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  1. W

    My Dahua 5x42 S3 / T/B5xIR Related Bugs As Promised

    All, as promised, I am detailing the 10 bugs I’ve found with the current 5x42 / B/t5xIR S3 cameras below. In some cases the bug is in how the camera interacts with NVR’s looking to read its capabilities and accurately interpret the metadata from the camera. In each case, I’ve listed the issue I...
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    Checking In - WC Update

    All It’s been a while, hope everyone is doing well. I’ve been heads down working on a mix of global deployments and also a LOT of bug work, recommendations, working with Dahua etc trying to get the recent bugs and additions I’ve spoken about with NVR + S3 cams, in place. I'm pleased to see...
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    Challenge Accepted - 4K License Plate Recognition @ 85Ft with 4K S3 Camera (EmpireTech B58IR-Z4E-S3)

    All, hope everyone had a great weekend. I wanted to post this video I took using the new S3 cams (EmpireTech B58IR-Z4E-S3 4K Bullet Camera, Dahua HFW5842E-Z4E-S3) I’ve been testing. Specifically I was challenged via some forum members and YouTube viewers to push these new cameras (4K variant) to...
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    Review: EmpireTech IPC-T58IR-ZE-S3 / Dahua 5842T-ZE-S3 - 8MP / 4K Turret Camera

    Intro This is the first of 3x S3 reviews. This one will focus on the EmpireTek IPC-T58IR-ZE-S3 - 8MP S3 Turret Camera / IPC-HDW5842T-ZE-S3 Turret Camera. Unit has been provided by Andy @EMPIRETECANDY (THANK YOU !) in exchange for my fair and unbiased review. This cam is an 8MP unit with IR...
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    How about a new review, what about 2, 3, possibly 4 ?

    Hey everybody, I hope all are having a great summer, staying safe, enjoying the weather and having fun with friends and family. I’ve been heads down on a number of larger global projects while also working on FW recommendations, fixes, feature suggestions etc for Cams, NVRs & middleware. This...
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    What Ya Working on Wildcat ?

    Don't usually like to cross post but am doing here since was asked by users that frequent both forums I’ve been asked this question many times over the past 2 weeks and realized I hadn’t posted an update so since things have been crazy busy wanted to get back to posting here. So you asked for...
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    What Ya Working on Wildcat ?

    I’ve been asked this question many times over the past 2 weeks and realized I hadn’t posted an update so since things have been crazy busy wanted to get back to posting here. So you asked for an update, long one incoming, you’ve been warned :) As mentioned, it’s been a crazy busy set of weeks...
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    Post Holiday Update - A Little Long & A Little Long Overdue

    Hey all, hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving for those in the U.S. and that all of you are looking forward to taking some time with family and friends as we get closer to Christmas and the end of year holidays globally. I wanted to give a quick update on what I’ve been working on in the...
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    Keep The DM's Coming, I'm Getting There ;)

    All Just a quick update. I've been online in 'stealthy' mode to catch up on DM's and am getting through them. Glad to see people reach out and I'm hopeful that the information I'm replying with assists all in making purchases, configurations, cam operations etc better. I've also been jumping...
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    Review: Dahua 8MP / 4K 25x Starlight IR PTZ - PTZ5A4K-25X / SD5A825GA-HNR

    All, I’m back in the saddle again with another review, this time for the EmpireTech PTZ5A4K-25X / SD5A825GA-HNR. Thanks to @EMPIRETECANDY for providing the unit in return for an unbiased no holds barred review. Good to see a new 8K on the block for testing and this time one of the first to...
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    Wildcat's Status

    Wildcat’s Status All, it seems like it’s been a LOOOOOOONG time since I posted (and to be fair, it has been a lot longer than I would have liked). Unfortunately this past month has had a crazy number of storms in the area that have been pretty impactful. Tornado warnings that, luckily, while...
  12. W

    Review: IDahua DH-ITC-437-PW6M-IZ-GN / LPR-437 - ALPR/ANPR - Traffic & Access Control Camera

    Intro I’m pleased to announce we have another Traffic / Access camera to look at, the DH-ITC-437-PW6M-IZ-GN / LPR-437. You’ll recall that I reviewed its 2MP brother last year HERE. The 2MP was no slouch at ALPR/ANPR work and I’m excited to see how this 4MP variant (using the tried and true...
  13. W

    The Importance & My Recommended Usage of I-Frame, CBR vs VBR, Shutter Speed In Your Configurations

    All I've been asked about these 3 areas many times and even more so lately, so thought I would create a post (started small but you know me, I then decided I needed to add more information). Therefore with that said, I wanted to share my input, perspective and recommendations here on these...
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    Video Reviews, Tips, Comparison, Tutorials Etc. That People May Want To See in 2023

    ** NOTE - I did mention this in a topic on one of the cam reviews but posting at this higher level in case anyone else had feedback etc. As I’ve completed a ton of review, tutorial and configuration types of posts and videos this past year, I thought I would create a post (cross posted to IP...
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    Video Review, Tips, Comparison, Tutorials Etc. That People May Want To See in 2023

    As I’ve completed a ton of review, tutorial and configuration types of posts and videos this past year, I thought I would create a post (cross posted to Dahua sub-forum too due to working with a number of those cams this past year), looking for feedback on what you want to see in video's I...
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    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-PFW5849-A180-E2 - Dual Lens 180 Degree Full Color 4K (8MP Stitched) Camera

    Intro I’m pleased to announce we have another worlds first review to kick off, this time on the new Dahua DH-IPC-PFW5849-A180-E2. What’s this camera all about ? Well in a nutshell, take 2 x 5442T’s, squeeze them together, apply splicing algorithms and end up with a stitched 8MP (4096 x 1800...
  17. W

