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  1. B

    Has anyone found a solution to reading .264 files in Windows 7 or 10?

    with MS, one machine possibly but not 2 machines
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    Has anyone found a solution to reading .264 files in Windows 7 or 10?

    correction: I have 3 cam apps on the iPhone 2 are for different client locations ... the one I was referring to is my personal camera and the app it is using is CamHi, not IPCamViewer ... ffmeg isn't touching this file ... claims it can't find a codec genbolt is taking forever to download...
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    Has anyone found a solution to reading .264 files in Windows 7 or 10?

    The headers in these files is HXVS and HXVF first 32 bytes in these files 48 58 56 53 00 05 00 00 D0 02 00 00 01 00 00 00 48 58 56 46 12 00 00 00 AE 63 AB 2D 01 00 00 00
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    Has anyone found a solution to reading .264 files in Windows 7 or 10?

    these files play out in the IPCAMVIEWER on the iPhone ... not the iPhone generic media player itself
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    Has anyone found a solution to reading .264 files in Windows 7 or 10?

    This one noname brand IPCAM that I have had for about 10 years is storing files on its SSD ... I can play back the files using my iphone but have now pushed these files to an FTP Server running on windows 10 ... the issue is Windows Media, Real Player, VLC all refuse to play these files ... even...
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    iSpy How To Question

    Just to clarify I'm using iSpy 64 version went into the Recording Timelapse setting but not following the online Help or the settings ... the Movie options are interval but it states that it saves "a frame" to a movie file in n seconds and then it Saves every n minutes at a "frame rate"...
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    iSpy How To Question

    Currently using iSpy to periodically take a photo which is then uploaded (FTP'd) to a website ... this is being done in conjunction with an AutoHotkey script which turns on an iSpy configured Camera every 5 minutes then turns it off 30 seconds later ... the iSpy configuration waits several...
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    Circa 2012 AJ116 Wanscam IP Cam with W90N745CDG MCU: What GPIO is assigned to Alarm I/P?

    Does anyone know which GIPO on the W90 MCU may have been assigned to the Alarm I/P feature listed in the software? J11 (2 pins) missing appears to be +12 & Gnd J2 appears to be a Terminal Port +3V, Gnd, Tx, Rx No "Alm" or "Alarm" found silk-screened on the board Missing components sometimes...
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    Attempting to enable Telnet on a IPC 18 M V2.0 (Hi3516) IP Camera Board

    This is a WANSCAM HW0045 ($200+) purchased from an Aliexpress Vendor (Wanscam photo: Wanscam HW0045 HD 1080P PTZ 5X Zoom Hi3516C ONVIF X Dome P2P WiFi IP Camera - Dome IP Camera - Shenzhen Wanscam Technology Co.Ltd) This model has been discontinued ... there are a number of brands (not just...
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    Attempting to enable Telnet on a IPC 18 M V2.0 (Hi3516) IP Camera Board

    Does the unpacker that you used to create the 16MB image allow for making changes to the content and rebuild the image? I attempted to create the pkg file in Ubuntu but it doesn't create the same filesize ... so ... not sure if: the new pkg file has the entire content of the original ... OR ...
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    Attempting to enable Telnet on a IPC 18 M V2.0 (Hi3516) IP Camera Board

    Thanks for the unpacker image ... I actually was able to do the same thing in Ubuntu 16.04 using modprobe commands to mount the image as a jffs2 filesystem ... Sadly Pi Rasbian was missing something so wouldn't complete these modprobe commands The /etc/shadow file suggests there are two logins...
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    Attempting to enable Telnet on a IPC 18 M V2.0 (Hi3516) IP Camera Board

    Here is the 16MB image with plain text mac, wifi, and server credentials scrubbed
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    Attempting to enable Telnet on a IPC 18 M V2.0 (Hi3516) IP Camera Board

    Ok ... finally have an image ... used a PI python pyserial to connect to the IPC18 serial port ... then after connecting a network cable, captured the TFTP file using TFTPD64 for windows uboot claims to be version 2010.06 ... downloaded 90000852 uboot ref manual but note there are numerous...
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    Attempting to enable Telnet on a IPC 18 M V2.0 (Hi3516) IP Camera Board

    Might be overthinking the backup process ... can you confirm the concept ... the IP settings along with tftp dialog suggests this file transfer requires a wired network connection where the block of ram loaded from flash will be transferred as a file via FTP over the Network to a FTP Server...
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    Attempting to enable Telnet on a IPC 18 M V2.0 (Hi3516) IP Camera Board

    setenv bootargs mem=160M console=ttyAMA0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock2 rootfstype=jffs2 mtdparts=hi_sfc:512K(boot),2560K(kernel),13M(rootfs) init=/bin/sh single saveenv reset
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    Attempting to enable Telnet on a IPC 18 M V2.0 (Hi3516) IP Camera Board

    yes ... that was my understanding from your post ... was this supposed to be by itself?
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    Attempting to enable Telnet on a IPC 18 M V2.0 (Hi3516) IP Camera Board

    So ... init=/bin/sh single faulted out the console came to a full stop camera didn't do its startup sequences looks and feels like a linux core dump event with a full stop halt Freeing init memory: 100K /bin/sh: can't open 'single' Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init! Backtrace...
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    Attempting to enable Telnet on a IPC 18 M V2.0 (Hi3516) IP Camera Board

    Without nand and device info, is it possible to back up this device? ... some forums suggest there can be several "FILES" involved as in : Boot Loader (u-boot), Kernel (OS), Application (camera-related logic) Perhaps I should connect to this device using a unix based device instead of using...
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    Attempting to enable Telnet on a IPC 18 M V2.0 (Hi3516) IP Camera Board

    After reworking my uart interface I was able to halt and capture the following information ... the printenv shows the bootargs ... but ... no devices, nand, or usb info is available adding sh provides a root shell on "THIS" terminal or via telnet? How | when will root shell become available...
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    Attempting to enable Telnet on a IPC 18 M V2.0 (Hi3516) IP Camera Board

    The "attach files" option didn't appear to work for me so I have pasted the uboot text below U-Boot 2010.06 (May 23 2014 - 08:55:45) NAND: Special Nand id table Version 1.35 Nand ID: 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 No NAND device found!!! 0 MiB Check spi flash controller...
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    Attempting to enable Telnet on a IPC 18 M V2.0 (Hi3516) IP Camera Board

    IP Camera ($200) e/w PTZF failed (Zoom and Focus motors stopped moving) shortly after 90 days ... Seller refused to replace or refund the purchase Ultimately, I want this camera to work again ... $200 for 3 months of use is just a bit hard to take ... I have tried to get support from the...
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    Attempting to add a 3rd Party (IPCAM) camera to a 16 channel Uniview NVR

    The IPCAM has a NVC Type of UNIVIEW which led me to believe it would be able to work with a UNIVIEW NVR in ONVIF mode ... when I first add the camera the NVR shows it as connected ... but the moment I attempt to go to live view the camera drops off the list of available cameras ... I also...