Search results

  1. Swampledge

    CodeProject AI thinks a cat is a person?

    The way people dress today, even I might think that’s a person, wearing animal ears and a long, fake tail with white pants. As long as CPAI doesn’t identify me as a pig, I’m happy. As I’ve posted elsewhere, it often thinks that rabbits in our yard are birds, and I’m okay with that. I think...
  2. Swampledge

    Creating Timelapse

    Just check the box when you export
  3. Swampledge

    Creating Timelapse

    The easiest/best way might depend on how long a period of time you want to condense. It is possible to do it in the BI clip export GUI directly if you have video already captured in a .bvr file.
  4. Swampledge

    Arjun, where are ya?

    Showed this to my wife. She chuckled and said,”Now I want to see the one of all the guys who were the jocks in high school.”
  5. Swampledge

    Retirement Gift

    Congratulations on your retirement! Your work buds sure think a lot of you as evidenced by those gifts!
  6. Swampledge

    Camera newbie - Want's a cloudless setup

    My i7-6700 with 14 cameras (connected monitor not powered) plus a POE switch powering 2 of those cameras plus an old Linksys router running as an access point is using 47 watts.
  7. Swampledge

    Harley sales keep declining.....

    I rode a bagger for about 15 years, mostly commuting to work. One day there was a late work dinner. On the ride home on a dark, twisty road, I misjudged my entry speed into a turn (I actually thought I was further from that particular turn than I was) and thought I was gonna get hurt. But my MSF...
  8. Swampledge

    Camera placement, models

    I’m using a z12E to look down the road on my property that leads to the majority of my land. Chose that one after a woman we don’t know came onto our property and headed down there, then left. I wanted to be sure I could identify at about 85 ft if it happened again, and I wasn’t confident the Z4...
  9. Swampledge

    how to partially light up a yard

    If I was looking for a brighter image I could adjust it to be brighter, but then an animal running past would be more of a ghostly blur. It all depends on what you want to see. Others here are using using cameras that produce a color image with fairly low level visible light. With the IR, human...
  10. Swampledge

    how to partially light up a yard

    Here’s an example. Two coyotes passing by my chicken coop while its occupants snooze on their roosts.No lighting here at all except for the camera’s IR.
  11. Swampledge

    ipcamtalk forum software spontaneously rejecting users’ email

    I was able to successfully switch back to my iCloud email address after it had been rejected.
  12. Swampledge

    3241T-ZAS - Cat detected as a Human

    Just last night, CPAI told me that a person was spotted in my back yard. It was a cat.
  13. Swampledge

    ipcamtalk forum software spontaneously rejecting users’ email

    Posting here because there doesn’t seem to be a forum related to forum issues. About a week ago, I lost posting and attachment viewing privileges because the forum software couldn’t reach or verify (I don’t recall the exact wording of the banner) the email address that I’ve been registered with...
  14. Swampledge

    Having Issues gettting one specific camera to trigger motion

    Terminology is important. You say it “detects motion” but “never triggers.” In BI, detecting motion is a trigger; an alert follows a trigger when alert conditions are satisfied. Maybe post screenshots of your trigger and alert settings for the camera.
  15. Swampledge

    Chainsaws (Gas/Battery/Corded)???

    It all depends on how much wood you intend to cut yourself. Will you be felling trees? How large in diameter? I‘m a fan of the Stihl pro series saws. My wife loves her MS192 C rear handle saw, and it’s light way and powerful for up to 6-8” or so. Will handle larger, but the bigger stuff is dealt...
  16. Swampledge

    Giving up on PC + Blue Iris- should I try an NVR?

    Please don’t take this as pointing fingers or criticizing you, Starglow. It’s just something that I don’t understand. I am often puzzled by people who don’t seem to give a second thought to buying an NVR on the assumption that it’s software will do what they want, but are hesitant to purchase...
  17. Swampledge

    Outdoor wire recommendations for POE camera mount on remote part of house? Dumb idea?

    I did this with a camera to watch my back door. Just bought a 100 ft premade outdoor cable from Amazon, and attached it along the soffit using white zip ties and self adhesive anchors. The eaves shelter the cable from the sun and weather, and the white cable along the white soffit is not...
  18. Swampledge

    problem with BI ? or 5442 cams

    Need much more info for anyone to help you. Post up screenshots of your trigger, motion, and alerts settings dialog boxes.
  19. Swampledge

    Daylight Savings. How did everyone's cameras do?

    The net time log doesn’t record camera checks by default. You have to raise it up one level to record them. edit: go to net time settings and change logging level to verbose.
  20. Swampledge

    New BI setup, looking for recommendations..

    Because my 15 cameras are scattered across 4 buildings, I‘m using 5 TP-Link TL-SG108PE, 8 Port Gigabit PoE Switches. They’ve been very reliable, and will support VLANs if I ever get around to setting that up.
  21. Swampledge

    What motivated you to get started

    I should maybe add that the incident I described served as a model of what I wanted to “defend” against. If they were to try that today, I would have captured their license plate before they entered my property, and again where they were parked. I would also have got I’d quality photos of their...
  22. Swampledge

    What motivated you to get started

    My son had installed a couple of Nest cams at his very rural house and was pleased. So I installed a few, and thought it was cool that I could check on the outside of my house whenever I wanted to. Then I built a new workshop on my property. I was working in the building when I heard a noise...
  23. Swampledge

    Suggestion for lowest cost DIY home monitoring solution

    If you already have a capable PC that is unused, hard to see how you can do better than Blue Iris. The software price is a bargain. Your cameras will need power anyway, so POE provides that. Store the videos on your PC, and access remotely by OpenVPN or similar running on your router. As a...
  24. Swampledge

    Challenging Network Issue - Cameras going offline randomly

    It’s a long shot, but make sure there’s only one DHCP server on your network, and that your cameras have static IP addresses outside the DHCP pool. This sounds like a problem I had when my son moved in with us while building his new house, and he simply plugged his Google mesh system into my LAN.
  25. Swampledge

    Blue Iris AI & Zones

    In my previous reply, I neglected to note that many of us record main stream continuous. If you have only 4 or 5 cameras, recording continuous isn’t extremely demanding. For 2 years I recorded about 6 cameras continuous on a 2 TB disc and had about a weeks’ worth of recordings. In most cases at...
  26. Swampledge

    Blue Iris AI & Zones

    Welcome to ipcamtalk! Your post suggests that you could be helped by a better understanding of terminology. You mention multiple cameras and zones, but describe the zones as they relate to your property, rather than to the cameras. Each camera can have multiple zones, usually set up to...
  27. Swampledge

    Please need help , changed google nest to eero & no camera works on BI

    Google Nest was likely assigning IP addresses in the range and your EERO is using a different range. All your other devices don’t care what IP address is assigned to them, but the BI pc and cams do. If my guess is right, you need to reset the DHCP settings in your EERO to the range...
  28. Swampledge

    New User

    It’s not the right route. There is a difference between a trigger and an alert. A trigger means an event (such as movement) has occurred. An alert is Blue Iris alerting you that the event has satisfied some type of user defined criteria, such as a certain amount of movement, or movement within...
  29. Swampledge

    New to PoE IP Cams with Blue Iris with AI

    In the General AI Settings under “Use AI Server…” there is also a checkbox to stop/stop the AI server. Did you uncheck that?
  30. Swampledge

    My best capture

    Back in July. It was fairly early; I had just got my cup of coffee, sat in my recliner, and opened up my Ipad to see what alerts had occurred overnight. The latest one showed this young buck, and the time was “Just now.” That area is visible from a window just behind my recliner, so I turned...