How can I fully utilize the ONIVF trigger information from my EmpireTech camera in Blue Iris?
So far I am quite fine with the IVS AI rules in my EmpireTech IPC-T54IR-ZE-S3. Blue Iris can receive the IVS rule trigger by ONIVF. The camera itself can do object detection for person, vehicle and...
Hello Folks! I don't want to expose Blue Iris outside of my home network. Which means picture previews on notifications on my Android phone via the Blue Iris app don't work. I also don't want to setup up something complex using MQTT and Home Assistant just for notifications. So I wrote a...
Quite possible I'm overlooking something simple, but ever since making the BI5 jump.... I can't figure out where my alerts are stored. I attached a picture of some different things I checked.
When I go to the "save" location it's empty... If I right click an alert the "file location" is grayed...
I have one HIKVISION DS-2CD234WD-I 4MP EXIR Turret Camera. Setup on Blue Iris running on an I5 with 8 gigs of ram and 4TB hard drive.
I am having a real problem with motion detection. I got 28 alerts today, but my wife walked passed the camera 3 or 4 times and it never alarmed all the...
I have had BI registered for one camera for a few weeks now. I only have one wireless Zmodo 720p camera. I started by a higher FPS rate (30fps) on both the camera and the BI software. I had many "no signal" errors. So I dropped the FPS to 15fps on both camera and BI. It worked better for a week...
Every morning around sunrise and every night around sunset I get a motion alert on my Foscam outdoor globe camera. I'm sure it has to do with the light fading at sunset and the IR coming on and the opposite in the morning. (When watching the clip it looks like a nuclear explosion has gone off...
Blue Iris running on Windows 7 platform monitoring 2-3 cameras - motion alerts active. Motion being detected and video files stored properly; however, about 50% of the e-mail alert messages have issues with the images that are included. Most of the time when there are issues, none of the...