Search results

  1. CmdrBond

    DS-7208HUHI-K2, firmware 4.21.002 Password Reset Hell(p)

    A friend of mine owns a local business. He recently "sold" it, then retook ownership. The interim "owner" racked up some bad debts amongst other things, but also changed the admin password on the DVR. I'm trying to help him reset it, but so far everything has fallen flat. We can access the...
  2. CmdrBond

    Foam Lens Ring IR Seal for Domes...

    Are there any known replacement parts for these? If not, what are the best DIY options Specifically for the DS-2CD2132F-IS, but I presume they are pretty generic across all cameras utilising the same lenses.
  3. CmdrBond

    BlackVue DR900S-2CH - WiFi SSID Broadcast Bug

    Hi, back in May last year, when I got my hands on this dashcam, I noticed an issue that my phone wasn't seeing it's SSID. Much faffing around determined it is broadcasting 5GHz by default, and on a higher channel. BlackVue have, after much niggling from me (and other users after seeing my...
  4. CmdrBond

    Correct firmware upgrade for my cameras

    I have 4 DS-2CD2132F-IS cameras, I believe that they may be grey imports. They are currently on Firmware Version V5.2.5 build 141201 Encoding Version V5.0 build 140714 Their serial numbers (last parts redacted) are: DS-2CD2132F-IS20150407CCCH510xxxxxx DS-2CD2132F-IS20150407CCCH510xxxxxx...
  5. CmdrBond

    /!\ SOLVED /!\ DS-2CD2132F-IS - No Image in Web Browser Live View /!\ SOLVED /!\

    Hi. I have 4 Hikvision DS-2CD2132F-IS cameras connected to a DS-7108N-SN/P NVR. DS-2CD2132F-IS Firmware Version V5.2.5 build 141201 Encoding Version V5.0 build 140714 DS-7108N-SN/P Firmware Version V3.0.20 build 161126 Encoding Version V5.0 build 151229 I have recently solved the issue of...
  6. CmdrBond

    HikVision NVR "Install Plugin" & "Live View Failed" - SOLVED

    So this has been bugging me for a while, as many of you will know (and some won't), HikVison's web-based user interface requires the NPAPI plugin, which is no longer supported by many browser manufacturers. There are workarounds though. 2 of these (for Windows at least) are the IE Tab...
  7. CmdrBond

    Hikvision direct GUI vs WebUI

    Maybe a spoost question, but my NVR is in a not easily accessible location. While I can connect a monitor, keyboard and mouse to it, it's difficult. However, I can easily access it via the Web interface. Are there any features that can only be access by directly plugging in a monitor etc, or...
  8. CmdrBond

    Hikvision PoE NVR and PoE Illuminators (Or 12v)

    High, I have a Hikvision DS-7108-SN/P PoE NVR and 4 DS-2CD2132F-IS 2.8mm domes. I've finally got round to playing with the settings regarding night vision, and am getting terrible IR bleed. Possibly due to reflection. So bad, I've actually turned off the IR on each camera. I don't really...
  9. CmdrBond

    DS-7108N-SN/P V3.0.10, Build 141201 - should I upgrade?

    DS-7108N-SN/P V3.0.10, Build 141201 V5.0, Build 141127 I have the above NVR, should I upgrade the firmware? I'm aware there are much newer versions available, but I'm mindful that the product code is not for the international version, and I don't want to end up bricking it. I haven't...
  10. CmdrBond

    Missing screws from Hikvision mount.

    Anyone know what size screws are used to attach the cameras to the Hikvision DS-1272ZJ-110B wall mounts with junction box. Only I'm missing a couple.
  11. CmdrBond

    PoE lighting - compatible with Hikvision NVR?

    I've just found these Wifi Texas PoE 8w LED floodlights. Would they be compatible with the PoE switched built into the Hikvision NVR's They're a good price (1/10th of all other PoE illuminators I've seen) and have a pass through for the camera so don't take up a port or need an additional cable.
  12. CmdrBond

    Hikvision NVR and Cams, record to NVR *and* SD?

    I have a DS-7108N-SN/P NVR and 4 DS-2CD2132F-IS 2.8mm domes. I bought them through eBay over a year ago and am only just getting around to setting them up. I've just read the post "Hitting cameras web pages with a laptop in an NVR with POE", and was wondering... Is it possible to have the...