    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-HDW5849H-ASE-LED / IPC-Color4K-T - 2.8mm Turret

    Ok, who's ready for not only a review BUT another World's First Review ? You heard it here first, new camera in hands and almost ready to review. Thanks as always goes to Andy (@EMPIRETECANDY) for providing this camera in exchange for a fair, honest, non biased, no holds barred review. I’ve...
  18. W

    Review: Dahua DH-IPC-MFW7442K1-Z4-T40 - Dual Sensor (4MP + 4MP) Bullet Camera

    Hope all of you are doing well ! Intro Its time to do another review and this time (as you may have seen in my Coming Soon video), we have 2 of them. Both of these cams are from the same MFW-7x42K1 family and feature dual sensors. I have the 7442 (4MP) and 7842 (8MP) versions of these cams...
  19. W

    New Reviews Coming Soon - MFW-7x42K1

    Hope everyone is doing well ! Glad to say that some new HW is in in hand and almost ready to start reviewing. Big thanks to @EMPIRETECANDY for providing in exchange for a no holds barred review. Awaiting new FW as there were a number of day 0 bugs I reported that have delayed the reviews...
  20. W

    Dahua DB6I / EmpireTec Model DB5X - 5MP Doorbell Initial Unboxing / Findings / Tips & Tricks / Comparison Video

    How about something a little different. This doorbell arrived today so thought why not do a quick unboxing here. Video Link Below - Remember To Watch In YouTube And Select 4K
  21. W

    Dahua Quick Swap Your Cameras Using PFA-121 & PFA-122 Junction Box & Associated Face Plates - Tip

    All I’ve mentioned the great use case of the Dahua PFA Junction boxes and their interchangeable face plates many times but as I’m always asked for more details, I thought I would put together a quick video for anyone that is interested. In short, by using the methods I show in the video, if...
  22. W

    Review: Dahua DH-IPC-HFW5842E-ZE-S2 - 8MP / 4K Vari-Focal Bullet Cam

    Before I get started, I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday season and a Happy New Year to you all ! Time for my first review of 2022 and there will be many more to come. I’ve decided to try and provide a higher production quality on the video’s I put together for you so will be focusing...
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    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-HFW5449T1-ZE-LED / IPC-Color4M - 4MP Full Color At Night Vari-Focal Bullet Cam

    Intro Just before the holidays and another Worlds First review coming your way. This time I am taking the new Dahua DH-HFW5449T1-ZE-LED / IPC-Color4M (@EMPIRETECANDY model number) for a spin. I’ll be putting this full color 4MP camera through its paces and pitting it against its bigger brother...
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    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-HDW5842T-ZE-S2 / IPC-T5842T-ZE - 8MP / 4K Vari-Focal Turret

    Intro I’m pleased to announce we have another worlds first review to kick off, this time on the new IPC-T5842T-ZE (@EMPIRETECANDY / Andy’s model number). This camera picks up where the 5831 left off and is a natural, potential step up from those already utilizing the legendary 5442. Lets jump...
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    Worlds First Review - Dahua DH-IPC-HFW5449T1-ASE+D2 - Dual Lens Full Color 2.0

    Intro I’m pleased to announce we have another worlds first review to kick off, this time on the new HFW5449T1. So whats better than 1 camera (lens), well 2 of course. This camera makes some bold claims of Full Color regardless of low light environments utilizing 2 lenses. Lets jump into it but...
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    Worlds First Review - Dahua - IPC-Color4K-X / DH-IPC-HFW5849T1-ASE-LED - Full Color 4K Camera

    Intro I’m excited to be doing another Worlds First Review. this time as I mentioned in the full color thread, I’ve been testing the new Dahua full color 4K camera. This was provided courtesy of @EMPIRETECANDY for a fair, honest, no holds barred, unbiased review. I’ll attempt to answer any and...
  27. W

    Link to Review: Dahua ITC237-PW6M-IRLZF1050-B - ANPR, Traffic & Access Control Camera - Updated With Video

    All I didn't want to cross post but as this audience may be interested in a review I am currently working on for the Dahua ITC237-PW6M-IRLZF1050-B I thought I would post a link HERE back to it in case you want to follow along as I update this one. WC
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    Review: IPC-LPR237B-IR / Equivalent of Dahua ITC237-PW6M-IRLZF1050-B - ANPR, Traffic & Access Control Camera

    Who’s up for a new review ? YES ? Ok, lets jump into traffic cams and dedicated ANPR. @EMPIRETECANDY Amazon link HERE Quick Update: @EMPIRETECANDY model of this camera which you should use if ordering from him is IPC-LPR237B-IR. Intro This is a review of the Dahua ITC237 ANPR, traffic and...
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    Worlds First Review - Dahua IPC-HFW8442-Z4-D47-LI - Dual Sensor Micro PTZ Bullet

    Intro You heard it right, this is the worlds first review (I checked) of this brand new (barely left development) monster camera the Dahua IPC-HFW8442-Z4-D47-LI - Dual Sensor Micro PTZ Bullet. Thanks as always to @EMPIRETECANDY for providing this unit in exchange for a fair, honest, unbiased...
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    Review: Dahua IPC-HFW71242H-Z - 12MP WizMind AI Bullet Cam

    Review - Dahua Wizmind IPC-HFW71242H-Z All Thanks to Andy (@EMPIRETECANDY) we have a new beast of an AI cam to test in exchange for a fair and honest review. This camera supports ANPR, Video Metadata along with regular Object Filtering (within Deep IVS), Face Detection (No Face Recognition...