Search results

  1. E

    Am I doing this wrong?

    Honestly I feel I'm the same way. I enjoy playing with the tech and my day job is in the computer world working in AWS, O365, and VMware etc. I've always done side gigs working on PCs and servers for small businesses here and there and was all done word of mouth. This first camera install gig...
  2. E

    Am I doing this wrong?

    Just got off the phone with the Commercial building inspector for the city. He has confirmed I'm perfectly fine as there are zero requirements for permits or licenses for installing low voltage cable. I feel 100% better as I was really worried about it last night after reading the comments...
  3. E

    Am I doing this wrong?

    well I don't feel so worried now after doing some research. per US States Security Licensing Guide
  4. E

    Am I doing this wrong?

    Well this is unfortunate, I guess I should stop while I'm ahead and not mess with the two retail stores then. I do have an LLC as my work is typically on the computer side of things for small businesses and residential - security cameras are new. For the job that has been done already, the old...
  5. E

    Am I doing this wrong?

    So I setup a camera system for a buddy of mine as a favor for him. I made a whopping $400 for running a dozen IP cameras at his restaurant with drop ceiling. Nothing super fancy. Well now a retail store in his shopping center wants me to do a camera install for them. 16 cameras total for this...
  6. E

    UNV NVR camera network

    I recently bought a UNV NVR for my home and 8 UNV IP cameras. The UNV NVR is putting the cameras on the network. My main home network however uses network. Is there any reason to put the cameras on the same network or would leaving them on an entirely different network...
  7. E

    Camera system for small restaurant

    Thanks @looney2ns
  8. E

    Camera system for small restaurant

    @mat200 or @looney2ns - do you guys have a couple places in mind where you'd suggest buying from? Nellys Security?
  9. E

    Camera system for small restaurant

    I actually paid him a visit today and we did just that. He's wanting to cover both the front and back doors, the kitchen and serving areas, and the bar, cashier station, and the dining area. The purpose mostly is in the event their is a robbery or theft (thus the cashier station being covered)...
  10. E

    Camera system for small restaurant

    A good friend of mine is looking to upgrade their very old 6 camera system and would like to have around 12-14 camera's total after this new "upgrade". I'm looking for suggestions on brands, and places to buy (complete packages would be nice). I'm familiar with running network cable (IT...
  11. E

    Hikvision Backdoor Exploit Demo

    HAHA - I did... I posted their video you silly person.
  12. E

    Hikvision Backdoor Exploit Demo

    Again, I'm not the creator of the video. Click the video and you get all the info you want. Enjoy! ;)
  13. E

    Hikvision Backdoor Exploit Demo

    Having issues with your admin account resetting? Check out the video demo below! I've tested this on a LTS system running the latest firmware found on their website and same exploit works. I'm not the creator of the above video, but have tested on an LTS CMIP3042W-28 using firmware version...
  14. E

    Will this network setup work?

    Thanks guys! I placed the order for a new TP-LINK TL-SG108PE PoE switch this morning and should have it in just two days. Went with this switch instead as it gave some management options such as VLAN's and trunking. 4 of the ports are PoE and I figured I could use injectors if I added even more...
  15. E

    Will this network setup work?

    Well it's been a while since I've been here but I'm back :) Right now I have my LTS LTN8708-P8 NVR in my garage and my 3 LTS CMIP3042W cameras hooked directly to it. Normally heat hasn't been much of a worry for me but this year the heat has been brutal in my area. Heat index 100-105 and while...
  16. E

    CMIP3042W-28 matrix IR not working

    Day night switch are set to auto in both places:
  17. E

    CMIP3042W-28 matrix IR not working

    So was out checking the local news website this morning and came across an article that there was reports of shots fired in my further in my neighborhood. The only access to this area by car is to drive past my house. I brought up the NVR interface to check if I was able to catch any cars coming...
  18. E

    Continuous recording not showing alerts in Playback

    That's exactly my setup as well. I'll have to hook up the NVR to a monitor again but I don't recall seeing motion alerts on the NVR either, but I could be mistaken. Point is I'd rather not have to be required to have a monitor, keyboard, and mouse hooked up to my system in order to use it when...
  19. E

    Continuous recording not showing alerts in Playback

    Ouch! That's going to be a problem. I guess back to the drawing board then. Thanks for the quick reply!
  20. E

    Continuous recording not showing alerts in Playback

    So I have my NVR (LTN8708-P8) set to record continuously 24/7 and also have "Enable Motion Detection" and "Enable Dynamic Analysis for Motion" checked. However when I view my playback history, it only shows the blue continuous bar and shows me no signs of motion/alarms. What am I doing wrong?
  21. E

    Is this as good as it gets?

    I have not but will try it out. Currently set to Auto. I'll see if anything can be gained by setting a schedule. I haven't tried walking in front of it, just been sitting here watching the live feed and watching cars go by. Haha, that's certainly a good point. ;) Okay, I knew I wasn't...
  22. E

    Is this as good as it gets?

    So I've made the suggested changes... 2688x1520 resolution, 8192 bitrate, video quality "highest" and now here is a night shot capture.
  23. E

    Is this as good as it gets?

    I'm guessing setting the resolution to 1920x1080p downgrades the quality from 4MP to 2MP? If that's the case then I certainly didn't realize that. I could have sworn in one of the dozens of threads I've read here so far that someone had suggested settings the cameras to 1080p. I'll try cranking...
  24. E

    Is this as good as it gets?

    So the LTS LTN8708-P8 NVR and my LTS CMIP3042W turret cameras have been delivered and installed over the weekend and so far so good. I have a few things I still need to do, such as tidy up the cables coming into the NVR as well as run another CAT6 cable. That said I'm looking at the video feed...
  25. E

    2MP vs 4MP?

    My cameras (4MP) and NVR (also hikvision) are due to be delivered tomorrow, I'll let you know then.
  26. E

    Looking for camera layout feedback.

    Just to update, I have made a purchase for an 8 channel NVR, 3TB WD purple drive, and a handful of 4.1MP turret 120db WDR hikvision cameras. Looks like it'll all be here tomorrow.
  27. E

    2MP vs 4MP?

    Well being there wasn't a huge difference in price I just went ahead and said the heck with it and bought some 4.1MP turrets.
  28. E

    2MP vs 4MP?

    Someone mentioned on this forum that the 2.1 and 4.1MP 120db WDR cameras would provide the same quality of picture... is this true and why wouldn't the 4MP provide a much better video?
  29. E

    IPCT Members Only Promo!

    Registered and awaiting reply. ;)
  30. E

    Looking for camera layout feedback.

    Thanks guys for all the replies it gives me a good idea now on how I should set this up. I don't recall seeing 6mm LTS camera's but will look again. My goal is not so much the intersection just seeing who comes and goes from the neighborhood. If I can get a clear view of cars that go by the...