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  1. wasabi

    Unable to map SMB/NFS

    no NVR, just stand alone camera on the same network.
  2. wasabi

    Anyone got Dahua camera to record to NFS share??

    Hi guys, seem like i have added NFS mapping on the IP camera but its not connecting to shared drive on my ubuntu server. could someone share with me their settings to enable NFS please ? I have done this on the camera but its not creating any files on the network... i think i did something...
  3. wasabi

    Unable to map SMB/NFS

    Hi networking gurus, need some help on this please. so i have setup omv on my network via are all my videos etc on there. working fine. I have also enabled samba on my ubuntu linux on, username/password as smb, working fine, however im having a hard...
  4. wasabi

    DAHUA NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V3.216.0000002.0.R.20181106
  5. wasabi

    5442 web login timeout and need to re-log in
  6. wasabi

    NVR5216-16P-4KS2E Latest new firmwre NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.001.0000006.0.R.210208
  7. wasabi

    Firmware update and Preset List from C6F0SoZ3N0PdL2 B8D-WIFI-5MP-5X B8DWIFI5MP5X

    V24. is the version came with my camera jsut purchased. any ideas on this and where to download ?
  8. wasabi

    Playback from app DMSS

    yeh i notice that too, Dahua work very slow to fix these issues.
  9. wasabi

    Dahua real time scrolling?

    very smooth scrolling on my end, depend on your settings using.
  10. wasabi

    Latest New NVR5xxx-4KS2 General_NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.001.0000006.1.R.210709

    V4.002.0000000.5.R, Build Date: 29-07-2022 is out too
  11. wasabi

    Missing screws for IPC-T5442

    from memory they are just standard screws you can find at your local hardware store, take a spare one and match it up. Not sure how accurate and precise I can be if I was to measure it and tell you.
  12. wasabi

    Night view from 5442

    can you adjust the Sensitivity ?
  13. wasabi

    iDMSS APP Question

    Try hard reset and re-flash firmware.
  14. wasabi

    Latest New NVR5xxx-4KS2 General_NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.001.0000006.1.R.210709 Its here too and no issues so far after the update.
  15. wasabi

    Is the 5442 series still the best?

    RAM is slightly lower for the 5442TM-AS not sure if that makes a difference.
  16. wasabi

    Reappearing DMSS push notifications

    mine is working fine,(im over in oz) could it be NTP related ?
  17. wasabi

    Latest New NVR5xxx-4KS2 General_NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.001.0000006.1.R.210709

    Does anyone know what is the work around for the playback feature to be more smooth ? i noticed it skips and sometimes just reverts back to be beginning of the motion playback. could it be codec related to the camera setup ? anyone tested with the new AI Codec ? cheers
  18. wasabi

    Latest New NVR5xxx-4KS2 General_NVR5XXX-4KS2_MultiLang_V4.001.0000006.1.R.210709

    I am having this same issue with the camera names, will install this update now and test. Edit: successfully updated DHI-NVR5208-8P-4KS2 to V4.002.0000000.2.R, Build Date: 20-01-2022 Thanks for this link
  19. wasabi

    All IP Cameras not showing on Main Stream

    try changing the resolution to 1080 or something lower
  20. wasabi

    dahua ptz record over lan to nvr

    how is the camera connected to your NVR ? is it directly via ethernet cable or is it connected to a PoE switch ? I would try to connect it directly to the back of the NVR first and re-test.
  21. wasabi

    Offsite backup. How do you do it?

    anyone had any success with ftp from the NVR ?
  22. wasabi

    5442 Versions

    is it legal to hunt those in your city and does it taste any good ?
  23. wasabi

    External Mic - SD49225XA-HNR

    iv tested many of those cheaper ones in the pass projects and its hit and miss, some of them have really bad quality resisters and chips causing sound distortion and feedback. As for the microphones from etsnm, this is all I use for professional installs, you can adjust volume range from Line...
  24. wasabi

    Advice choosing a used Dahua IP camera

    IPC-HDW5442T-ZE range have: 1/1.8” sensor ROM = 128 MB RAM = 1GB cant go wrong.
  25. wasabi

    External Mic - SD49225XA-HNR

    sorry to say this but those mics are bad. I get mine from here: features include: Adjustable high and low frequency cut off filters. Useful for reducing back ground noise.
  26. wasabi

    Having 2 way setup problems with IPC-T5541H-AS-PV camera

    i use a small kemo amplifier(google it) and have seperate speaker connected to it next to the camera so if i was to speak into it via my smart phone it would come out of the speaker next to or near the camera.
  27. wasabi

    alarm wire from IPC-B5442E-Z4E

    those are to power small relays making it NO>NC or NC>NO 2 channel In: 5mA 5V DC 1 channel Out: 300mA 12V DC
  28. wasabi

    Problem accessing camera web interface via SmartPSS 2nd NIC

    since you are login remotely, i believe port forwarding is not enabled on their end to extenal access. could be related to the router/switch. Try to get them to login on their own computer so they are on their own network and you just get them to share the screen with you say use TeamViewer or...
  29. wasabi

    Dahua firmware download link missing

    i was just checking for later releases for IPC-HDW5442T-Z Am using V2.840.0000000.10.R, Build Date: 2021-09-30 right now.