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  1. T

    Saving Video Files to USB

    Ok. That did it. I have the file I need! Thank you so much for the help, I never would have figured that out. Thanks! James
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    Saving Video Files to USB

    Ok. I will give that a shot and report back...
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    Saving Video Files to USB

    When I right click it, it just let's me move it. There is no option to export. Is the export a feature on BI4, not 3 maybe?
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    Saving Video Files to USB

    That was correct. Thank you for that. I am now looking for a converter to play the .blv clip for the lawyer. It won't let me export anything in a usable format for some reason. I'll figure it out. Thanks for the help. James
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    Saving Video Files to USB

    Ok. I must be missing something obvious. The clips I want show up on the remote view, but not in that section of clips. Is there a way to show every clip? For example, I'm looking for something on the 18th. The remote view shows 100 clips that were recorded on the 18th, but the clip view on the...
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    Saving Video Files to USB

    Great. Where am I looking for the video? Thanks, James
  7. T

    Saving Video Files to USB

    Hello. I have Blue Iris version 3 and I cannot figure out how to save clips to a USB flash drive. There was some trouble in front of my house the other night and a lawyer has asked to see the video. If someone could please explain how to get him a watchable video file, we both would appreciate...
  8. T

    Using BI with TP-Link acess point

    Ok, so I transferred the wireless on the Foscams to the TP-Link. I only screwed one camera up (forgot to enter the password), and had to remove it and re load the settings. Luckily it was the easiest one to get to. No ladders required. I booted up the BI computer and it picked up the cameras...
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    Using BI with TP-Link acess point

    I am securing the Foscams to the TP-Link and securing that router so no one can get in it. The BI laptop is on the unsecured Linksys router. I don't know if I am explaining it correctly. Well, that leads to my next question. I have the cameras on the Access point using a password and they are...
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    Using BI with TP-Link acess point

    It's been open ever since I installed it around 8 years ago. It's just too slow of a router to support the cams, xBox, computers, etc. I may put a guest access on it, but I'm far enough from the neighbors, it's never been a problem. James
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    Using BI with TP-Link acess point

    Ok, I'm sitting here reading up on it. I think access point. I have the Linksys unsecured, so anyone that needs it can use it. Thanks for the response. James
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    Using BI with TP-Link acess point

    Hey guys, my last thread was deleted with the questions about the TP-Link as an access point for my Foscams. I just got it hooked up and running. I have the TP-Link connected via lan cable to my Linksys router. My question is, what should I set it up as? The goal is to have the Foscams...
  13. T

    Learning curve

    I have a couple of pole barns about 100'-150' feet out. The problem is the house is surrounded by concrete sidewalks which makes burying cable difficult. My long term goal was to have a NAS with a FTP client and just have it in a recording loop. Is that possible?
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    Learning curve

    I will check them out today. I am pretty much stuck with wireless. I have cameras in multiple buildings. For the house though, I will start looking into POE.
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    Learning curve

    Well that is a shame. Between friends and family, I have helped setup about 15 cameras. Mine have survived some nasty stuff. Being iced over for days and running on generator power, extreme heat and direct sunlight. Even a leaky down spout pouring water right into the camera. I ordered an access...
  16. T

    Learning curve

    I think it's running Win 7 Pro, but will have to check. I'm using a Foscam FI8906W. I can log into the camera directly any time, and it works fine. I also have an olderFI8905W and another FI8906W, which both work fine as well as an indoor model I can't remember. I'm using them wireless...
  17. T

    Learning curve

    Hey guys. I'm a new user with a few questions. I've been reading the instructions, so I'm hoping to not look like I want to be spoon fed. I had a question about remote use of the Blue Iris. I haven't found much on doing what I want. I have my computer pretty remotely mounted, so it's...
  18. T

    Hello all

    Just an update. I arrived at work this morning and logged in, there is a huge difference. It has actual live footage and I can play the clips on the side. Thank you very much for that help. James
  19. T

    Hello all

    Ok, that helped the speed tremendously, but it's not flawless. I plugged the laptop directly through the router and forwarded it's new address. Maybe I should switch to a different thread, but I have a flaky camera. It is rock solid when I log directly into it, but disappears after a minute on...
  20. T

    Hello all

    Thanks BP. I do have everything on WiFi. I have the cameras spread out over 2 buildings with the router mounted up high in a garage. I could connect the laptop to the router and give that a shot. I had a feeling I was keeping my router very busy with this setup. I will look at that access point...
  21. T

    Hello all

    Hey guys, from Northern Indiana here. I have a few Foscams up and running and I am looking to consolidate them into one feed to view them from. I can only run Chrome at work and unfortunately you can't consolidate with this browser. I hastily installed BI last night and got 3 of 4 cameras...