Search results

  1. O

    Axis Camera Station: Door/Window sensors?

    I'd like to find a solution that supports cameras, door access, and movement/door alarms. I know Axis Camera Station can also manage door access, but what about things like door/window sensors? I'd like to be able to trigger events based on a door/window that gets opened. Some Googling told...
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    Liberty Safes... Are They Safe? (The "Government Backdoors" Concern) : DeviantOllam

    Well, for situations like that, it's probably best to let natural selection run its course.
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    Thin touchscreen panel for wall-mounted dashboard?

    Thanks for the input! Do you happen to have a source to buy those from?
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    Thin touchscreen panel for wall-mounted dashboard?

    I currently have a 24" TV in my living room that I use to display my Home Assistant dashboard. It works okay, but it does stick out pretty far from the wall, and the TV itself is kind of thick. Plus, there's no touchscreen. Can anybody recommend a good 24"ish touchscreen panel that's...
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    Electrical components (cameras and related) inside walls/ceilings?

    I'm trying to figure out what the rules are as far as placing electrical (low voltage) components inside walls to hide them? For example, the Ubiquiti AI Theta camera has a small pinhole style camera with a "hub" that's connected via USB-C. The hub is powered with PoE. The photos on their site...
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    Liberty Safes... Are They Safe? (The "Government Backdoors" Concern) : DeviantOllam

    I'll say it's pretty messed up that Liberty gave them a backdoor without even being legally required to. I'll also say that Liberty Safes, and pretty much any RSC, would be very easy to break into. Most of the consumer, "RSC" safes are just mild sheet metal. A sawz-all could cut the top off of...
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    Axis NVRs/Clients: Software licenses: Roll-your-own-hardware?

    I own a small MSP. I mainly do networking and web development, but I'm interested in offering camera systems. I've done a few small (4-8 channels) deployments with Ubiquiti, and it seems to be fine for small business deployments, but I'd like a more "enterprise-grade" NVR system to offer. My...
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    Xeon 1225: 8x2MP: CPU Utilization?

    Why wouldn't there be any hardware acceleration? As I understand it, it is Quicksync capable.
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    Xeon 1225: 8x2MP: CPU Utilization?

    I am looking to add cameras in excess of my current NVR Capacity and need to upgrade. I am considering BI and had a few questions: 1. Anybody ever done an install with Windows Server 2012? I have a license I am not using. 2. Any idea what I would be looking at for CPU utilization with 8x 2MP...
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    Building BlueIris Box: Best CPU Bang/Buck?

    An i7 6700 for 8 cameras? Seems like a bit of overkill, does it not?
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    Building BlueIris Box: Best CPU Bang/Buck?

    So is there any benefit to using a current generation CPU? Or would I be better off just saving the money and finding a used Skylake CPU?
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    Building BlueIris Box: Best CPU Bang/Buck?

    Anybody ever use anything like a Pentium G3258?
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    Building BlueIris Box: Best CPU Bang/Buck?

    Which generation CPU will allow hardware decode for H.264? Will the skylake processors do this?
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    Building BlueIris Box: Best CPU Bang/Buck?

    I am looking to migrate from a DS-7604 to a Blue Iris box and trying to price out components. I understand that I need an Intel Quicksync capable CPU. This system will have a maximum of 8 3MP cameras for the foreseeable future. Does anybody have any input on what will provide the best bang...
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    Adding more Cameras: Need NVR

    How well does Blue Iris interface with iVMS-4500? I currently have the Hikvision DVR added as a device and remote playback works fine. Does iVMS-4500 do playback if you are using a third party storage server?
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    Adding more Cameras: Need NVR

    The Xeon was, in fact, a E3-1225. I won't be using that CPU either way, because it is currently being used in a FreeNAS box. With the E3-1225, should I have been seeing that high of CPU usage with 4x 1080p streams (using ivms-4200)?
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    Adding more Cameras: Need NVR

    I currently have 4 Hikvisions installed, and will be installing 4 more. I currently use a Hikvision DS-7604. I am thinking about going with a PC-Based solution and would like input as to what would be the best fit. I currently have a Server Chassis and PSU laying around that I could use, and...
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    Bricked 2032. Not on network

    I followed the tftp instructions, and it gets stuck on Completed file.....transmit. It will go no further than that.
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    Bricked 2032. Not on network

    I tried the tftp server. It got stock on trasmit file completed for over 30 mins. I later tried to reset (power + button for 30 seconds) a few more times. After a 4th try, the camera now shows up in SADP as I can ping it, however I cannot access the GUI. It shows software version...
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    Bricked 2032. Not on network

    I'll have to try it when I get home, but if I get ping responses, what does that mean? I still don't understand how I'm supposed to tftp it....
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    Bricked 2032. Not on network

    What does the continuous ping accomplish in this instance?
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    Bricked 2032. Not on network

    I can't find it on the network.... How would I tftp it? SADP doesn't see it, and I can't otherwise locate it by trying to telnet into the common default IP addresses.
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    Bricked 2032. Not on network

    It appears that it's in a boot loop. IR lights are cycling on/off. Something like a 15/30 second interval from what I gather.
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    ivms4500 only able to login from home network

    Do you want to do port forwarding? Or do you want to use VPN? Those are two very different things..... If all you want to do is port forward: 1. Find your IP address. (google what's my IP address). Take note of it. Depending on how often you get a new IP from your ISP, you may need to use some...
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    Bricked 2032. Not on network

    Sorry, forgot to mention that SADP does NOT work. Everything has been done over wired connection.
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    Bricked 2032. Not on network

    I've read all the recovery threads I could fine. The issue is that, even after the reset process (power+reset button for 15 seconds). I still cannot locate the device on the network. Once I can find the camera on the network I should be in business. Is there an alternate recovery method I don't...
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    Bricked 2032. Not on network

    I have a 2032 from Amazon Version 5.3.0. Tried to upgrade software through the GUI. Never was able to reconnect to the camera. Tried the reset by holding the reset button and re-applying power. The IR lights turn on, so it's getting power, but it cannot be located. I tried the default IP of...
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    iVMS-4500 Android Push Notification not working

    No thanks on Hik-Connect..
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    iVMS-4500 Android Push Notification not working

    Issues with iVMS-4500 on 2 different android phones. A Note 4 and a Galaxy S6m both Android v6. I don't receive any push notifications. iVMS 4500 and 4500HD both show push notifications as being enabled without any error messages. It works just fine on an iPhone, so I know it isn't the network...
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    Hikvision 7604: Get cameras on home LAN?

    Sorry for the double post. Now, iVMS 4200 can "see" the cameras on the network, but I am not able to stream from them, given that they are on a different subnet. How would I go about streaming the cameras live? Or, for that matter, adding the NVR as a server? When I used a Windows box as an...