    Limit alerts to occur only when motion occurs in specific zones

    Hi! I've set up 3 non overlapping zones. I want recording whenever motion detection is triggered in any of those zones. I'd like to limit alerts to only 2 of these zones (A and B). E.g. I don't want to have an alert when motion has been triggered only in zone C. Clips are indeed created for...
  14. Buttan Butt

    The Timeline View is not easy to grasp for me ...

    Please forgive me for being such a noob but I can't seem to understand how the Timeline View works. Here is what my Timeline View looks like. I have 7 cameras set up, each with a different color. First I thought that each colored rectangle represents a recording using a specific camera and...
  15. Buttan Butt

    Playback timeline empty for a Dahua 2MP Starlight camera

    Hi there! I just bought a Dahua IPC-HDW4231EM-AS and I'm trying to set it up to store recordings on my Synology NAS using NFS. Sounds like an easy task... I've come to the point now when I have no clue how to proceed so I'm asking for some help from you more experienced guys. Recordings do...
  16. Buttan Butt

    IP cameras that don't require Windows for playback/administration

    Hi there! I have a couple of Hikvision cameras and they all come with a Web GUI that require Windows or Mac to allow their web components to run. These are necessary for playback. (Live view can utilize VLC though) I've decided to try a Dahua IPC-HDW4231EM-AS but I guess the situation is...